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Everything posted by Rich44

  1. Hi I'll try to keep this short. Family member took out car finance which is one of these deposit, finance over x years then final balloon payment or return the car type things. it's about a year into the finance and the family member has just died. The car manufacturer are being awkward they've come up with the following suggestions: One of us take the car on (no way!). Clear the finance keep the car, they want £17k. Sell the car (I thought we couldn't as it'll be HPI logged) car is not worth outstanding finance by about £5k. Pay the difference to reach 50% of finance & return the car. During this time they've put in writing that the finance should still be paid :o I'm saying no its your car come & take it away. There's no money in the estate as such. Also would I be right in thinking if we did sell it would the money not have to go into the estate and be divided up against all creditors or would it exclusively go to the manufacturer? Any advise gratefully received.
  2. So corporate emails where you're discussed aren't covered? Surely that's a huge hole just hide everything in emails and then there's nothing to show on a SAR
  3. Hi Quick question I have SAR'd an organisation for our details with a view to going after them legally. Now it's an organisation whereby people are mostly volunteers except for the core staff who are employees and corporation is a charity, so I've sent the paperwork in, included a cheque and expect emails and all sorts back. Now the higher up employed people have "proper" corporate email accounts whereas the volunteers have made up free accounts like localmanager@gmail.com. So would the DPA SAR cover these email accounts too? I'm sure we'll have been discussed on these accounts so do they have to provide these emails and if so how do I "make" them because without a corporate email its all very plausible deniability isn't it? As the data compliance team can say well we don't have access to that so nothing to do with us.... Any thoughts? Thanks Sorry just realised I posted in legal forum & not dpa one, tried to delete but can't, would a mod mind moving if necessary, thank you
  4. I agree it's not mandatory but if car park 1 costs £5 to park or car park 2 next door costs £5 but you get £5 off drinks and you're going to buy drinks somewhere anyway as it's hot summer day it's a deciding factor on where you may choose to park is what i'm trying to get at. Like choosing between Asda or Tesco based on a particular offer being on if you like I know it's not directly the same just the best example I can think of. It's probably just a distraction then. The voucher redemption was covered in their terms on the PE signage
  5. I never said anything suing them as such and this was why I was asking for advice before considering what to do therefore I wasn't likely to end up in that situation. So buying a ticket where the return of said money is promised by redemption is not a crucial part of the contract? As it is a major consideration as the council run car park is litterally the other side of a 2 foot high fence, so the choice of parking there is basically down to pay and not get the money back in council car park or pay and get the money back ie it is a significant lure iyswim? As I previously said I HAD the voucher it is attached to the payd ticket that I bought, it's the redemption of said ticket that is the issue. I don't still have the ticket unfortunately I parked there last summer and didnt hear back for a long time afterwards then after the unsuccessful appeal with POPLA in early December I didn't hear back until today LBA is from parking eye. I shall write back to them as suggested then, thank you Also the pub was NOT obviously closed down it had signage up as usual, the windows weren't boarded up it LOOKED like a normal open pub. I might have 2 neurological conditions b but i'm not stupid I wouldn't have deliberately chosen to park to get the money back if i'd known the pub was shut down at the time. I live relatively locally and i've been in the pub before it's something that must've happened and I didn't know anything about it all I could find was in local paper there was some stuff about it having had some anti social behaviour problems after live music events other than that it should've been open it's a coastal town in the middle of the summer at the time.
  6. I've got the photos of all the signage already. I don't think the pub has changed hands, I think it was either closed down due to not having a tenant or it was possibly a licencing issue as there was some news about anti social behaviour from live music events. The ticket machine prints out a double ticket, half is the usual pay and display ticket the second half is your voucher to use in the pub with the amount you paid on it. We'll have to see what they do next then as i'm not paying the £100 its best part of a weeks income so if they go to court and win they'll get no more than a few £'s a month assuming their breach of the contract doesn't carry any weight
  7. Hi longish story as short as possible Last summer got a parking ticket for overstaying in a car park, dealt with it, was ignored by PE, PE wrote back saying out of time despite replying in plenty of time. Wrote back saying so told to appeal to POPLA Letter back to appeal to POPLA that got thrown out too Hadn't heard from them since before Christmas got a letter today demanding £100 or court. Now when I parked they had a sign up (I have photos) as part of the terms that you get a voucher to redeem the full cost of your parking in the pub. What you don't know until after you park is the pub has closed down so it is in fact impossible to redeem the voucher. I said that imho this is a breach of contract and that this breach occured before the overstay. Any advice before I write back to them again. Not bothered about them getting a CCJ as have one already due to losing my job due to serious ill health and being on disability benefits but obviously £100 is a lot of money vs ESA so if there's any helpful advice i'm all ears. I was thinking about firing my own LBA back at them for breach of contract themselves but obviously need advice first. Thank you
