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Everything posted by JonniBravo

  1. Hi All, I recently completed a degree and prior to completion managed to get a job with a large organisation that will remain un-named. I was due to start a taster day 3 months later prior to a enhanced disclosure being completed when I was struck down with a chest infection. A few days later I received a phone call from the said organisations manager stating they would no longer be pursuing my application. The reason given was they felt that there were stronger candidates citing references as a reason for this despite them having these references for as much as 1 month prior to this. In addition I had since turned down another job for which I had a contract ready to sign to take this job in the organisation I longed to work for. So I shook it off and continued to search for another job. I managed to get an interview after much grovelling with the company that originally offered me a contract and was offered a job and as it happens applied for another job with the said organisation in another department. I was offered a job once again by the organisation that turned me down and decided that this time I would wait till I got a contract to sign before making a decision which job I would take. I can do this because by the time my enhanced disclosure and clearance to work arrives it will be January so I still have the option to choose either job. The problem is since being successful in the interview and being offered the job on November 10th I have heard nothing, I have sent an email to human resources on the 19th asking about the outcome and I have called twice before being redirected to the manager of the department who I emailed on Monday but I have still heard nothing. I know my enhanced disclosure is clean as I have one from the other company who have offered me a contract, and I know my references are good because I contacted them first to ask permission and they all stated that they would be giving my a glowing reference. I am certain this relates to them getting a reference from someone that I did not give permmission for them to obtain, this person would not have been fair I believe and although it would not be a bad reference they may cite weaknesses that might stop me from getting the position, either this or it is someone I have worked with before who took as dislike to me or another student who may also not have liked me. These are just theories to be honest because except for one person who I would never have given permission o gain a reference I cannot think who would cause the organisation to completly blank me out. Nor do I expect this from such a profession let alone the organisation. Is there anything I can do about this? Can they just be ignorant after offering me a job twice? Can I ask for a subject access request in order to rule out references as a cause?
  2. Writing letter now, Thanks
  3. I bought a couple of football shirts from Amazon, they were pretty cheap at £14.99 but I thought it must be right its Amazon right! I ordered and received a order confirmation stating the item was not in stock but would be dispatched as soon as they had more stock. I got an email a few days later stating that an error had been made with the pricing and that the items ordered would be cancelled, they went on to say as a gesture they would honour the price of one item and cancel the other. So I thought well at least I get one, since I bought these shirts for my boys I thought I'll go into town and pick one up from another reputable store so my boys are not fighting over who gets the shirt, this cost me £44. Yesterday I got an email saying and I quote "Our supplier has informed us that this item is no longer available. This item has now been cancelled from your order ". So now I am £44 down and I'm going to have to pay a further £44 to get the shirt for my other son. Is there anything I can do here, the item was a third away kit could I not request they supply a another shirt from the same team??
  4. Idon't knowhow much it should be but £600 cannot be right I never borrowed that much.
  5. Hi all, I received a letter out of the blue requesting repayment of a social fund loan I thought had been paid off. The debt must date back to before 2003 and it was being taken from my benefit at the time I was ill. I am currently at University and have no income other than a bursary which pays off my bus fares and gives me a small income to use for food whilst on placement. That said my partner is working and we have joint claim for tax credits which I am worried they will try take money from. My partner is refusing to pay towards the debt and I have very little money to offer even though I don't believe the debt is as large as they say it is. What can I do.
