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  1. Thanks for that. I feel must more positive and confident about it all now... Thanks everyone
  2. Its good to hear that they have to prove were cohabitating. Ive already proven that to the council that were not when I applied for housing and council tax benefit as I only work part time.I think the best thing to do is just ignore them if they knock at the door :)Would it be a possibility for my landlord to call the council tax dept at the local council himself and offer to make payments? or does it have to be done via Rosendales.. anyone know?
  3. The landlord lives at the property yes...He owns it and I rent it from him although he stays there.Does that make a difference??
  4. Yes everything (except for the cooker and one tv) belongs to me, i have a rental agreement which states its an unfurnished property.I know enough to realise that even if they put a foot inside the door then I can politely ask them to remove it! They wont be able to see anything from the door
  5. Thank you for confirming that Well - armed with that information there is no way they are going to gain entry and any bullying tactics they might want to try will be totally lost on me! Thanks again - love this site, its soooo informative and useful..
  6. I would just like someone to confirm what I 'think' is correct. I live in a house that is shared with me by the landlord, I rent it as an unfurnished property, meaning everything in it belongs to me and not the landlord. I claim working tax credit and dont pay council tax. Today we recieved a notice from Rossendales addressed to my landlord entitled Liabilities order/distress warrant for the landlords unpaid council tax, It stated that the bailiff would be back to enter the property even if no one was in if the balance wasnt paid within 24 hours. A. Am i right in believing that they cant access the property unless they access without permission through an open window or unlocked door. B. They cannot force entry .C. They cannot take MY possessions as they are mine and do not belong to the owner of the property. Any advice would be greatly appreciated .Thank you
  7. Thank you They originally told me one week and when it didnt arrive back (i took the day off work) I phoned and queried it. They said it wasnt ready and hadnt been repaired and it was a suspected 'physical damage' fault. (It wasnt as i can assure them it hasnt been damaged by me) Havent heard back from them since!!! so going to sit it out. Besides I really dont have the time to hang on the phone whilst someone deems me suitable for a response!!
  8. Thank you. My apologies if the answer was already there, in all honesty I was too tired to read through it all........I will have a good read later and make some mental notes not to be so lazy next time p>
  9. Thank you.My query was 'is it 28 days' and not 21 as ive been told?
  10. Just to clarify. If Currys have had an item for over 21 days and have not yet repaired or returned the item to the customer then the 21 day rule kicks in?? Does the 21 days start from the date of collection?Thanks
  11. Im 99.9% sure that they need to get access to your property, and not just the building that houses your property.
  12. I'd already informed them that id opened the letter in order to see who i should contact to tell them that person didnt live here. Also the contents of the letter dont indicate who the debt is with, all there is is a ref number which doesnt tell me anything.
  13. Don't we all have debts? I do have some yes but certainly not in the name on the letter, I think they are clutching at straws personally. I will ignore any future correspondence from them and simply return it stating addressee unknown.
  14. A letter was rec;d at the address I am living at, it was address to a Mrs Jo C*****g - the prob is Jo is my name and C*****g is my landlords surname, so I really dont know where they got that combination from. Obviously they wont give me details of any debt because I am not the person named on the letter. I did call quoting their ref number but again they refused to give me details when i stated i wasnt that person, they then said that no more letters would be sent !! two hours later the phone rings and they leave a recorded message for the same person as on the letter asking them to call Westcot.. what now?
  15. Another question...The bailiffs originally said no to the debt being paid in instalments, and they havent yet agreed to it despite 2 payments by cheque being cashed... doesnt that 'show agreement' to the instalments being accepted as a means of paying it off?
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