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Everything posted by musicsmith

  1. Hi Hammy I have another 'Freeview' box installed and have since bought another to replace the Setanta box. I have lived in this house for 3 years and always run two boxes from the aeriel without any problems. I cannot see why their box would be any different. It froze and switched off regardless of which channel I was watching. Steve
  2. Thanks Alan The Supply of goods and services act is very useful. Thanks Have a good Christmas Steve
  3. Hi Alan, I too am in Derby and have problems with Setanta. To cut a long story short, I bought a freeview box from Tesco with Setanta, it kept freezing then switching itself off. I returned it and got a replacement only for the same thing to happen again so I returned it and cancelled my subscription as the equipment supplied was not fit for the purpose. I paid the connection fee for 3 months free setanta but only got 1 month. I emailed as instructed to cancel on 25th Nov. on 30th I received an email stating that my subscription would be cancelled 30 days AFTER my next payment due 17th Dec. I replied stating that I would not be paying as agreed with one of their advisers over the phone on 25th and warned them that any attempt would result in legal action. No reply to that one. I have now had an attempt made to take money from my account, fortunately I did not have any cash in the acount and the bank (co-op) has kindly refunded the charge they made for insufficient funds. I have spoken to Setanta who are refusing to do anything and say they will pass the debt on to a collection agency. Any advice anyone?? Steve
  4. Hi All It's interesting to read all your posts. So many people who are good people, good parents, uncles, aunts and members of the public. Why then do we need anything other than a report for those who abuse children, the elderly or any venrable people. So many people get criminal records whilst young, then turn their lives around but are then unable to even become a lollypop person. I can't. Whatever happened to the priciples of the 'Rehabilitation of Offenders Act'? How can we get the youngsters of today to turn their lives around if they already have a record. What's the point? It'll be on their record for the rest of their lives, When they get to the ripe old age of sixty, they still won't be alowed to be a lolly pop person!
  5. The only time the police can withhold information is if it relates directly to an ongoing investigation or if it would put a serving officer or member of the public at risk. This is not the case here. Lets get it in perspective, the police and the CRB people are not out there to wreck our lives, it is the silly people who have knee jerk reactions and bring in draconian laws in the hope it will win them a few votes whilst things are a bit tough for them. I totally disagree with the CRB in respect that it gives no chance for people to change, we now have a massive re offending rate but then why bother to stay out of trouble when people can find out about your past for the rest of your life? What would have been a better procedure would be for a decision to have been made to make certain offences never spent. We know what offences those should be. We need to give people hope, a reason to change and facilitate them into 'normal society' (whatever that is) not beat them down every time they try to stand on their own feet,
  6. Hi Tracyflyy, no, this shouldn't appear on a CRB check as you were not prosecuted or cautioned for anything. There may be a note on a file somewhere to say this incident took place but it would also say that the allegation was unfounded and untrue. You can apply to the Police with an SAR (Subject Access Request) in just the same way as with other organisations such as banks and the likes, I know with my local force it costs around £10 and doesn't take long. The Police will then send you all the information they hold on file for you, it would also include this if any notes have been made at any time. It may make you feel a bit better however, I wouldn't worry about it as, had it been taken as even possibly true you would have had interest from other organisations such as Social Services etc. take care and don't worry Steve
  7. I agree with you. Why should anyone get to know about my past? Trouble is I can't even fight this really because although my wife knows all about my past, her family doesn't and so the publicity would be too much. Don't get me wrong, I think places who employ people to deal with venerable people such as schools and care homes should be able to check up on their employees before employing them but it should be more a case of 'Has this person ever done anything against a child or venerable person?' If the answer is no then they should be allowed to work. I guess what I am saying is that certain offences should never be 'Spent' then these could be kept on file. At the moment there seems to be absolutely no point in any conviction ever being 'Spent'
