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PPC $ cambuster

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Everything posted by PPC $ cambuster

  1. A GREAT RESULT The whole rotten [problem] that the PPCs try and con people with is falling apart, Perky/ scottish_mark, and all their PPC mates will soon be on the dole and looking out for a new way to [problem] a living. The sooner these parasites are hounded out of business the better, keep up the good work spreading the word about their unenforcible "invoices" and we will rid of these cheats for good!!
  2. "Private sector enforcement OFFICERS" ?? they sound really important Call them what they really are : [problem] operatives!!
  3. The trouble for Geral and his [EDIT] mates is that as more and more motorists are alerted to the fact that PPC invoices are unenforcible and are nothing more than begging letters which will not actually proceed to court if fought with a robust defence, options A and C are happening a lot less which is why he is on this site with his several aliases trying to stem the inevitable tide of non payers for these invoices, I think a better alias for him would be King Canute!! The word is spreading fast and Geral and his mates will soon be looking for a new way to con a living as the PPC scams days are coming to an end :o
  4. The only sheep here would be the PPCs who would be "lambs to the slaughter IF the ever went to court against a PROPERLT defended case>i nobody can show cases where these arguments have been used before a judge. and you have failed YET AGAIN to show where a PROPERLY defended case has been won by a PPC, if it is that easy to win you should be able to quote dozens of actual cases Failing to identify the driver. It's very misguided to think that you can get out of a charge by doing this. If a judge is aware that you are being obstructive by doing this, they can and do rule against you. then why do your invoices carry the lie that the "owner is responsible" your comical paperwork is NOT a section 172 request and therefore has no standing in law, the right to silence is still applicable and a judge would draw no inference to it being invoked Excel's case was a situation where Mark just got greedy You are ALL greedy, the supposed Charges you try to levy are way in excess of any imagined or real loss the charges are what you have agreed to pay by parking in a particular place. "Damages" do not come into it. It is essentially the same as a credit agreement in that you have agreed to pay a particular amount. except in a credit agrement you have actually signed to say you accept and agree to the charges rather than just having an unsolicited begging letter stuck to the window of your car. Your abject failure to quote actual cases (ie- courts, dates, case numbers) where a PPC has actually won a properly defended case show that you protestations are nothing more than a feeble attempt to keep up the lie that your invoices have any legal standing and you must be feeling the pinch as the word gets out that the PPC business model is based on little more than a cheap [problem]
  5. :eek: HELP WITH THEIR PARKING !!! That is the funniest statement I have heard since Gordon Brown said voters can trust Labour!! the only help you sharks try to give is in trying to help the ill informed in parting with lots of their hard earned money by issuing unenforcible invoices (in other words begging letters) and then trying to threaten and bully people into paying up by suggesting that they will be taken to court if they refuse to be conned. I repeat my challenge to you -- Can you quote real court cases.( ie which court, case numbers, dates and names) that have been properly defended where a PPC has actually won After all a "Major" player such as you with your "dedicated team" must have won lots of times in court Or is your dedicated team your missus who makes the tea and does the washing up whilst you get in her way with your DIY [problematic] kit??
  6. Bernard, Please explain what responsibilities you refer to, as I understand the law no one has any responsibility to pay an "invoice" which is nothing more than a hopeful punt at conning the uneducated and unwary out of their cash. You will not (or can not!) quote any actual case where a PPC has won a properly defended case, I do not count your random selection of made up names you spout, if you are so sure of your position you would be able to name courts,dates and case numbers but you don`t! You know, I know and now the rest of the motoring public are getting wise to the fact that your invoices are not legally enforcible, your days of [causing problems] and easy money are over, I suggest you invest in some retraining for a more honest way to make a living, perhaps as a Politician, you seem to rather good at lies,bullsh*t, bluff and bluster
  7. I have been watching the posts about PPCs for a while now and it appears that one or two PPC owners/workers have taken to posting about the subject, the tone of their posts is quite predictable and at least consistent in as much as they keep on repeating the drivel that these invoices they stick on our cars are legally enforcible(they like to call them fines ). The simple fact is that they are NOT fines and are NOT enforcible, they are merely a sophisticated form of begging letter and should be ignored as such, the clown who keeps on posting under various names like Perky, Julian, Jeremy or Bernard quotes ficticious names of people he claims have lost in court over refusal to pay these joke invoices, but it is always just a name,no court location, date or case number in other words nothing to clearly prove that a PPC has actually gone to court and won a PROPERLY DEFENDED case on the other hand a PPC has been to court and lost as has been reported in the press. It seems to me that Julian/Bernard/Jeremy/Perky and whatever other name this multiple poster uses as an alias is getting desperate, he sees his [causing problems] days are becoming numbered as people realise the PPC business model is based on nothing more than lies, deceit and the fear of ordinary law abiding drivers that the meaningless threats and pretend quasi-legal letters can initially cause. Is it really an"offence" in law to remove their sticky envelopes containing their begging letters from car windows to prevent other innocent motorists from being scammed if you see them whilst out and about ?? (not that I would condone such an activity!) or is that just more bluff, lies and bluster like the rest of their empty threats? It is now up to all of us to spread the word about the right way to deal with these unenforcible joke invoices and to hinder,obstruct and do everything possible to drive these people out of business and back onto the dole queues STAND UP TO PPCs DO NOT PAY THEIR UNENFORCIBLE INVOICES.--- YOU ARE NOT LEGALLY OBLIGED TO
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