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Everything posted by lisadp1970

  1. Thank you all very much for your advice it's been a great help. Scary how little these people know especially as it's a very large International company we're talking about here:!:
  2. Thanks for your reply my husband will let them know this tomorrow. This is the email he got from them earlier today - Hi Mr ****** We have received Part 1A of your P45 today, but unfortunately we require all parts issued, (3&4) if we are to rework your payslip and send out an amended P45. If you could return to us at your earliest convenience. regards ********* So I can only assume what they say here is wrong?
  3. Hi Hope someone can offer advice. My husband left his old job on 20th March after being on long term sick. He was no longer receiving any sick pay from them but on his final pay he was due to receive a months outstanding holiday pay for which the amount had been confirmed by his ex employers. When this was paid to him they had deducted almost £700 as they stated he had been overpaid for March, even though he only got a grand total of £35 for that month. Anyway after a lot of arguing and spreadsheets being drawn up, someone high up in payroll looked at it for him and agreed not only had they incorrectly deducted the holiday pay, they had also underpaid him on 3 other occasions during the past year! They asked for him to return his P45 and final payslip so these could be amended and the money refunded to him. He sent back the top part of his P45 and original payslip and they have got in touch saying they need all 3 parts of the P45 before they can refund the money they owe, but this isn't possible because they were handed to the Job centre to claim Job-seekers allowance. Are they just finding excuses to mess him around or do they need his complete P45 before reworking his final payslip? Thanks Lisa
  4. Thanks, one other thing they don't pay Stat Sick Pay for 1st 3 days of absence, is this correct?
  5. Hi, I have been offered a role that carries a risk of being attacked by an angry member of the public at some point. If in the course of my duties I get attacked and have to spend some time off work due to injuries recieved the contract states that "if the employee wins compensation then the employee will pay the company back any sickness pay that was paid for the duration of the absence" Is this strictly legal? I mean I get attacked doing my duties then I have to pay the company back any sick pay I get paid? Seriously. I am considering refusing to sign this contract as it just seems so restrictive. Any advice will be well recieved. Thanks
  6. HI I moved into my house mid March 2011 and set up the G & E with EDF. They set the DD at £74 a month which has been paid without failure. I receive E-Bills so in all honestly never really check them, but for some reason the one I got today I checked. To my horror it states that I owe £1039.76 which will be taken from my account on 11th May (yeah right as if I have that money lying around!) I've checked the other bills and throughout the year there have been meter readings so how has it been allowed to get to this much? My husband is currently out of work so there is no way we can pay that amount to them. I feel that they have tricked me by keeping the DD's low so I don't leave them, yet all the time I was running up a huge bill, also the DD from June has been doubled to £156 a month! Please help! Thanks Lisa
  7. Hi, I have 2 x Autistic Sons and I am claiming Carers allowance. In DLA we get 2 lots of Middle rate care and 1 lot of low rate mobility. My husband recently left his job. My question is can he also claim carers allowance as we both need to care for the children? Thanks
  8. Hi I have penalty points on my licence which I can now apparently ask to be removed by the DVLA as they are over 4 years old. Is there a cost for this (probably a stupid question as it's the DVLA) if so how much, as I really want them off my licence a.s.a.p to apply for jobs. Thanks Lisa
  9. That is what the DWP said on the phone but at my appointment today at the JCP the guy told me I couldn't claim it as my Partner is getting Contribution based ESA. I suppose I will have to book another appointment and have another go at it.
  10. Apparently because his ESA is contribution based it should contain an element for Wife and 3 Children, he only receives £67.50 PW. I am a carer for 2 Children so my only Income is Carers allowance, child benefit and Child tax credits. We do get some HB and CTC. My partner spoke to DWP regarding this a while ago and got the message that because I am a carer I can claim income support. I had an appointment with the Job Centre plus today and they say I cannot claim it. What can I do from here? Should I be entitled. Sorry forgot to mention that my partner is now not getting any Occupational Sick Pay so has reapplied for the ESA to be changed to Income Based. Please help!
  11. Hi, I have been off work with Chronic Thoracic Back pain for 10 months now. My problem means that I cannot sit upright at a desk for very long without being in absolute agony. I emailed my manager a month ago and said that I may be able to do an alternative role ,mobile support, where I do not have to sit at a desk but rather will walk around and visit people to help them. My manager said he would speak to HR but he never did, in the meantime I have lost my entitlement to company sick pay. I asked again yesterday and cc'ed in the HR department and now miraculously they have come back to me saying that I will get an occupational health appointment to see what I am capable of. My last occupational health assessment was back in Early July and I have had nothing since. Am I right in saying that my manager has failed me by not acting when I asked and I am now financially buggered? Also am I right in saying that my company has failed me by not arranging regular OH appointments to find me alternatives to my desk based role? I am very disappointed with them at the moment. Thanks and by the way this is Lisa's husband.
