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Everything posted by Mallymoo

  1. I will have to go through my file but it is a while ago
  2. We have bern charged £12.00 for "letter received from customer" and £23.00 for "letter sent to customer". Seeing as we have never been in arrears with them I dont know how they've got the gall to charge us. Also these charges do not appear in their "tariff of charges" dated february 2010. No transparency there then!
  3. Hi Pam I emailed you the other day regarding joining the group. Did you received my enquiry?
  4. We know exactly what you mean. We have never missed a payment and now only a fraction less than we did in 2005. We too are looking for a solicitor (North West area) who can help us take them to court. Its very difficult, but some bright young solicitor must be looking for a challenge!
  5. FOS said they could not help as loan was taken out in 2005. Swift advised us to complain to the FLA as they were members. My local MP went straight to the top of the OFT, but even with her involvement they showed no interest in what Swift were doing. I want to take them to court not because we don't want to or can't pay, we just want a fair rate of interest. Even though we are examplary payers, Swift seem to be hell bent on aggravating us over this. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone having problems paying these people, they treat us badly enough.
  6. I've tried the OFT FLA FOS but none of them are interested. It is ridiculous how these people can get away with it and no supposed "authority" iseems to have the power to stop them.
  7. Hi Pam I'd like to join the group please. Regards Mally
  8. I want to take Swift to Court over the rate of interest they are charging us. We have never been in arrears with them. Could the above information be of any use to us in this respect?
  9. Hi Mrs Foot Have you actually taken Swift to Court, and what happened?. Regards Mallymoo
  10. Hi Sparkie Can you please tell me on what basis you took Swift to Court and how you got on as we are intending to issue proceedings against them as well? Regards Mallymoo
  11. Hi PSB123 The judge told me that once a statutory demand has been set aside, 1st Credit and/or Connaught collections cannot issue another one, although they may be able to make a County Court claim against me. I'll be ready and waiting if they do! Don't think it would go down too well with a Judge if a SD has been set aside though.
  12. HI Babybear. I'd be very grateful if you could help me with the issue of LIP. I spent ages preparing my affadavit, then I had to go to Court once to take it in and get it sworn, and then I had to attend court yesterday for the hearing.
  13. Hi Babybear Wish I'd known this before I went to Court!
  14. Hi there I've already told the judge that I had no costs, would I be able to go back and claim costs now? I'm not a legally trained person, and I was not aware I could claim for the time spent preparing my paperwork.
  15. The Judge asked me if I wanted to claim costs, and rather stupidly for me, I said no. It had actually cost me very little to get there by car, and I was so shocked by not even having to speak, I did not consider my travelling costs. I am retired so I couldn't claim for time off work. Silly me!. Anyway, I'll live with that to get rid of 1st Credit and Connaught Collections.
  16. Hi All Just wanted to say that I received a statutory demand for a statute barred "debt" from 1st Credit and Connaught Collections delivered by Interlink!. I got the forms to have the SD set aside off the internet, took them round to my local court and signed my affadavit in front of one of the Court staff. About 10 days later, I received a court date of 3rd November. I attended court yesterday and Judge told me not to sit down as he had set the SD aside. He tells me they cannot now issue any further SD's on me. When I got home from Court, there was a letter from Connaught Collections telling me that they were withdrawing the SD, would not be attending court (I wonder why) and were returning the "debt" to 1st Credit??? So if you get a statutory demand from these people, don't let it upset you, go to your local court and apply to have it set aside. Once the Court tells them there's a hearing, they'll pull out. Do your homework first though and make sure you present a good case on your affadavit (using CCA 1974 etc - info can be found on this site) against these parasites. It worked for me!
  17. Hi Swifteater When you are a limited company it is possible to close the business down whenever you wish, but I think there may be a legal issue if you do it because you know you owe people money. Can anyone with legal knowledge comment on this please Thanks Mallymoo
  18. Hi Landy x Yes, they passed the buck by telling me to contact the Financial Ombudsman who also told me they couldn't help me. It's just a farce. As I've said previously, I am going to see my local MP on Friday to find out why none of these alleged regulatory bodies can help you when you have a problem with a company like Swift. Will post what she says on Friday night. Don't give up!. Regards Mallymoo
  19. Hi Swifteater I tried the FLA and they weren't interested either. You can fill the complaint form in on line by going to their site, but you will be wasting your time because they will tell you they can't do anything about Swift. I also complained to the Office of Fair Trading, who though they took details of my complaint, weren't particularly interested either as they cannot deal with individual cases. I did get the feeling, however, that they were already aware of Swift Advances. Good, isn't it? I really don't know why these "regulators" exist. Regards Mallymoo
  20. Hi Swift Eater (what an appropriate name!) Don't worry, it will happen one day, they cannot carry on ripping their customers off like they do. Unfortunately for Swift, they picked on the wrong person when they picked on me because I intend to do everything in my power to stop these greedy vultures stealing, because that's what it amounts to, from people who have at some stage had some bad luck financially. I am seeing our local MP on Friday, and intend to push her on doing something about Swift, as I have already written to her on the subject several times. Regards Mallymoo
  21. Hi Sweetjane I'm prepared to pay the money, because if there is no case, I get it back. You have to speculate to accumulate as they say. Regards Mallymoo
  22. Hi Doc! I don't actually know, but I'm going to give it a go, I just can't put up with Swift any longer. They are ripping their customers off, and not one of the "officiasl regulating bodies" seems to care, so I'm going to deal with them myself. I will report back once we've sent the papers in. Regards Mallymoo
  23. Hi Doc2527! It's a charge the company makes for their solicitor and forensic accountant to go through the consumer credit agreement with a fine toothcomb, and hopefully find fault with it. If they can't you get your money back. If you go onto the internet and type in "unfair relationships, it leads you to the companies who can deal with irritating companies like Swift. Some of them who don't take money up front will take 25% of "the winnings". With the one I've chosen, you pay £299.00 up front, and if the case goes ahead, they do nor make any further charges. Regards Mallymoo
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