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Everything posted by Rich44

  1. Im glad you at least got that far with them, fingers crossed it turns up as promised
  2. So you're trying to penalise a company that has by your own admission bent over backwards to help you out, had it been my company I would have refused to send out the memory and forced you to return "the set" before issuing a replacement there are too many dodgy people out there to do otherwise (not implying you are dodgy btw). I think as you lost the goods and they were at fault for sending them a compromise is the best way forward here and offering to pay cost would seem the best way out for you whilst saving face for them on £54 of RAM the cost price is probably around £45 or so. I really think you have a duty to play fair here, the next time this happens this company now is going to play by the rules and insist everything is sent back before exchanges will be issued which is a shame for everyone concerned. Had they been a bunch of monkeys to you and messed you about I think my outlook would be very different but the company concerned has bent over backwards to accomodate you where they didnt have to and I think you need to appreciate that. Sorry, hope its all settled soon.
  3. Just a thought but do check both ends of the video cable before running off to call HP there are 15 tiny pins in there that are verrrrry easily damaged and one of them being bent into another one can cause all sorts of funny colour problems, if you never unplug the lead then its not an issue but definately worth checking. Also if the lead isnt captive ie it can be unplugged from the pc and the monitor then I would be tempted to try another one in case one of the conductors is faulty again causing the same problem, if you buy it from PC World if it doesnt fix the problem then you can get a refund easily enough on it
  4. Cheers I have been to the law societys website and found what looks like a good solicitors who deal with this kind of thing, no win no fee and who will visit her at home for free too to discuss it with her, just need to persuade her to call them now theyre both in their late 60's and dont like to make a fuss
  5. Most TFT monitors come with a 3 year warranty direct with the manufacturer usually and more often than not they're a simple swap out job, HP can tell you if its under warranty from the serial number try going direct to them and see what happens, with things like monitors it is often much much quicker to deal directly with the original manufacturer. Good luck
  6. Norwich City Council already hate me as I got our MP Charles Clarke involved in sorting out our area of criminals and drunks/druggies so what the hell in for a penny I shall write to them tomorrow and make the points taken from this thread, thanks for all the replies
  7. Its about the 4th time they've done it and they've scrubbed all the others so I have no reason to doubt they will this one just fancied upsetting the council with it lol. Yeah ive read the thread and I thought it was missing the necessary bits but I just wanted some of you helpful chaps to double check before I make an ass of myself hehehe (happens all the time) This is what happens when your wardens are on commission
  8. My GFs mum has had a bit of a nightmare with the NHS which i'll explain below. She has a history of mental health issues and was given a lot of electro-shock treatments back in the day part of the treatment was to be put on Ametryptaline now from everything i've read you are not supposed to be left on this for long as it can cause all manner of problems. Basically she now has to wear a catheter all the time as the Ametryptaline has damaged all the nerve endings concerned after she was left on it by several GPs for over 10 years. She also has a huge hernia that they are refusing point blank to do a thing about as she has a heart condition even though its making her life a misery. She was then taken into hospital to have the catheter fitted through her groin to make it easier for her, on the way home she felt wet and looked down to see she was pouring blood and had to be rushed back in by amulance where they found that the consulatant had made the hole too big so another overnight stop in hospital and they sent her home. We went to visit, my partner was 27 weeks pregnant at the time and she seemed quite well, a week later we found out she had been given MRSA in her wound and to make matters worse the GP had known for over a week and hadnt told her as "they didnt want to worry her" the only reason she found out was she specifically asked is the infection in the wound MRSA when they did actually admit it. In the meantime my partner is panicking like hell as she has had 2 miscarriages in the last year (6 weeks and 11 weeks) and has cried herself to sleep on several ocassions. Now to cap it all of she tested negative for MRSA on a test then 4 weeks later she tested positive for it meaning that she cannot pass 4 tests before the due date of the baby and as the umbilical cord is treated as an open wound means she cannot visit her only grandchild for god knows how long. Basically i'm just asking is it worth taking legal advice on this, I dont mean to moan about the NHS as they do a great job generally under pressure but its really upset the both of them and the only reason it happened in the first place is down to neglect by the GPs concerned leaving her on the Ametryptaline. Any advice is much appreciated on this
  9. Thank you, the first class is Weds so I think best to speak to them in person they probably didnt realise how stupid a thing it was to do and no we havent signed any disclosure paperwork. lol that was a poor choice of words and yes at the moment the baby is breech but only 31 weeks so still plenty of chances for her/him to move yet.
  10. Quick bit of advice needed, is this one legally enforcable or not? Makes me laugh there was a permit on the dashboard, they must be blind I think lol. I'd just like to have my facts straight before mouthing off at them.
  11. Hi all, not too sure if this is the place for this or not but here goes... My partner has signed up for some ante-natal yoga classes privately not NHS ones and tonight she got an email sent to her and everyone else going to the classes and attached to it was a word document with everyone who will be attendings FULL addresses and contact phone numbers. We are ex-directory and she hasnt had any contact with her dad since she was tiny because of various reasons (he still lives in this area roughly) now the odds on someone she knows getting hold of this information is obviously pretty low but its quite worrying for her nonetheless, I presume this would be a breach of the DPA but is it worth doing anything about it or not and if so what? We're obviously a bit concerned as these people also have had access to medical records and they have assured us of privacy etc when we signed up but now this has happened. Any advice welcomed
  12. They've done the same to me so the Microfiche template goes in the post tomorrow, still no contact from Natwest tho.
  13. Rich44

    Rich v Abbey

    Received the "usual" Microfiche argument yesterday, just printed off the reply letter and goes in the post tomorrow hehehehe
  14. Just thought I would add re the gross misconduct if you work for a bank and screw up. Many moons ago I worked as a temp for Barclays Financial Services, not the banking side the stocks and shares bit and all staff members there HAD to have their wages paid into a Barclays account and if they attracted any charges on that account you would face disciplinary action, so it does happen.
  15. Congratulations m8, glad you got there in the end, hope we all do too
  16. I would if I wasnt at work and too far away but good luck with it m8
  17. Rich44

    Rich v Abbey

    Too right m8 I shall let everyone know about this place
  18. Rich44

    Rich v Abbey

    Just had this forum pointed out to me by a friend and after having had a good read thru everything I have printed off my DPA letters for me and my partner so fingers crossed (she's with Natwest btw) Thanks to everyone involved with this place for the templates etc, brilliant. Our first child is due August be nice if do get some cash back from the banks
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