  8. Hi We had someone turn up on behalf of our HA landlord on Monday to do a stock check survey. As he had no ID and we knew nothing about this he was sent packing (despite begging to come in). I contacted the HA and was told a letter was sent our, sorry if we had not got it & it was legit & he'd be back "in a few days". Following day this letter turned up dated 5 days before saying this person would turn up "soon" no date nor time given no offer of making an appointment either. I wrote an email to them saying as I suffer from 2 neurological conditions I am often very ill and this causes me to suffer from anxiety & panic attacks. If this survey is really necessary (we've had 6 in 2 years due to all the defects they never fix but this is not related to this) then can he make a proper appointment as I find it distressing hanging over us waiting for the door to be knocked on. We were then told no its not he'll either turn up in the next few days or he won't. Now to my mind this isn't really giving us the proper notice period to gain access to the property is it? I'd rather they didn't do it at all but I'm not trying to stop them out of sheer bloody mindedness it'd just be nice if they did these things properly am I being unreasonable? On the side of the defects this has been going on for years now complaints have been made, promises given things start to happen then it all stops again, If anyone has any tips on that front I'd be grateful too. Classic example: all the power blew on the ring main on a Friday night, called emergency sparky out said there was a cabling fault somewhere, it was a big job & left us with the plug on the cooker circuit all weekend. Monday no one came out so we called to be told itd been logged as one faulty socket not entire house out. Tuesday sparky came out around 2pm poked around a few hours & found burnt cabling behind the washing machine in a junction box sealed up with umpteen layers of paint, disconnected it all & left. 2 months later bill for £300 arrives as fault was due to "tenants diy" cue massive panic attack as that's 2 weeks ESA. It was there when we moved in but there was no questions asked about it just an invoice which demanded payment in 7 days (ok for them to take 2 months) I wrote to them refuting the allegation as it would've been illegal for me to do such wiring, heard nothing back no apology, no confirmation it's cancelled nothing and it's like this every single time over everything. Apologies for the long post. Anyway if anyone has answers re: Access for this survey Suggestions when complaining has failed re repairs Then I'd be really grateful
  9. Hi Got a ticket awhile back for parking in pub car park & overstaying, I was still technically in the car park but I was stopped in driveway just before where the hidden ANPR camera is now. Few weeks later "fine" letter appears, wrote back, I was ignored, wrote again as heard nothing, got letter back saying "out of time" even tho first appeal was in time. They claim they never received it. Got Popla letter, filled all of that in carefully. Just had an email today turning the appeal down. I had included the ridiculously tiny writing on signs over 6 foot in the air that I couldn't read at all. I also appealed on grounds of breach of contract. You get a voucher stating you can redeem your parking fee in the pub which is why I parked there, effectively free parking. No signs up anywhere warning you that the pub has closed down so no way to redeem the voucher. Popla have said its not grounds for appeal & dismissed the fact the car wasn't parked as I was in it & it wasn't in a space it was being driven but that was refused too. In hindsight I perhaps should have asked here first re Popla appeal but it seemed so straight forward & with all the photos etc thought I stood a good chance. Am rather unwell with several neurological conditions so am disabled & on lots of drugs so please be gentle. Thanks
  10. I had one replaced on s Fiat Marea some years ago that was over £300 using a refurb part so for a vehicle like this I can easily see that being the going rate at a main dealer say
  11. No redacted parts are strictly just personal info & dates. Interesting point haven't had chance to go today but hopefully tomorrow will be OK
  12. Of course, you could drive into the car park wait 30 mins for a space drive off without having parked & not bought a ticket then a week later you get a "fine" in the post. I'll get down the tomorrow & take some photos, thanks again
  13. Ok that came in the post today there was nothing on the car so I should expect something else next? Yes I can go take photos in the car park next time I'm over that way in next few days
  14. I was technically about 30 mins over the time on my ticket before I passed the ANPR camera, Shane they don't have cameras on the spaces lol. OK so what do I do write back disputing it, ignore it, roast it & eat it?
  15. I've edited the paperwork again so will reattach again, hopefully i've removed all the personal bits correctly now
  16. Yes that came on the post today, guess it's all computer driven as nothing on the car when I left, I was back in plenty of time but loitered in entrance of the car park waiting for the wife & kids to get back, that's what makes me really sick as was honestly out of the space in time & there was only 2 other cars in there too. It's a pub car park & all the signs say you can get your parking fee refunded in the pub subject to a min purchase but when you go look the pubs now shut down so you can't spend the voucher the machine prints either. Anyway thanks again
  17. Hi Just received the attached today 12th July. I was back in the car 4 minutes before the parking expired I was unaware that there were cameras up and was loitering near the exit waiting for the family to catch up. I thought as I was in the car out of the space that there wouldn't be a problem as I wasn't aware as I say there were cameras on the entrance/exit. I presume i'll have to pay this now, i'll need to pay in installments as my only source of income is my ESA so can't afford even the £60 discounted figure. There is signage up in the car park but I didn't see mention of anything to do with ANPR cameras anywhere, as it was a pub car park with a ticket machine I assumed it'd just be the pub enforcing it. Any suggestions gratefully received, thanks
  18. Ok all of the above done just got to get a PO and everything is in the post. I've also acknowledged the claim online at MCOL So presumably I just wait now then?
  19. Ok will get that in the post for tomorrow & get onto mcol Thanks very much and yes signed up online
  20. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell portfolio I ltd Date of issue 16th June What is the claim for – 1) the defendant entered into a consumer credit act 1974 regulated agreement with capital one under ref xxxx 2) the defendant failed to maintain the required payments & a default notice was served & not complied with 3)the agreement was later assigned to claimant on 24/06/2015 and notice given to defendant 4)despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £620 remains due & outstanding. A) the said sum of £620 B) interest pursuant to s69 County courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from date of assignment to date of issue accusing at a daily rate of £0.14 but limited to one year being £50 C) costs What is the value of the claim? £800 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 2013 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Issued by lowell Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I don't remember getting the default notice more assignment BUT my memory is not great part of my illnesses Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Don't think so Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Left employment as very ill currently only received income based ESA What was the date of your last payment? Late 2014 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management No
  21. No not yet, this only came this afternoon. So CCA them next then? Is there time for that? What else do you need to know?
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