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Everything posted by plumberjon

  1. Hi Everyone I have copied a text below which I have just submitted to my local newspaper's site, as we are about to have the dishonour of a BH store in Kidderminster!!! I was Branch Manager or this outfit and will, now have seen this site, do anything o help stop their ways. I will try to answer anyones questions, and yes the law is actually on your side, so long as you haven't gone out of your way to deceive them in the beginning. I have since found myself in various predicaments, financially, but I am lucky, I know how to avoid people like BH. The only immediate advice I will give is if you are having problems with them, find just 1 member of staff there you can talk to, usually the sales guy who signed you up, make a friend out of them, they are targetted differently to the account managers. Get them on your side. Keep the communication open, even if it seems pointless. In the 2 years I worked for them, we never took anyone to court in the branches I worked in and most of the repossessions we made, would have gone against us if they had gone to court. There is so much I can tell but the best for me is to answer what I can if you ask. Here is the thread for the Kidderminster Shuttle: "GREAT!!! Just what we need when we are about to go into a recession brought on solely by too much credit. I used to work for this company many years ago as a Branch Manager and they only open stores in areas that have a high amount of either single parent families and/or high unemployment. They give people who would not ever get credit in the usual manner, a way of buying over-priced items, that are normally second-hand and selling "optional" service cover all on HP which means you end up paying for your item several times over. Please, I implore everyone in the town, avoid them like the plague, they are parasites preying on those who can least afford it. If you want to know more then look at the link I have typed in, which goes to a forum of REAL PEOPLE who live life at the sharp end of Brighthouse. It's anything but bright, believe me!!!!!
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