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Everything posted by mightyroyals

  1. I'm sure you will pass on my complaint but i know nothing will be done about it, I really should not have to take names and dates when i call to tell you my bank card has been stolen. Also i am very tempted to follow this through now because surely to charge me 47 pounds for you passing this on to your collection partner you must send me a letter telling me that you are passing my details onto a third party and you are charging me the amount of 47 pounds. Mightyroyals
  2. i sent the telephone harassment letter telling them to stop calling me but i got a reply by email today stating the following " Please be advised that we are within our rights to contact you on any contact details you originally gave us to recover your outstanding debt " Is this correct are they allowed to keep ringing me even if i have told them to stop??? Any answers and help would be much appreciated Mightyroyals
  3. you will find wonga's bank details here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/payday-loans/245257-payday-wonga-wage-day.html
  4. Its just a shame you don't listen to your customers who have problems like myself i had my wallet stolen and you ignored all my emails and when i spoke to someone on the phone i get told its fine my account will be held and low and behold without further notice you dip into my bank account and take 247 pounds. i also had no phone calls from your collections partner either so how can you charge me 47 pounds when i had no contact from your collections partner. I look forward to your response Txtloan Cr
  5. Thanks for the reply I will make sure i include all the information as you have said and hopefully it will get these bully's off my back
  6. I am trying to agree a repayment plan with a payday loan company but they want me to do a income expenditure form so they can see what i can afford. Anyways i know this sounds wrong but do i be honest or do i stretch the truth so they don't take all that's left im no good with things like this also can they ask for proof of what i pay on the bills and proof of what i pay on bills etc Any help would be much appreciated
  7. Contact Simon Hatch he is the compliance officer for 1 month loan
  8. The full amount was there for them on day 7,8,9,10 all the way through all they had to do was give me there bank account details and i would of transferred the money to them straight away but they are to ignorant to do that and there Dca are a in house Dca so in other words there the same ppl who call you and dont listen to a word you say. Also i don't really care for your thoughts on the issue anyway coz they have no relation to the thread questions at all any how i am not prepared to get in this argument with someone who obviously has some connection to the company. SO PLEASE STOP POSTING ON MY THREAD TROLL
  9. i would of paid it off on the 7th day but i could not coz my card was stolen and txt loan would not give me there bank details to make the deposit instead they charged me and then cleared me fair i think not they did not want to help they were just being plain greedy and gettin what they could from me. and did not want to help at all.
  10. Sorry but you are wrong Just 17 days ago i had money taken from my account from a stolen card which was reported in November as stolen. when you agree to pay a creditor and you are giving over your card details you are actually giving them the authority to use your card as a reoccurring payment and the banks will let this go through so if you report your card lost or stolen and a creditor tries to get money out the chances are they will as the banks will say you set up a recurring payment authority the best way to pay for any debt is to pay by standing order or giro slip and never speak to them on the phone insist on letter only never give out your card details to any DCA.
  11. Ahh thought it must of been him just by the surname and the fact oml is in cambridge and the other is based in ipswich
  12. is this the same Turvey thay worked for 1monthloan i think first name was peter
  13. im currently in court with a paydayloan company and i am defending it i sent a cpr request to them after the claim was issued and never heard nothing back just gotta fill in my aq now so i will let you all know how i get on
  14. I am currently going through the process of courts with tower capital and primepaydayloan which i am guessing are part of the same group as my primepaydayloan court notice wants me to send docs to tower capitals address. But yes i am fighting them all the way and one of them there particulars of claim were just unpaid payday loan not a great poc lol
  15. I was with Lloyds Tsb and reported my card stolen but low and behold a month later they let txtloans take £246.00 from my card i reported stolen and left my hugely overdrawn. So be very very wary i would get a new bank account and get all monies paid into your new account. Also Tower capital will take you to court i have had a loan with Tower capital and defaulted on it and they have taken me to court so just a heads up on that one.
  16. Draft Order for Directions The Claimant shall within 14 days of service of this order file and serve the following: 1) Notice of assignment, with proof of service of the same compliant with s196 of the Law of Property Act 1925. 2) Document, contract or deed of assignment for the account mentioned in the Particulars of Claim from HFO Capital to HFO Services. 3) The executed Credit Agreement and any documents referred to within it which complies with the consumer Credit Act 1974 and all subsequent regulations, which the Claimant seeks to rely upon. 4) Default Notice compliant with s87 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 and Consumer Credit (Enforcement, Default and Termination Notices) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1561) as amended. 5) Copies of any statement or other document relied upon including proof of the amount of the debt and how it was accrued. 6) If the Claimant fails to comply with this order, or any specific direction/disclosure, the claim will be struck out pursuant to CPR 3.4.2 © and that either Litigant in Person costs or costs awarded on an indemnity basis are considered. The Defendant shall within 14 days thereafter file and serve the following: 7) An amended defence sufficiently particularised in response to the documents supplied by the claimant. Is this what i need to put in the space on the form??? also i am away for 2 weeks from the 19th do i need to put that in the form???
  17. Hi Today i recieved a Allocation questionaire from Northampton CCBC and notice of the case being sent to my local court. What do i need to do with the allocation questionaire Many Thanks
  18. Thanks i will try and get hold of the water company tomorrow nd see if i can get any joy i am wanting to pay this debt off and clear it hopefully they will see this and accept lower payments thanks again
  19. Hi i have a ccj against me from a water company and i have not met original payments as arranged as i could not afford them after losing hours at work and today i have recieved a letter today informing me that the claim against me has been transfered to my local county court for enforcement. What does this mean??? Am i going to get bailiffs round my house or will i get a attachment of earnings??? I really do not want bailiffs round my house taking stuff i just want to pay this stupid debt off any help please. Thanks Mightyroyals
  20. Lol you had me worried then lol thanks i will give it a few days and then give them a call
  21. Hi i have just checked online and it says it has been transferred to my local court now, What does this mean and what will happen next??
  22. Thanks for that all submitted just a waiting game now Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from the court???
  23. Thats one relief at least i wont lose half my wages to charges and what is left to pay in the account from what they took. I just cannot believe they can get away with this kind of behaviour the money i had in my account was for travel to my parents who i have not seen for over a year im soo soo angry and upset right now
  24. Phoned the fraud department up this morning and we not intrested one little bit and told me it was my fault and that i would be charged daily intrest etc etc i have now started looking for a new bank account but as i dont drive or have a passport and dont claim benifits i have got to call national insurance and ask for a invitation letter or something i am just worried now as i get paid on the soon and dont want to lose a load of money from it going into my old account, Will a works company let you pay you wages into someone else's account i.e my girlfriend even though she has a diffrent surname anyone know??
  25. can anyone help me on writting up and embarresed defence as i have not heard nothing back from my cpr request and i need to get my defence in by the middle of next week thanks
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