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Everything posted by lisadp1970

  1. Hi I have a prepayment meter to pay my electricity as there was a large amount of money owing. The repayment is set at £7 a week but when I cycle through the settings on the meter the repayment amount per week is showing as £8.26. EDF have said it's the £7 plus vat, but surely I've already been charged VAT for the electricity I've used which is included in the outstanding debt? It seems that I'm now being charged an extra 17.5% for being in debt which surely can't be right? Any advice appreciated Lisa
  2. Hi The house is on a mortgage which I will take over when we are divorced. He wants to sign the house over to me so he has no interest in the property at all. Currently the house is worth around £200k-£210k but the outstanding mortgage amounts to £223k (not including the £18k for the charging orders) so it would make no sense in forcing a sale as there isn't even enough to pay the mortgage off! So am I right in thinking if the house and mortgage all gets signed over to me then the charging orders go back to him?, they are both solely in his name.
  3. Hi I hope someone can offer me advice regarding 2 charging orders on my home. They are for debts by my soon to be ex husband, which were placed on the house about 3 years ago and have never had anything paid towards them since. They total about £18000 and what with other finacial problems we've had over the past couple of years, our home with these orders added on is around £35000 in negative equity. Anyway my question is - my husband said when any divorce gets finalised the house and all the deeds will be signed over to me (currently a joint mortgage). Does that mean I inherit the charging orders and be lumbered with his debts meaning the possibility of ever being able to sell my house in the future so me and my three children can move on somewhere bigger, which we're desperate for more space now, is almost zero, or do the debts go back to him? Surely by rights I shouldn't be left to clear up so much of his debts, not when I'm on such a minimum income as a carer for my eldest son who is autistic and will be having to live on fresh air just to make ends meet? Any advice much appreciated Lisa
  4. Hi Thanks for all your replies, it's all been very useful. I think my next step is to fill in the forms for the EDF Trust and get them sent off a.s.a.p. I'm also going to write to EDF expressing my concerns at how I feel I've been treated and state my position and intentions to someone who might care, whether it will help or not remains to be seen! Regarding the prepayment metre, I do already have one in place for my electric and my supplier for that is EDF too. Would they be able to add the gas arrears to my electricity account? If so why on earth didn't they suggest it to me before? Thanks Lisa
  5. Thans for you reply, it's very helpful. As to the Warrant, she said a warrant has been issued for it to go to court so they could get the legal right to gain entry to switch off my supply. As of yet I haven't received any formal notice of this, so I presume I will be getting a letter with a court date to attend? Surely a magistrate wouldn't allow the supply to be cut off with young children in the house? The implications that would cause would be astronimical for my autistic son, as routine and normality is key for him to be able to get through the day. Any upheavel of having to live elsewhere if we had no hot water, heating or cooking, could set him right back, he's alreeady on very strong medication to help him cope with his anxietys and violent rages! In the meantime I'm going to apply to the EDF Trust as this woman suggested, any advice on that? Thanks Lisa
