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Everything posted by UnmoderatetheNet

  1. Thanks for the advice. I still believe my only possible chance of getting justice is I am inside the 14 weeks of a claim. What do you think my chances of success are given the little information you have? I can see them easily arguing that 'It does nothing to improve your prospects of employment in your chosen occupation' is irrelevant. Lets be fair about the MWA program its a punishment or its dished out by lazy JSP employees, nothing more. Anyone can see it does zero to improve job prospects. If I am forced to do it, how will my job hunting be affected? Will I still have to look for a job and if so how many hours am I expected to job hunt? Am I expected to search for a job more than 40 hours a week bear in mind that I am expected to complete 30 hours of MWA???? Its not that I have any health problems its just that I am not physically able to do manual work. I have spent 30 years working in an office based environment and now they expect me to move crates and lift pallets. Its insane.
  2. Hi again, I am having severe problems with MWA. I am due to start a MWA in two weeks in a warehouse. I have a degree in design and can not lift anything heavier than a house brick. I have never in my entire working life worked in a warehouse. I am clearly being put on this scheme due to lazy JSP employees's as I have only been signing for LESS than 6 weeks. I am dealing with that as well. Is there anything I can do about the suitability of this placement.How is this designed to restore self esteem when I've not been claiming long enough to have lost any or improve my chances of employment are beyond me. If anything this will damage my potential to find work. If I apply for a job in a design field and the potential employer ask me what my last job was and say sweeping floors in a warehouse. This is going to look great on CV. BTW I want to stress that I do not feel working in a warehouse is beneath me far from it, I just don't see how it can possibly help and as I've said could actually make meunemployable in my chosen field.
  3. I raised no objection because I didn't know I could. It wasn't until I got home that I discovered that less than 13 weeks on JSA seems unusual for a MWA. Does it run on from my last claim which stopped in May last year?
  4. The link is not working. Thanks for the reply though. How do I go about doubting the adviser's decision and seek a referral of the decision to a Decision Maker? Thanks again
  5. Hi folks I have a question I need help with. A year ago I signed on then got a job. Four weeks ago I had to sign on again. After only the second time of signing I've been put forward for a Mandatory Work Activity, I'm not against the idea but feel that I haven't been given enough time sort out work myself. This will seriously hamper my ability to find work I actually want to do, rather than having to waste four weeks doing a job that I will most likely not lead to employment, plus in a area I don't want to work. Is this how it is now? Less than a month and straight onto a MWA. I just need a few more weeks to find a job on my own, then if I can't I will throw my hands up and say put me on a MWA. What are my options???? Thanks
  6. Very very interesting they make you sign a declaration which even if you are there of your own volition, negates the voluntary aspect and you are signing to say you accept it as mandatory. Thoughts anyone.
  7. Many thanks for the response. I got the interview from the jobcentre the adviser almost rubbed his hands together. I can't stress enough I suggested this option. I've been doing everything I'm supposed to filling out my jobsearch activity and spending my agreed 20+ hours looking for work. Do you think I will need to introduce the sicknote? I'm weary as it seems this will cause me even more grief signing off JSA and signing on to ESA and then signing back onto JSA if its needed.
  8. I’ve been very foolish and naive. I stupidly volunteered for a work activity programme because I thought it might help my chances to find work. After doing some research on here (amazing site) and speaking to other people it would seem that this is just a cynical attempt by my advisor to win a gold star from his pay masters and will not aid me one bit. In fact initial discussions suggest this will seriously hamper my efforts to find work as I will have to attend 30 hours of work activity in skills I do not need as well look for a job for 20 hours a week according to my job agreement. Apart from the fact I am now facing 50 hours a week for the next 4 weeks I have got myself into a bad situation and it would seem tricked by those supposed to help me. To make matters worse or better depending on your view my doctor has upped the prescription I receive and declared me unfit for work until the medication takes effect. So I have a sick note for four weeks and my first appointment with the work activity is next week. I don’t know what to do. The Job centre have been no help and if anything have told me if I have a sick note I should sign off and make a new claim, which will result in delays and being left with no money. This scares me even more having to use food banks. It appears that the process for having a short term sick note has been made even more difficult to deter those from using them. Please help. Thanks
  9. In my long five years on here I have never committed benefit fraud but I condone it in Gideons brave new world of death and misery its the only choice for many facing foodbanks. Besides if you want to commit benefit fraud there appears to be a how to do it book coming out. It flashed up on my facebook side bar as a promoted page. Its called quite originally 'Screw the dole and get away with'. I kid you not and I'm well aware that CAG would never party itself to this kind of activity.
