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Everything posted by zubo

  1. I just posted a long reply which has vanished.... Sigh... All is well now... Thank you
  2. sad.... the letter looked pretty good what was the outcome???
  3. Hi all As I prepare to challenge failed FOS claims I thought I would ask if anyone has done this successfully and can share their experiences and statement of truth. FOS determined that they could not handle an Amex complaint because PPI started before the regulations started, because I ticked the PPI box with Cap1 then I needed PPI, and finally currently that a PPI form Egg (Canada Square) sent them contining neither yes or no I want PPI meant that I wanted it... Finally I would like to claim for the time I have spent putting together my claim... would this be acceptable to the court??? ANY help advice would be gratefully received, thanks
  4. Thanks dx... And sorry.. My swearing I usually manage to refrain from... It slipped out... All I now need to do is find an address eithe For the local clinical commissioning group Or preferably the continuing health care team.. Or both
  5. Hi sorry but I am not allowed to post in Data protection so team please transfer anywhere you feel appropriate. My question: My father is currently in hospital with Alhzeimer… been there six months and been assessed as eligible for full NHS funding... but the team who find care homes are messing [changed - dx] us about I think because of the costs involved (they are not allowed to do that). I have power of attorney on financial matters... I need to fully understand why they are stalling... can I issue a GDPR on behalf of my father iven my Power of Attorney?? ANY help is appreciated thanks
  6. i have complained against the ruling based upon complete lack o evidence... that was two weeks ago... heard nothing yet.... in the meantime i got a letter from a new creditor to say that Canada Square Operations had assigned the debt to them. I explained that the debt is irrecoverable and they said... oh we will send it back then.... Canada Square are [removed..behave - dx]
  7. i intend to complain to the ombudsman because they provide me no proof of either acceptance or rejection and i intend to go to court to claim my money... and i intend never to use fos again.... court only
  8. I cannot believe how useless FOS is: Investigator ruled against me because I must have accepted an online question that I wanted PPI: he sent me screenshots of questions re PPI but not my screenshots since i never seen them before. my gdpr did not contain them, my cca regulated agreement contained nothing about ppi… he says fos is not interested in cca agreement or what is in gdpr … cca is a matter for fca.. not fos disgraceful appalling service... i feel a need to complain about this investigator i have sent an email complaining about the fos guy essentially he has assumed that i saw an online form and replied i did want ppi… but he has not offered any evidence that i was offered or even accepted or declined
  9. supplementary question for dx100uk … if they do not produce any statements how do i go about getting compensation for my missold ppi which im sure i paid??? can i sue for a nominal amount? or better still... since i have evidence of the balance Lloyds transferred from the missing account to a newer account WITHOUT my permission... can i claim that balance back???
  10. well i wrote back telling them that they are obliged to retain data longer than they claim. not to waste my time and provide me with the data before they run out of time in ten days
  11. Sorry... I thought I posted in Lloyds bank subforum
  12. i have just had a letter back saying my credit card around 2001-4 is outside of banks retention period so they cannot provide the data i asked for for my sar. so i assume the ppi complaint i sent will also be declined.... shocking.... they are of course lying through their back teeth any suggestions of how i should respond???
  13. thanks dx100uk … really appreciate that!! I will press further with these... I am thinking of actually phonimg them see if I can understand what their problem is - if one....
  14. dx100uk my obsession is with time... i have a father i need to get into a care home before he dies in hospital ,,, suffering from Alzheimer … fighting an NHa system obsessed with process rather than wellbeing of my father ... I have a wife who had difficulty walking further than ten feet before her legs give way... two homes to try to stay on top of countless hospital visits... my eyes need surgery and so i am not allowed to drive... so i have little time If any of my attempts to reclaim money lead to offset than time spent is wasted and best kept to a minimum I truly am sorry about the rant but I just heard the NHS panel deferring decisions re my father... back to the point …. since Lloyds underwrote I assume both card issuers - the debt I assume belong to them.... one more point …. both new accounts were set up and balances transferred into them like balance transfers: not sure about the legality of this I would have thought I should have been given the choice of settling the balance or accepting a balance transfer. thoughts would be welcome
  15. Hi all Lloyds are a bunch of @@@@@@@@@@@ Early 2004 I had credit cards with Easymoney and Morethan … the card issuer was Lloyds In 2006 Lloyds took both over reissuing their own cards. DX100UK … can Lloyds offset any earlier PPI against the current debt? I submitted SAR on 16 May for both and received a copy of one the agreements no mention of which dated 2004 and Lloyds statements for bothe Lloyds accounts 2006 and 2007 but nothing from 2004-2006. they claim they only need to send last 6 years statements... ive sent a chaser on 21 Jube … so far nothing... I had asked you to provide full account information over 40 days ago and so far have sent me statements for one account for 2006 and 2007 despite the account starting in 2004. If I do not receive a full set of statements for both accounts by end of June I will submit a complaint to the Ombudsman and the FCA. What else can I do? thanks
  16. dx100uk thanks.... do you lodge a complaint with fos if they dont reply within 8 weeks.... and does the clock start again for a further 8 weeks if they write to you after 4 weeks saying its taking slightly longer????
  17. Sorry dx100uk. .. Can you clarify... Santander are not the oc.. . So can they offset?... Their offer asks me to specify an account to pay. .. But I really don't wish to rock the boat for the sake of 1k...
  18. Dx100uk.. I sent a letter challenging their offer with my claim they simply restated their assertion that stat int could only be claimed if the account was in credit. Obviously I always owed a balance on my credit card so it was never in credit So looks like I need to prepare for court because I think fos would agree with them and I need a restitution claim. However... I am concerned that any final settlement will be offset since there were outstanding balances on both loan and credit card... Is Santander allowed to do this?
  19. I guess the clue is in the owner.. On a completely separate tack... If I try to reclaim overlimit fees etc .. Can they be offset??
  20. Even if the debt is not acknowledged and likely to have been ofset by tax? I guess I should stop being greedy... Thanks dx100uk...
  21. Hi In 2004 I challenged nationwide about the validity of my credit card agreement I had always insisted and rebuffed various collectors.. I waited and waited but they never took me to court to challenge me So I guess by 2010 the alleged debt became stat limited Surely they cannot lay claim to missold PPI I paid them when they never proved the debt?
  22. Has anyone acted as a proxy? Dx100uk ... Thoughts?
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