  12. Thanks for your reply. The plumber disconnected the boiler yesterday and made it safe and we're getting a new one fitted next Tuesday, so at least we're all safe now! As this isn't a council house they don't hold any responsibility once we're living here but I'm still pee'd off with them for allowing such shoddy Landlords to go to them for Tenants, surely they have a moral duty to ensure the Landlords they put Tenants forward to are legit?
  13. Hi I'm hoping someone can offer some advice to our dilemma. We privately rent our home but we were put forward by our local Council due to facing homelessness (we were home-owners and were repossessed) in march 2011. At the time of signing the tenancy agreement the Landlord stated that the extremely old a dilapidated looking boiler was due a service in April 2011 but this never happened. There has been a plumber out to the house a few times to fix work our landlord has cocked up and each time he went on about the state of the boiler and how he's warned the landlord countless times it needed changing. A month or so ago I noticed the pilot flame was very yellow and burning strangely so we contacted the landlord to ask about when the boiler was last serviced and that it needs looking at. He tried avoiding us for as long as he could until my husband left quite a demanding message that it get's seen to, so yesterday the plumber turns up and almost instantly condemns it due to it being cracked and almost certainly leaking CO2. You can imagine our horror especially as we have three young children! We are absolutely incensed that they knowingly let out a property to us with no Gas safety certificate (which I know is a legal requirement) knowing that the boiler had had it and had no thought to the safety of our kids or us. They have deliberately avoided getting the boiler serviced knowing it was going to cost them as it needs replacing, I find it hard to believe they put that over the safety of young children! My husband wants to report them and has been demanding they produce the certificate, which we know full well doesn't exist but it's good listening to them squirm trying to come up with excuses as to why they can't find one. My only fear if we do report them to the HSE is they might give us notice and as much as the house needs bits doing to it, I really don't want to move as it's so right for us in so many ways - location, size, garden etc. Any advice what the best thing to do is or should we let it pass, also are the Council partly responsible as the Landlord goes through them to find tenants? Thanks Lisa
  14. Ok, can someone confirm the maths for me? Net Pay 1494 Protected 415 Leaving 1079 Less 19% = 205.01 to be deducted. They are taking 254. Is this correct or is it just 17% of 1494?
  15. We did get in touch with them and offered what we could afford but I was very bluntly told that they want the whole debt of £1400+ in full, which was ridiculous. We are just starting to get ourselves straight after a really crap year and now we have all this
  16. No it isn't a CCJ it's just the term I used as it went to court, but I've realised now that as It was the Magistrates and not County court it can't be a CCJ We were aware before we moved that it had gone to court but there was never any mention of an attachment of earnings
  17. Hi Andy thanks for your reply. The Council did have a CCJ for the debt from a couple of years ago, which we were aware of, but they obviously knew we had moved house and are under a new Local authority so have gone for the attachment. Is there a form I fill in or someone I need to contact? Thanks
  18. Hope someone can offer some advice. My husband has just opened his pay slip to find an attachment of Earnings has been made for £253 from our Ex local authority. We moved in March after our home was repossessed, owing quite a lot to our then council. We never received any forms from the court so this was a total shock. My husband has been on long term sick with chronic thoracic back pain and next month is going on to half pay so we cannot afford this at all We have 3 young children to support, 2 are Autistic which I receive carers allowance for and we also receive some housing and council tax benefit. alongside the usual Child Tax Credits and Child Benefit. When my husband contacted them they said they sent the forms to the address where the council tax was owed and basically it's tough luck that we didn't get them. He argued that we left there back in March, the woman said "yes we know the occupancy for paying C Tax ended on 31st March. Surely if they knew we weren't living there we have a case to appeal? It's not that we are refusing to pay it's the fact we cannot afford what the amount that's bee set. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks Lisa
  19. Hi, My husband has just discovered an attachment of earnings for Council Tax, the monthly amount is double the amount we couldn't afford to pay previously also we have moved to a different authority so we have that council tax to pay as well. The attachment is taking £254 per month, we cannot afford to live. We had no idea this was going to happen as we moved house back in March and when this was put to the old authority that have got the attachment, they very rudely said they sent the forms to the old address so tough! He has been on long term sick and next month goes on to half pay Any advice on what we can do? Thanks Lisa
