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  1. I booked and paid for a car to be delivered to my home address at 5pm tonight. It didn't arrive. I called Europcar at 5.45pm to ask what's going on. He said he's sorry but his colleague forgot to inform the branch of my address, so they couldn't deliver. He said the branch has now closed so there's nothing he can do. So I'm stuck for the weekend without a car and have to cancel all my plans. I pushed but they said there's nothing they can do. After around 2 hours on the phone and a huge amount of hassle... He re-arranged delivery for this Monday (2 days away), and said that there's nothing he can do to prevent me from being stuck without a car this weekend. He also said I have to call up on monday morning at 8.30am to remind them just incase the information gets lost He then went on to say these are my only other options:- a.) I leave my place of work now and pay for a taxi (from my own pocket) to go to Gatwick airport to pick up a car, which is god knows how far away - probably would cost £100 in a taxi, I've never been there from here. He said I might be able to claim back the taxi cost from europcar, but he can't make any promises! b.) I find my own way to pick up a car from a branch a few miles away that is a huge engine and will cost me more than double the amount in petrol for my planned trip next week. - And still they won't deliver it to me, I have to drop everything and make my own way there. Seriously? Do these companies not have to pay any sort of legal fines for doing things like this to customers?
  2. Thanks for this, I kind of knew already that the bailiffs weren't allowed to do what they did, but they told me "you have no proof, it's your word against ours." They took tools of my trade, and also other things including my tv. I'm guessing I can't claim my tv back? I feel a bit scared now as I followed the appeals method for the PCN, but the system failed me. It feels now a bit like people / companies / councils / bailiffs can basically do anything they want even if it's unlawful, and then it takes me time and stress and money to deal with their actions through official methods, and providing proof can be impossible. I wish I had enough money to have a big fenced off lawn around my house with a gated entrance, and a buzzer by the gate, and a security camera system. Surely this way I could have prevented them from taking my stuff at least.
  3. Hi tomtubby, yes I took it to the adjudicator, he turned down my appeal based on the fact that the council provided photo proof (as did I, but he didn't seem to address that). It took place in maidavale, in westminster. What was in the news about westminster council?
  4. Westminster council. I disputed the fine and appealed. My appeal was rejected. I disputed on the grounds that the parking sign was not visible when I parked. I took photos when I parked (as I always do as I don't trust councils), showing no sign. The council showed me a photo they took, showing a sign there one hour after I parked (someone must be playing around- it must have been put there) - I have 2 witness statements and photos. But my appeal was rejected on the grounds that the council provided photo proof. (as I did, but they didn't seem to care) At this point I'm desperate to pay the bills and eat etc. What is the next step?
  5. Civil debt for an unpaid parking fine. The contravention did not occur but I have been unable to persuade the council to listen to reason on this so it has gone to debt collectors. This was originally a £60 fine but has gone up to £250 now. I still refuse to pay on grounds I've done nothing wrong. Bailiffs came round my house, forced their way past me at the door, and took my tools of my trade, I'm an audio producer (studio equipment etc). I complained to the collection company. They hung up on me. I wrote 2 letters to them, they wrote back dismissing my claims, telling me the equipment was taken in line with the law. I can't afford a lawyer, and now have no way to make a living. I'm losing long-standing clients and unable to run my business because of my lacking equipment. I'm getting very stressed. The equipment they took was worth £2000 and I'm stuck with no way to earn or pay the bills. What do I do now?
  6. Okay I'll wait longer cheers... Just posted on another forum and everyone seems to think I should just let it go and stop moaning. Must say I was a bit surprised by this. Every day seems to be a fight... woke up and my partner hit me accidentally. got in the shower, then got chucked out the bathroom as my housemate needed the loo. Got half way to work and had severe stomach pains, had to call in sick and rush home to the bathroom, at which point, I get to deal with the tube station staff to persuade them to let me out of the station.
  7. okay, i see i'm not going to get any answers on here. I'm going to try my best never to use TFL again. If at all possible, I will drive, walk, or cycle, i dont care how long it takes
  8. I touched in and then decided not to travel to where I was going. So I touched out again. I was charged a maximum fare for what oyster considers an "incomplete" journey. The station staff treated me with disrespect, like I was a criminal, and told me to call the number on the back of the oyster card. They said they can't solve the issue at the station. I called 0845 the number. The computer voice said "transferring you to a customer representative" but then cut me off. I called again. Again I was cut off. I called a third time, but again, the line cut me off. I tried from another phone line, the same problem. I spoke to the station staff again, they said "nope. nothing we can do." I'm an honest pay as u go oyster card user (I use pay as you go because I don't trust them with my bank details), and just the other day I was let in and out for free by accident, but went to the counter to pay anyway. Yet they treated me like a criminal and accidentally made me over-pay anyway. But I said nothing about it to avoid hassle. Now I'm sick of the inadequate system and the way the staff handle customers, and want to get this sorted. I want my refund. But I can't get through to staff, and I can't get through to the phone line. I tried emailing twice on their website, but I've waited 9 days and still not heard back. Surely there must be rules to stop a huge company like this acting like this? Any ideas?
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