  8. Hi Kenny, can't really talk now but I think you're right and this should be moved to the employment section many thanks Steve
  9. Hi everyone, I have seen a couple of threads about CRB checks and thought I would start one as I think it is quite an important issue. I have a criminal record. It dates back to before 1989 when I was a fool! I did a little time in prison but when I came out I knew I would never return. Just for your information, I spent time in Hull prison on remand, a dreadful place, was then sent to Durham where I was given two sets of clothes so we could wear two sets of trousers etc. because it got so cold all the time, even though it was summer and then sent to Armly in Leeds. I have seen prison at its worst! We had to 'slop out' every day. I have had a drink drive since in 1992 but then that is it. (Before you all start on the drink drive thing, I know and I'm not proud of it!) Anyway, I am now a respectable 40 something, home owner, hard working normal person. In fact I am also married to a doctor, grow my own veggies and support various local charities. So here it is. Last year I applied for a job as a chef at a local care home. They needed a CRB. I filled in the form, and it came back with every little thing I had done since I was 18. Including a 'Urinating on a Public Highway' on my 18th birthday. A few weeks ago I was in my local pub talking with a guy who is in there and the subject gets onto CRBs. He then tells me about this guy who has various convictions who applied for a job at the care home. His wife knows the owner! And yes, the convictions were mine! Whatever happened to the Rehabilitation of Offenders act? I TOTALLY AGREE WE NEED A CRB of some sort, however, it is now close to 20 years since I was in trouble with the law, I have never had any convictions for either violence or drugs and there has never been any suggestion that I should not work with either children or Venerable people, such as the elderly. If we want our young people to prosper we need to encourage them. People who make mistakes early in life now have the problem that if they want to get a job which involves a CRB, everything they have ever done will be available to all. I spent 7 years in the army. I now strongly believe that the trouble I got into was as a result of what I did and saw. This is no excuse, however, I see and speak to many other people who are very good people but who dare not get a CRB check done on them. We have a massive problem with re offending. What hope have people got when even their most irrelevant conviction is then shown to their employer, and others! How many of you out there would start to wonder about having a CRB done? you may be 60 years old but all convictions will come up What do you think
  10. Hi Todd58, Yes unfortunatley it does. I have a record for various minor offences that then resulted in a short spell inside as a 'Short Sharp Shock' treatment. It worked! Since then I have been in only one bit of trouble which was a drink drive (No I'm not proud of that) and that was 9 years ago. It is 20 years ago when I was last in trouble of any sort other than that. I recently had a CRB check done for a job as a chef in a care home and it came up with everything I had done since I was 18 including a 'Urinating on a Public Highway' on my 18th birthday! I didn't get that job but a few weeks later I was having a drink with a local in my local pub who told me the story about myself! He did not know it was me he was talking about because he did not know my second name but he retailed my convictions. His wife is a friend of the owner of the care home I applied to. I TOTALLY AGREE we need some sort of CRB check but this is crazy. I have no convictions which relate to violence, drugs, children or 'vanenrable people' How can people as myself and especially young people get past their past. It comes back to bite them. If we want young people to stop re offending we need to give them a chance. All of my convictions are 'Spent'. I am now a 40 something guy, homeowner, hardworking person married to a doctor. If anything I would be the sort of person you could point at and say 'look kid, you can turn your life around. It's not too late' I enjoy my life now and am glad I have done something with it but for goodness sake, give me a chance! and all the others out there who really do want to give it a go.