  6. Forgot to add I can't have a pre-payment metre fitted due to the piework or something?
  7. Hope someone can help me - I have a large arrears amount on my gas account with EDF (£1300) which was mainly run up due to not being able to pay bills etc when my husband was out of work a year and a half ago and we channelled all our funds etc, when we had any, into preventing our home being repossessed. I got a call from EDF back in August regarding the outstanding amount and they agreed to me paying £100 a month by Direct Debit to cover current usage and pay off the arrears. For some reason the Direct Debit wasn't set up properly and last month I got another call from them and they said they would try again. Now this morning a woman from there called me to say a warrant has been issued and unless I pay the outstanding arrears of £1300 and they can't set up a DD for me now, and it will go to court for them to get a warrant to enter my property to cut my supply off!!!! Now I have 3 children - one 5 year old who's Autistic, a 3 year old and 4 month old, what a really decent thing for them to do with the winter coming up! I've made a payment of £50 today, but she flatly refused to set up a DD and said it's out of there hands now! Surely they cannot refuse my offer to pay? My husband is working again but on a much lower salary than 2 years ago and we only just about make ends meet every month, so there is no way we can find the money to pay the whole amount. Any advice? Lisa
  8. I don't have a link it's just what I've been advised by trading standards contact staff on the few occasions I've contacted them. When I mentioned it to Currys regarding the TV they totally agreed and we had no trouble at all getting the vouchers to buy a replacement
  9. Hi We had the same problem with a 50" LG Plasma which was 18 months old, blank screen but had sound. Contacted Currys after being told about the sales of goods act by trading standards and they advised we had to arrange and pay for ourselves an engineer to come and diagnose the fault. It was the main PCB board which is not classed as a consumable, so under the sale of goods act, Currys refunded us the cost of the engineer and gave us vouchers to buy a replacement TV of the same standard. The act stipulates that 6 years is a reasonable lifespan for a TV/DVD etc so contact the retailer and go the same route as we did. Hope it works out Lisa
  10. Please please can someone advise me regarding an outstanding debt I have with EDF Electricity. Back in November I agreed to go on a pre-payment meter as I had run up a huge debt with them for £1400+. It was agreed over the phone that the pay off charge to be added to the meter would be set to £7.50 per week, as that was all I can afford. Obviously since the meter was installed this has (or so I thought) been getting paid along with the electric I've been usuing since, it's been working out to about £17 a week which I can just about afford. Anyway to my horror a short while ago I checked how much credit I had left as I earlier put a tenner on it which had to pay back some emergency credit, to see that it had almost al been used!! Decided to open the letter I got from them today, to see that as the debt is still outstanding to the same amount as back in November, they are going to be putting the pay off charge up to £28 a week, which must have been triggered when I put the credit on earlier today!!!!! I really cannot afford this, outgoings way surpass income at the moment as it is, yet these fu**ers know they have me over a barrel as I have no other choice to pay it! Now surely if the meter wasn't set correctly when it was installed that isn't my fault and is there anyway I can protest about this and get it altered? EDF aren't oopen again until after the weekend and to say I'm freaking out is an understatement, I'm going into hospital on Monday to have my 3rd child by C-section and really could do without this stress! Lisa
  11. Please please can someone advise me regarding an outstanding debt I have with EDF Electricity. Back in November I agreed to go on a pre-payment meter as I had run up a huge debt with them for £1400+. It was agreed over the phone that the pay off charge to be added to the meter would be set to £7.50 per week, as that was all I can afford. Obviously since the meter was installed this has (or so I thought) been getting paid along with the electric I've been usuing since, it's been working out to about £17 a week which I can just about afford. Anyway to my horror a short while ago I checked how much credit I had left as I earlier put a tenner on it which had to pay back some emergency credit, to see that it had almost al been used!! Decided to open the letter I got from them today, to see that as the debt is still outstanding to the same amount as back in November, they are going to be putting the pay off charge up to £28 a week, which must have been triggered when I put the credit on earlier today!!!!! I really cannot afford this, outgoings way surpass income at the moment as it is, yet these fu**ers know they have me over a barrel as I have no other choice to pay it! Now surely if the meter wasn't set correctly when it was installed that isn't my fault and is there anyway I can protest about this and get it altered? EDF aren't oopen again until after the weekend and to say I'm freaking out is an understatement, I'm going into hospital on Monday to have my 3rd child by C-section and really could do without this stress! Lisa
  12. Hi, I need to get a fine moved to my local magistrates court so I can go and do a Stat Dec, how do I go about this please kind people?
  13. so £291 in bailiffs fees eh? well that is illegal for a start, all they can charge with no WPO is £24.50 for the first visit and £18 for for the second, they have charged you nearly £250 over the top. Write to them demanding a screenshot of your account and all the charges they have added then threaten them with a form 4 complaint unless they return the money that they have STOLEN from you. If they don't return the money then lodge the form 4 and go to the head of the collections dept at the council demanding recompense as they have allowed unscrupulous bailiffs to work on their behalf. Don't stand for it.
  14. Unlicensed software will work just as well, I have worked in the IT industry for 17yrs now and you would be suprised how widespread this sort of thing is. It all depends how hard the software companies push for this, for a company it is something like a £50,000 fine per instance of using software illegally and a 5 year prison term. 100 licences = £5,000,000 plus 500 years inside. Nice
