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Everything posted by pj41

  1. Hi Silverbird9t9, Well I have responded to the court and have 28 days to file a defence. I've written to these people with a dpa and a request for true copy contract etc under the cosumer credit act. If i dont do anything I loose!!! I recon that based on what you say I will go for a counter claim for extorsion. I aint payin debt for a dead bloke (Person). Cheers Pj41
  2. These are a debt collection company who have purchased a debt off a City Bank credit card. The have issued a County Court claim against me for just over £5k including costs. As they have purchased this debt and people recon @12% max in the debt collection threads. Surely they must only be able to recover thier cost to buy the debt and not what I owed City Bank before they sold it on. Can anyone offer any advice on the legalities of this? Thanks
  3. Thanks for that. I am sure there is small print. What i was after was if someone buys a debt at say 10% of its original value surely the first creditor has written off the rest, so how can the original amount still be owed to the second party? Paul
  4. Hi there, I have recently contacted Payplan for advice. I was dreading making the phone call! I shouldn't have worried there very professional remember they charge the credit companies for their services not us!!! They will take some basic details from you and arrange for a specialist to contact you by phone to go through all your debts and advise you of the best way forward. As far as I am aware they can only deal with unsecured debts on your behalf. If you dont want to proceed with any option they give you just dont send their paperwork back. It's your decision your in control. Hope this helps Paul It must be worth a phone call though to find out where you stand.
  5. Now There's a thought, Think outside the box guys and girls there's no money in the system its all numbers on paper. Look at the price of gold over the last few months. Why the massive jump in price over the last two years? Governments and banks can print paper money as much as they like. Look at the US, its bankrupt, it just prints more dollars to stave off the inevitable. The Banks are part of a bigger picture. Claim your money back, it's all illegal.
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