  11. Hi Pandora, JonCris is right to an extent, if you play soft you will get nothing. You have just a day or two to get this sorted. I stand by what I say about a visit to the bobby shop. Unless you have a reason for not wanting to involve them I would pay them a visit. It costs nothing and could be a good way of getting him to pay up in cash quickly. By writing 3 cheques which have bounced he MUST know he has no money in the account as his bank will be chasing him. Therefore he issued them knowingly. You could give him a call and tell him that if he does not give you the CASH by end of play tonight you will be making a complaint to the police for fraud as it it a criminal offence to issue a cheque knowing there are insufficent funds. I think he will then pay up as according to my friend the bobby, the police would then ask to see evidence that he had the funds in the bank on the day he issued the cheque, which he obviously did not. My friend says that they would probably say to him to 'get it sorted' and then would either give him a warning or take 'no further action' and that they may well already know of him as an unscrupulus guy and in that case would be pleased to pay him a visit. Easy as that! Don't let him do this
  12. Some Police will indeed tell you it is a civil matter which claiming the money from him is. However the complaint that he knowingly issued a cheque or promisary note that would not be honoured is a criminal offence. If Pandora goes to the local nick, preferably one which is round the corner from his business, and makes a formal complaint against him, she should take the cheques with her and say that she believes that he has deliberatly issued these knowing they would not be honoured, the police have to take a statement and indeed take action. It is not against the law to owe money, that is where the civil courts come in but it IS a criminal offence to do what he has done. Pandora, you may need to be firm with the police, ie, tell them that you are aware it is an offence and therefore want to make a statement. They MUST take your statement. The chances are they will pop round and see him and get the whole thing cleared up which then shows up as an offence dealt with. I spoke to a friend of mine a few minutes ago who is a bobby in Derbyshire. That is the action he has suggested. best of luck
  13. Oh dear, what a mess. You must act very quickly. If this is going on like this then it is fairly clear that he's going bust. As JonCris says, if these are bouncing for a reletivly small amount then he must be in trouble. Do you know a Police Officer? It might be an idea to get some advice from them if you do or you could pop down to a local bobby station and check up on the law regarding bouncing cheques. I know that if it's a personal cheque then it is a criminal offence to write a cheque knowing you do not have the funds to cover it. I believe it to be true also for business cheques. It's amazing how quickly people respond when a bobby comes knocking. The only other thing to do is to issue a summons to the small claims court. To be honest though, he may have a few of these already so may not be too bothered about getting another. I'll see if I can find anything for you about the law Steve
  14. Thanks Bookworm, I quite agree with you and have spent eight years thinking about it. the answer is not to say that I shouldn't get my D/L back because of my drinking habits but rather to change my drinking habits which I have done to a large extent. I still have more to do. We only have one car which my wife uses for her work, I have no intention of getting a second mainly due to the cost involved and of course my insurance premium. I want my licence back for the odd occasion when it would make a big difference to my wife if I could share the driving. My attitude to a lot of things has changed over the last few years, for example 10 years ago I thought nothing of jumping in a car without insurance or even after having a couple of pints (incidently, not that it makes any difference, on both occasions I was very marginally over the limit, I was not twice or three times over the limit) anyway I now think about the consequences of my actions a lot more. Not for myself so much as who my actions might affect if, for instance I injured someone while driving un insured or god forbid drinking. I am certainly not being rash. I am taking this VERY seriously. I am also VERY aware that if I were to repeat this offence I would go straight to jail without passing go! You were very right to ask the question though. I too have asked the question many times, until now I didn't have the right answers I am getting there now though Regards
  15. No, after six days the cheque cannot be stopped and you can't be charged if money is re claimed but it still doesn't mean that it is legally yours if you are not entitled to it. In this case he still owes you money and so therefore you are entitled. The whole thing about theft is intent. If you deliberatly set out to get something that you are not entitled to then it is theft. If you bank this money and he says he has now overpaid you then you must agree to pay that amount back or reply disputing the amount. You must sit down and work out exactly what he still owes you. Just something to think about: A man makes a claim on his car insurance after it is stolen, His insurers duly send him a cheque for the amount he is owed. Due to a clerical error, the insurance company sends him a second cheque a week later. If he banked this cheque knowing he was not entitled to the money and did not get in touch with the insurance company he would be guilty of theft. Even after the six days, the insurance company can claim that money back. hope this helps