  10. No they really shouldn't and I admit I was. I now know a Compliance interview is either random but most likely 'we don't have evidence' and want you to hand us enough rope so we can hang you. Going into an interview with a care free abandonment is not the right attitude. If you are screwing the dole because you can't feed yourself then just be careful what you say. I do think its important to understand these government employee's are under targets regardless of what bull**** IDS and his mates tell you. There have been plenty of leaked documents in the past and it would seem its business as usual. If you fancy working in JSP and you come from a target driven sales background you'll fit in quite well.
  11. Well I've never seen an unofficial target worry a man to the point I get it in the ear. I've seen plenty of official targets do that, but anyway I said what happened I shared my experience. There is nothing left for me to do. Apart from I feel a FOI coming on. Who's guessing they don't answer the question? Correct
  12. Why would the man lie seriously ask yourself. Why? We spent 15 minutes of a 15 minutes interview mostly discussing how crap the JSP is, why staff morale is at rock bottom, his colleagues being under huge departmental pressures, why they are leaving in droves. He talks about his own targets then holds four fingers in the air to gesture they don’t call them targets but still amounts to the same thing. Three a week. I have no reason to lie almost a 1000 posts on here mostly helping other people over five years on CAG. The DWP CUSTOMER COMPLIANCE ADVISORS have targets get over it.
  13. There is nothing silly and immature about cold hard facts. I think its very useful to know when you step into a DWP Customer Compliance Interview the person on the other side of the desk has a target of 3 claimants a week to refer for investigation 'under caution' or stop your benefit for x amount of weeks.
  14. Well I've not been locked up you guys were right. Interesting points I want to share. They have 15 - 30 minute time slots and its amazing how easily they can get side tracked. They have targets to achieve straight from the horses mouth as it were (obviously I got a particularity disgruntled employee, result). Three benefits/bonuses per week, as the DWP don't like the word targets in the same way they don't like the word tax and prefer subsidy. That's right folks but don't just take my word for it. Its worth mentioning this is a performance bonus so think of it like a salesman not getting his three sales per week and looking for a job the following week. Its a comfort knowing that the DWP are paying benefit hitmen to catch people out even going as far as to sanction someone who doesn't deserve it. Lets face it if you're sitting on two sanctions for the week and have done for the past month and some vulnerable claimant walks into your office and your are fearful of your own job. What are going to do?
  15. That's easy for you to say you're not at the pointy end of Iain Duncan Smiths ****ty stick.
  16. On a more serious note, I'm assuming that notes will be taken by the investigators erm I mean advisers. Does this mean I can request this transcript via a SAR?
  17. Pity. The problem is lack of information. Places like CAG and CAB can only go so far. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed by this prospect and I'm not really best placed to deal with this but there are others in worse situations even more vulnerable situations and having a visual or audio representation of what goes on could and will have a very positive outcome to help people understand. Its no coincidence that these letters are vague they instill a sense of panic and worry that could be avoided if people understood more. They are the modern day ghost stories. People always fear what they don't understand, back in the day with limited info. ghost stories frightened the living daylights out of people. Simply because no one understood.
  18. Why is this bad? What can they do? What is the law they would rely on to do you for it. I think more people should record them and stick them online it would show how odious these things really are.
  19. Thanks but saying don't panic are you serious? When did this start happening? Random checks without good reason? I can't believe in the random nature of these things. what are my rights? Can I leave during the interview? can I refuse to answer questions. Can I tell them to come back to me if they have something more solid? Thanks p.s can i record the meeting? can i take someone with me?
  20. Dear Mrs Scrote, An office interview has been arranged We would like you to attend an interview at: Jobcentre On Friday bla, bla This interview has been arranged because your circumstances may have changed and we need to ensure your payments are correct. Joking aside I'm extremely worried. I'm not aware of any wrong doing on my part and am I being investigated for fraud? Should I borrow money to take a solicitor? Please help my anti-depressant dose is already way too high I can't be taking any more
  21. These are all very good responses, but surly there is a generic 'why are you asking me for this money' letter kicking about somewhere. Back in the day, I used to send the 'prove it debt letter to banks and dca's' I've had a look at it again and it does not fit a dwp demand letter. there must be someone somewhere that put one together. especially given rate the dwp are churimng these letters out. A very generic and better than i could do. My letter would be why are you inepept losers asking me to pay back money? Did you screw up and over pay me and now you want it back are you that stupid? Don't answer that. so now you've screwed up and I have to pay for your mistakes. Great. First thing first I want to see is absolute proof I owe this money in the first place so I want to see computer print outs, ccctv recordings of me, fingerprint evidence and more computer printouts than a roll of bogroll. signed Kim i'm sure someone can do better On another note how much does a SAR request cost to the dwp? and what do I do when they ignore it which they will? I have the link.
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