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  1. Ok, the story... I moved into a flat last September, it was a last minet let, and partly it was a life saver. I paid 500 deposit, and £550 a month. He would not give me a contract... Probelems with house: It should have had wireless internet, included in price. He always said that internet company were messing him about... It did not even have a BT socket. Bath room heather did not work Shower falling off the wall The Boiler: TO get hot water from the tank, you need to turn both hot and cold tap on, and then the hot water comes out. The boiler looks like it should have been condemned. Seriousley... I gave him 2 weeks notice, and he agreed to using ½ for the rent, and the other half back to me... I just don’t think I will get it... £250 is alot of money... Ok I know that I should have insisted on contract. But, if he does not give me the money, or infact, even if he did. Would it be a good idea to report him to Housing Services mainly for the lack of Gass Safety certificate? I am a nice guy, and have always carried out business in a “honest” way... The tenant has turned
  2. I work full time It was for a years rent, there was an issue with the DD and being a student did not notice my accout... So I do not have to let them in? Is there a form that can becompeated, the N456 or something like that... Its just thats its the High Court?
  3. I only had the letter today. I read up on the claimt can decied wich route. But the court can not say which will give the best results. It was halls of resedence fees that I owed. What do i put in this letter?
  4. Hi Guys, I could really do with some help asap. I had a hand delevered letter today from the above company. Its for a debt for £3,800 for old college fees. I clean forgot about it when i had heart sugery a couple of years ago. They say they will seize my good upto the value of the judgement Im confused as it "in the high court of justice queens bench division" I can not pay this amoun, and i have NOTHING of value... i rent room in a house. Please please please help Have to pay by 2/2/9
  5. My gym was cool also. Just let me canx, with only one months notice, not 3
  6. you can give the notice to end on the last day of the min term... E.g. 12 month up on 03/09 you give notice by the last day of 12/08 - if not the min term would be 15 months... Also send reg. post and call to confirm that they have gotten the notce a few days later
  7. Did you sign a contract with them? And they did work to arrange this for you, so I am sure they did occure costs... IMHO they are within there righs( subject to contract)
  8. Now if this did show up on the CRB check, which in probility it wont. It is a criminal cheack, the information is collected for the centeral data base (Sorry, mate told me what its called, but cant remember) There was not a crime commited. Anyway, you have a couple of options, its clear, that you did not intend to put your child in harms way. You could wait and then let your school know what happened, or let them know now. Its like the Eastenders plot. Tony had commited a crime, hit an 18 year old, it came up on his CRB, but he still was offered employmet. I think common sence will pervale on this one!
  9. Ok here goes... I have been with my company now for over 3 years. My original contract was Mon to Friday 9am – 6pm and Saturdays (alternative) 10am – 3pm. With every Sunday off. I opend a new store in 2007, and with the store opening 7 days a week, I needed to sign a new contract that said: Mon to Friday 9am – 6pm, Sat 10pm – 4pm, and Sunday 10am – 3pm, (Alternative weekends) with a luie day off on the Monday for the Sunday worked. I have now been asked to work an additional Saturday a month, with an additional luie day off in the week. I am not happy about working this on a number of levels. First, I want to have some “me” time, and secondly, I do not see that it will benefit the store as there will “me” more days when one of us are at the store. Can they make me sign the new contract? I have a feeling that if i got agree, that they would try and dismiss me... Also, on the Monday, we are alone all day, where do i stand with lunch breaks. Because I don’t ofthen get one (no one in the store).
  10. My contract of employment states that the bonus MAY be paid out if I leave.
  11. Good morning, This is a very short post, but one of my Cheques was returned by my bank, this was due to the debit card number changing when I lost it. Ok. My error. They are now charging me 25.00 due to this. Can they leagaly charge this? All advice greatfully receaved!
  12. as it stands, there have not been any consultation on this matter...
  13. Hi Guys, this is the story, and what we think will happen within the company that I currently work for. At the moment, we are contraced to work 26 weekends a year, with a lue day off on a monday for the sunday worked. This was pushed upon me (My previous contract was Every other Saturday with sunday always off) but due to me wanting to progress within the company, the now store that I opened was on a "Sunday" contact, so I had to sign a new one. Now with the ecomany, they company now wants us all to sign a new contaract that states we work: One Sat On, Sun Off. Sat Off, Sun On, Sat and Sunday on, and Weekend off. Now the grapevine is saying (because some management have a habit of opening there mouths without thinking) is that you sign the new contact, or you out... I have been with the company for 3 years, a) Can they do this? I dont want the new hours, I dont really like the ones at the moment - lol b) If this does happen, and I lose my job, then where do I stand and what can I do? Thanks
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