  15. How do I ask for the fine to be transferred, I keep trying to talk to this court, I have sent letters and faxes.....
  16. Hi First off don't panic what this Bailiff has told you is a load of nonsense and he is just trying to bully and intimidate money out of you! Second it appears his charges are way over what he can legally charge for Council Tax collection - that being £24.50 for a first visit and £18 for a second, no other charges can be added to your bill. Third he has no powers of entry to your property at all unless he has been allowed peaceful entry by yourself or has gained access through an unlocked door or window, he cannot force entry or get a locksmith to come and break in - a usual lie Bailiffs tell to try and force their way in! NEVER EVER EVER LET A BAILIFF INTO YOUR HOME!!!!! Did you sign a walking possession or levy for your car? Fourth you can still pay the outstanding amount direct to your council and also tell them of the Bailiffs intimidating attitude and ILLEGAL charges as they are just as responsible for these actions due to contracting the Bailiffs "services" The Council cannot refuse your payment, if they say they are going to refuse then go to the head people and report it. The best thing to do here is to pay directly online. http://local.direct.gov.uk/LDGRedirect/index.jsp?LGSL=57&LGIL=2 Write to the Bailiff company (recorded delivery) and demand a screenshot of your account so you can see where the charges have been added, this is your ammo to report the Bailiff as what he has done is very much against the rules! Good luck Lisa
  17. Thanks for your reply. The fine hasn't been moved to the local mags court as I've already spoken to the fines collection dept who say it is still with the other court. Why do they like to make it as difficult as possible for people to get things sorted out?!
  18. :D:D:D:D*****LOL******:-D:-D:-D Lets hope they get a huge fine and get the Bailiffs after them!
  19. Form 4 Complaint now!!!!!! What utter scumbags, make sure you keep the messages on your phone as those threats will mean a lot of trouble for them. As for the letters, I'm sure under data preotection they need to go in envelopes due to the nature of what's on them. Good luck, you go get 'em and make them pay for this!
  20. Have a look at this from bailiifs advice online I am Self Employed…and I need my car for business. It is important to note that under Section 54 of the Magistrate Courts Rules it expressly prohibits bailiffs from removing a vehicle used in the course of employment. If you require your vehicle for business, our advice, is to write to the bailiff with proof of self employment…..a note from an accountant, if possible should be provided. A business card etc could also be sent as additional proof. A word of warning however, is that: in order to qualify for exemption from seizure for “business use”, the vehicle must be for your use “personally” in your business. It is also worth noting that the strict interpretation of the wording of the legislation concerning "tools of the trade" is not synonymous with business, occupation or employment and includes only the occupation of either a mechanic or someone who works at manual labour with the aid of tools. There is relevant Case Law from the Court of Appeal on this very matter, and you will find details of two such examples in the Legal Cases section of our Downloads area. You will also see in the Letters section of our Download area that we have provided a letter that can be adapted to suit your own particular case that can be sent to the bailiff informing them that your vehicle should be exempt from seizure as it is required for business use by you “personally” Always ensure that the letter is sent by registered post. I know what you mean about the hassle with fine payments. My husband paid his directly to the court, after it had been passed to bailiffs but before they called round, and even though the court hasn't refused the payment they haven't told Marstons we've paid so they are still insisting on payment in full, which incldes a visit frr of £175 which they made after the payment! I can't remember where I saw it, but you can apply to the court for more time to pay, which if the court accepts, then the Bailiff has to as well
  21. You may find that they cannot take his van if he needs it to make a living, I am sure that someone will be able to clarify that.
  22. You do not have to deal with Bailiffs, if they turn up do not allow them entry and ask them to leave the property. The council must have accurate records as to who owes them money, name not just initials, DOB etc.... go to the council and demand to speak to the collections manager, they can withdraw the bailiffs and I would think that as it isn't your debt that they are legally obliged to do so. I am not sure that a Form 4 is appropriate at this stage and you might be better off in putting everything in writing to the council. Don't talk to the Bailiffs.
  23. It is for a clamping order on your partners car yes? Has he got the car with him at work? If a bailiff turns up tell him that your partner is not home and to please leave the property quietly. I am sure that someone more up to speed than I am will give you clearer guidance soon, please try not to worry.
  24. Forgot to ask did this bailiff do a walking possession? Was he allowed access into your house? If he didn't get a signed walking possession all he could charge would be the original liability and £24.50 for the 1st visit and £18 for a second visit. You need to get in touch with the bailiff company and request a screenshot of your account. You also need to file a form 4 complaint against the bailiff so you need to know his name, bailiff number and the court that issued his certificate. Follow the advice in this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bailiffs-sheriff-officers/115030-how-complain-court-about.html Please post how much council tax was owed.
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