  20. Hi, I have been off work for nearly six months with thoracic back pain, basically I cannot sit at a desk for more than 10 - 20 minutes without being in agony, my work is desk based for 8hrs per day. My GP has put me forward for an MRI scan after physio has had no affect at all. My employers have been very understanding and I have been fully paid under my contract but after six months I drop down to 1/2 pay, which I can recieve for 3 months then I would move onto SSP. My pay isn't great and on 1/2 pay I would be on less that 11,500 PA and with 3 kids to support I am starting to worry about how we will cope. Would I then be entitled to anything such as income support or additional housing benefit when my pay is halved as we struggle to make ends meet now? Benefits we receive at the moment are: - Child tax credits Child Benefit DLA for Son number 1 - we are processing DLA for Son number 2 at the moment, both are ASD Carers allowance for my wife Part Housing Benefit Part Council Tax benefit I would also like to have some advice regarding what will happen if I have to resign my role due to medical issues, i.e being unable to do my role due to the pain it causes me. Thanks Tony
  21. I did contact shelter a couple of weeks ago who were great and gave me advice on what to do if we weren't getting the help we should be. The thing we could really do with is just a few more weeks before we have to leave, so if we coould apply to the courts for that it would be a huge help
  22. Hi We have been given an eviction date of 17th March (mortgaged property) and are having a nightmare being able to find somewhere lese to live due to our poor credit rating. The council are advising and supposed to be actively helping but are so slow in getting back to us with our queries and as we have three young children, one who's Autistic and another being assessed for Autism, we desperately want somewhere to move into before our eviction date. The problem we're up against is what I mentioned before our credit rating being so low and even though I explain the reason why we ended up in our situation (my husband lost his very well paid job due to the credit crunch 3 years ago and had to eventually take one which paid a third of what he was earning, so we have eventually sunk with all the debt that's built up ever since) the letting agents seem to be taking a dim view on us. We've been advised that we can get nearly £500 a month in LHA which means we can easily afford the rental prices in our area but the few agents I've been told will accept people in our situation don't have anything suitable at the moment so we could really do with a bit longer to enable us to get together more of a deposit so other agents might accept us. Would it be worth submitting a N244 form to the court to get us a bit longer or would it be a waste of time? Really could do with some advise please Thanks Lisa
  23. Hi Mine and my husbands credit rating is shockingly poor and we are currently waiting for an eviction date to drop through the door as our home is due to be repossessed (husband lost his very well paid job 3 years ago and took one paying 1/3 of what he was earning so struggled badly ever since) Even though the council are supposed to be "helping" us, I would rather find another home myself before we have to leave our currant house as we have three young children. Problem with this is nearly all estate agents do credit checks and seem to take the attitude that as we have a terrible credit history we are evil dishonest people who will fleece them of their rent money! I've come across a few websites which claim they can help you remove all bad credit history from your file, whih sounds ideal, but I wasn't born yesterday and can sense that their claims aren't all they're cracked up to be? Any advice appreciated Lisa
  24. Hi Back in October 2008 an order for possession was granted on our house, which was suspended on the understanding we would pay interest only plus an amount towards the arrears. We have been really struggling to meet this and have not been paying our other bills just so we can meet the mortgage payments and feed and clothe our three young children (according to the CAB financial statement if we paid all our bills and met the basic living standards we would be £585 in the red every month!) and have fallen into massive arreas with the council tax, gas, water etc!! We have missed the last three mortgage payments plus a couple of others over the last year or so due to needing money to sort out a multitude of things - Boiler broke down, car needed substantial work on it cooker breaking, bathroom floor collapsing etc etc. Today we received a letter for Northern Rocks Solicitors stating that as we haven't kept to the agreement they have been instructed to enforce the possession order by applying for an eviction date to be set and that the court will notify us of the time and date of eviction. What we're not clear on is how long it will take to go to court, will we be told when it is going to court, how long after it goes to court will an eviction date be set - 2 weeks/4 weeks?? As we have three young children (7, 4 & 19 months) with the eldest being Autistic, it would be a total nightmare if we received a letter in the next few days stating we had a week to get out! Also does anyone know what we're entitled to in regard to our Local housing authority having to help us? There's probably loads of info I've missed out, but any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks Lisa
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