  16. sorry about the gender mistake! I would never condone fleecing anybody, that would be very wrong, when I said you would be laughing, my intention was that It would stop your former employer from giving you the runaround and give YOU control of the situation. I did somewhat assume that these cheques were not for thousands of pounds. As I said in an earlier post, you must write and inform him and ask him to work out if you owe him any money now. I assume you have the dates of when you were off sick, for which he still owes you sick pay. There will be a site somewhere which will give you the rates for SSP, or you could phone the benefits agency who I'm sure will be able to tell you. Unfortunatly I think you won't get paid for the first 3 days but after that you are intitled to at least the minimum amount of SSP. (I think it's somthing like £55/60 per week) But find out then you should be able to work out exactly how much he owes you and therefore not get into any haggling situation. One last thing, If you have claimed any benefits since all this started there would be a question on the form about monies owed to you by a former employer. The Benefits Agency will quite often chase it for you as it affects the amount of money they pay you. Can be useful to talk to them Regards
  17. Thanks for that SharpmanTF1, I hadn't thought about going down that line, Cheers
  18. Too true, any civil judge would take into account any bounced cheques though when making a discision about how much to award without the need of filing a seperate civil claim. I think he has go what he set out for now, and if the second cheque clears then he's laughing.
  19. Hi DocH, sorry I didn't get back to you last night, They say in the army: the best rank is Corporal! I found out when I got three and my pay went down. OASIS sounds similar to Pampas, although it wasn't a pay system. It was a records system, a very dangerous one with what we know now but there you go. I will have a look at Forces Reunited, seems fun. Did Worthy Down a few times, good place, kept getting barred from town though, it was always the others, I seem to remember the Green Jackets or similar having their base in Winchester, three altogether along with the RAPC. Still, fun while it lasted. All the best Steve
  20. Thanks, DocH and Livelylad. Sorry sent PM to you Lively lad but PC hadn't shown up your reply. DocH, I came out as Sgt, broke my heart cos I was on better money as Cpl!!! no mess bills!! You have ten years on me, I came out in 1990. I don't know what has changed since then regards personal info but it never seems to get any easier!!! anyway, us shiny arses should get off our shiny backsides and do something else!! Do you remember PAMPAS? I was one of the first to be trained in it! Only problem was we had to keep 2 paper copies for when it crashed!!
  21. Thanks Lula for all your help. I have been through them before and as you say, they are very helpful. I may try again. MANY THANKS. S
  22. I should point out that my job in the Army was that of Squadron Chief Clerk. Apart from knowing Queens Regs fairly well I was responsible for the upkeep of all the personal documents for the unit, roughly about 350/400 men. Unless someone knows more than me, which I do say is more than possible, things have changed since my day, once a soldier is no longer on the reserve list, they keep minimum recoreds as anyone wanting to rejoin after six years would have to go through training again
  23. Thanks for the interest but this information is not true. The records held for servicemen are just their name, rank, number, medal and medical records, and the medical records are not public. Sometimes, if someone has done something really spectacular then there will be a note attached but that is all they hold. The National Archives certainly do not hold information on servicemen still alive. If they did anyone could access their records and find General so and so or Colonel Fred Basset who served in Northern Ireland and then blow him up. It would be such a massive security breech. Try it, I will give you my service number if you want
  24. Quite right! but these are not MEDICAL records, they are just soldiers documents, what they were qualified in, where they served, their next of kin etc. If the army kept all the documents for all the soldiers that have served this country since even 1950, it would take up half a city. It would also take about 150 years to input it all on a computer system. We now have access to the medal records from WW1, thanks to lots of volunteers, goodness knows when we will get round to WW2 let alone the 1980's. I don't know when the law you speak of was brought in but I would think it was fairly recently in the last 15/20 years. I left the Army in 1990, eighteen years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if even my Army Number has been re-issued by now, I know it was happening in the eighties with the numbers of servicemen from the fifties. regards
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