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Everything posted by plumberjon

  1. Hi all Today is the 4th Feb, and the "In Dispute" letter was received by them on 19th Jan, over 2 weeks ago. I have received no communication from them whatsoever. So what is my next move? I've never disputed under the CCA before, so unsure what my next step is. It's a bit different to re-claiming charges! Any help please? PJ
  2. Hi Adam Well thanks for your input and you are right, these guys definately fit into the vultures category (well the NOTW wanted me to quote "vultures" and I quite like it now!!) Unfortunately, we regularly get visitors from employees of these vulture type companies, stating they are here to help, when they only have hidden agendas. When we manage to score one against them, like the NOTW piece, it brings them out of the woodwork!! Your input here would be welcome, as this battle is a long way from over. Tell your friends how to find us and together we can help make sure they are treated as customers should be, with respect! PJ
  3. Why does this story sound so familiar I wonder??? Answers on a postcard please! PJ
  4. Like I said, not trying to picks hairs!! PH are a looming threat, and whatever happens to BH, someone will be waiting in the wings to take their place. Prospective and existing customers of ANY predatory lender are welcome on here, as is anyone who wants to be part of the movement to stop this business type. So bring it on!! PJ
  5. Sorry to pick hairs here, but last time I put a companies web site on here, trying to spill the beans, I was CAGBotted for displaying a link to a company as it was deemed to be an advert!!! That company was BAYV. So why is Perfecthomes so different? Even though this is a recruitment ad. Perhaps they need to circulate it to all BH employees!!! PJ
  6. Looks like I'm going out on the town with myself again................Billy no mates!!!!!
  7. Text below taken from the "Our View" section of the NOTW. NEWS OF THE WORLD - SUNDAY 18TH JANUARY 2009 "House of the Rising Sum" HOW low can you get? Not much lower than BrightHouse, we'd suggest. The outfit we expose today exploits the poor and preys on the vulnerable. In credit crunch Britain the chain store and finance group offers schemes to "help" struggling families buy household goods on the never-never. But once "extras" are thrown in a £294 washing machine can end up costing an extortionate £722. Sure, alerts may lie in the small print. But dealing with BrightHouse can result in gloom and despair. They should be forced to carry a health warning.
  8. NEWS OF THE WORLD - SUNDAY 18TH JANUARY 2009 "House of the Rising Sum" HOW low can you get? Not much lower than BrightHouse, we'd suggest. The outfit we expose today exploits the poor and preys on the vulnerable. In credit crunch Britain the chain store and finance group offers schemes to "help" struggling families buy household goods on the never-never. But once "extras" are thrown in a £294 washing machine can end up costing an extortionate £722. Sure, alerts may lie in the small print. But dealing with BrightHouse can result in gloom and despair. They should be forced to carry a health warning. Does this help Lefty???
  9. Hi again Now that this thread has been made sticky, you will be able to get and ask any questions a lot easier. I am on here at some point most days, but don't panic if I don't reply right away, there are other regular CAGgers who contribute and they will be able to help also. We look forward to helping you! PJ
  10. Likewise, in 2 days have done 1 desktop, and 4 laptops. Fantastic thread, will find you and tickle you for sure!! PJ
  11. Right. In response to your imposing question "i am now refusing to pay can i do this?", my honest advice is NO, you must continue to pay what you have signed for until such time as you have managed to remove these additional items. Yes, you may argue that you weren't aware of what you were signing, but, if this can be proved, you MAY have a seperate case to request a refund of these charges if you were mis-sold them. There are certainly cases of this with BrightHouse. The most important thing to remember when dealing with these guys is, despite how they might act with you, if you have a dispute, then you must abide by the terms of the agreement you signed, as they cannot then respond to any complaint you have by stating that YOU were in breach of contract. Keep the law on your side essentially. Now, does it state anywhere on the contracts (agreements) that you have that this warranty cover is OPTIONAL? Does it state that it is an insurance? If you have a copy of the terms and conditions, does it state (under the heading for the warranty cover) that there is a method for cancelling the warranty? Does it also state (under and insurance heading) what the terms are for you cancelling this? Apologies for asking these "stabbing in the dark" type questions, but without seeing any of these T&C's for myself, I am a bit blind. Saying that, BrightHouse and BAYV and Perfect Homes, all operate in a very similar manner, the old Crazy Georges blueprint. I would love to give you a quick fix button, but I am afraid this might take a little while longer, but be assured, I am on the case and we will get this situation sorted for you ASAP. PJ
  12. And this doesn't surprise me either. The vast majority of loan items are known to be defective in some way, so much so that they are ONLY used as loaners, as they are not reliable enough to sell. So if you get a loaner, don't expect miracles!!! PJ Sorry, but it doesn't get any better than this! Well this is BrightHouse!
  13. Whilst this is a little out of my comfort zone, i have to agree with JackieandWaynes advice. And as for Bad to the Bone, what goes around, comes around. I hope you get the help you need, when you need it, just don't ask me! PJ
  14. Well these two incidents are remarkable, whatever the circumstances. And if it is due to the NOTW, then it just goes to show what happens when the consumer is given the chance to have their say. If only that were the end of the battle, methinks not!!! PJ
  15. Well this is a result, I am sure you will sleep better with knowing this. Well maybe when you get it delivered! I'm glad you found us on here, so we could help you. BrightHouse 0 - 1 The Consumer! PJ
  16. And furthermore, BH will take great pleasure in telling you that if you are behind with your payments, as your DLC and OSC are weekly renewable services, then they will NOT be in force! So if something happens to your item, it WILL NOT be covered! And you have been paying all this money for nothing! So the solution is to try a get your own household contents insurance. As Lefty has already said, even in some of the most crime stricken communities, it is still cheaper to get your whole house insured than one item's DLC at Brighthouse, especially when you consider the added benefits, such as: 1) you will cover all the items in your house 2) portable items will be covered when out of the house ie, cameras, jewellery, laptops etc 3) certain policies may be new for old replacement 4) THE BIGGY - even if you are late at BH for the item and you need to make a claim, then as you are paying your insurance elsewhere, it WILL STILL BE COVERED! Obviously you have to read the small print and make sure your insurance will cover everything you need it for, but this is the best way, and no matter what happens with BH, you will have a better REAL insurance that will give you total peace of mind! So ask your insurance provider, and when enquiring, make sure you are covered for items that you are responsible for that are subject to a Hire Purchase agreement. PJ
  17. Thanks for that Lefty, where were you then, plucking a few tunes???
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