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Everything posted by Voxter

  1. hmmm whats the bit about smiths selling ? these arent debt collectors bailiffs cant be in the business of buying debts. Bailiff companies have to tender for the contracts. Are you sure Smiths havent just returned the order to the council once they got their fees ?
  2. van charges are supposed to be "reasonable" charges. obviously whats reasonable to the bailiff differs to the debtor. The bailiff could argue that he had several men in the van for removal purposes etc. It can also vary depending on goods that may be removed ie large machinery etc
  3. reading through this post I cant see whats wrong with the charges. £24.50 was raised on 1st visit then they came back & levied on the car & have also charged a van charge. All looks ok to me.
  4. No but this is the Bailiff section....you might get a better response if u post it in there.
  5. Try to speak to the council before the bailiffs turn up again....as they will want to add a van charge to your debt. These can be quite high.
  6. Yes they may charge for each liability order. How many times did they visit ? If only once then they can charge either the first attendance of £24.50 OR the levy.....NOT both at the same time. he walking possession order must be signed for the £12 to be charged....was it ? What did they levy on ? did they leave you with a Notice of distress with an inventory of goods listed ? if so what did they list ? For them to charge as they have then they must have visited twice......once when they were not able to levy. Then second visit they levied. If you are on incapacity benefit then you may fall under the vulnerable persons group. Have you asked the council to take the debt back ? As for now asking for £100 then yes they can make these demands.
  7. yes you've been had......common bluff to pretend truck is on its way. They can only charge reasonable costs for the van charge. sounds very eccesive to me.
  8. ahhh thats ok then. seems that all bailiffs get tarred with the same brush but I guess if u did get a visit from a helpfull one then theres no need to post on here. Bit like all plumbers **** in your water tank etc
  9. lol not only did he kill the old boy, now u say he was probably on the take. well I reckon the bailiff took the son hostage in his car & sent the father to the cash machine then poked him with a cow prod. simple eh ?
  10. totally agree that it was a bad call. I would expect any bailiff to walk away on seeing an O.A.P, disabled person etc. ruthless bailiff or lacking brains, not sure which.
  11. Im a bit lost here.......ok the bloke was 78 but he was ok to go to footy games and speed in his car. now the bailiff shows up, & maybe as the bloke was old he offered him a lift to the bank......look into that what u want. was he helping or was he being pushy...who knows. Theres a lot of judgement here considering no one was there.
  12. He cant take the van.....sounds like a complete idiot. Obviously hes had no training and hasnt heard of the data pro act either. If he wont show u ID then get a mug shot.
  13. Some Councils use 3 or more bailiff companys. If one returns the liability then it goes out again with a different company, not always but most of the time.
  14. The onus is on the defaulter to prove the items arent his so unless u do as chris sais and get either a stat dec or reciepts in another name then they will try to take them. They can take items thay belong to u anywhere in England & wales so the outside area wouldnt make them exempt. If they remove all your goods & it doesnt satisfy the debt at auction they are allowed to return when you have restocked to levy again.
  15. if it was just a global reference then yes, but they have listed items which the wpa refers to.
  16. Yes your correct.....1 wpa for each liability. They need to get the other signed. if its a seperate sheet they could say it was for either or both. "any other goods" is illegal & cant be written. If its not on the list then they cant take it but can relevy once inside then add that to the list. They will take those goods mentioned. An easier list would be what they cant take....such as bedding, essensial cooking etc. They can take your microwave if u have a cooker & the washing machine if u have a bath. A very interesting rule is they cant take items in use. unless their old school they probably wont know this. so when they turn up turn it all on. refuse to switch off and video them if they do. (should be interesting) why not just remove anything of value. They will state you have commited a pound breach but so what.....they wont do anything about it. good luck
  17. lol you really think someone wants a crowd of spectators on their doorstep as well as the bailiffs. get sky sports mate if your bored
  18. Depends if they saw someone on the 1st visit.......if they did & levied & charged a van charge at the same time then they can get away with the amount charged.
  19. what are they after ? if its c. tax then i guess your registered now at the property so just ring the local authority. I wouldnt bother with the old car....if u want them to leave u alone playing games wont help anyone.
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