  6. What approach would you take, I originally wanted to supply a definition of fit for purpose then raise the point of the charging cradle stating it was not fit for purpose and providing the relevant legislation. Is the sales of goods act more relevant? P.S does that mean you the same problem
  7. Hi all, About 3 weeks ago I pre ordered purchased a brand new Samsung Gear Live watch from Google Play Store. Whilst waiting for the watch to arrive I noticed some of the people that had received the pre release watch at the Google I/0 conference had reported the charging cradle that snaps onto the back of the watch was damaging the plastic on the back of the watch meaning they were no longer able to charge the watch. With this in mind I have tried to be very careful with the watch removing the cradle from the rear of the watch with care. Unfortunately however the watch has succumb to this fault and the charging cradle has broken the plastic on the rear of the watch meaning I am unable to charge the watch. Below is an example of the problem which is well known. http://www.sammobile.com/2014/07/07/samsung-gear-live-charging-mechanism-reportedly-getting-damaged-easily/ I contacted Google play and they have offered me a new replacement watch, after some persuasion, however, I am far from confident that this will not happen again, I asked Google that I would happy to accept a new watch if they could offer a different way of charging that did not require snapping cradle on to the back of e device risking it breaking again. I have requested a full refund, my argument is the charging cradle is not fit for purpose as it breaks the device. Do I have a case in consumer law here?
  8. The car was sold to a garage and taken in part exchange for another car, I was then summons to court shortly after for SORN cause there was no tax on the car, I told them I no longer owned the car and heard nothing after that then this. The garage owner never gave me the part of the log book I needed to send off so it is partly my fault, however, DVLA are saying I was not the registered keeper at that time and they are saying they would not have told the baliffs I was, so I am confused as to how this happening. Unfortunatley I do not have any of the transactional info for the car we bought or part ex'ed
  9. We sold a car to a garage back 2010, a parking fine was issued for the car in 2012, I moved out of my partners address in 2013 and letters which my ex did not open were being sent there. Just last week Baliffs (Marstons) on behalf of Leeds city council came to my ex partners property and took her car which unfortunately is still registered in my name. I have called DVLA who have confirmed to me that the previous car in question was not registered to me at the time the car received a parking fine. How could this have happened? What can I do, the Baliffs are refusing to return the car despite this and are saying we have 7 days f which we are in the 6th. Any help much appreciated
  10. Thanks I will send a letter to the chief exec and post the details of the response here.
  11. Thank you Rebel for your reply, I have done this and this was their response though I am worried about whether the regulator would take the matter seriously. Although I have just noticed you have posted the chief exec's email do you think he would take this more seriously??
  12. Hi I have made a complaint to O2 with regard to not being given a discount that the sale rep promised us in store. The discount was meant to be 30% off airtime from the April. The rep was so confident about giving the discount he wrote the discount on the top of the contract and stated that should the discount not be applied he would offer us a 50% discount. After complaining the discount was applied from June's bill but it should have been applied from April as agreed in store. I have also been having signal issues and keep receiving text messages stating I have missed a call when the phone has been switched on and next to me, the text arrives in the very same minute the person has called. I made an official complaint along with some other issues and O2 responded by stating the discount had been applied from June's bill and offered a good will gesture of £30 for the failed promises to ourselves from the store. After taking into account the 2 months the discount was not applied to the account the good will gesture amounts to only of £13.02. What irritates me here is that they offered a good will gesture for failed promises and this mostly covers the discount I should have got, I might have been more happy to have just received the discount as agreed and an apology but they have dressed this up as a good will gesture. Also they have not answered any other the queries relating to the missed calls, nor have they answered why the discount was not applied at point of sale. Am I being unreasonable here to want them to apply the discount as per contract and to assume that the good will gesture should be for the inconvenience caused. Should I take this further or would you agree O2 have resolved this issue appropriately.
  13. Hi, To try keep this brief I've seen the adverts saying virgin were boosting their broadband speeds to 50Mb. My neighbour told me that he had been upgraded free after having some problems with his bill. So I spoke with an advisor on their web chat service who stated that in order to receive the upgrade we would need a superhub 2, a new modem that could accept the new upgrade, this seemed a bit strange as the equipment we had was more than capable of 50mb speeds. The advisor told me that the bill would remain the same but that we would need to sign a new contract for 12 months. However when we received the contract to sign it stated that the bill was for £52 with a 18 month loyalty discount of £5. This would make the bill the same as we pay now but it would go up by £5 in 18 months. I contacted Virgin and asked them am I paying for the superhub or is this a price rise, the advisor stated it was not a price rise and proceeded to state that we were getting a loyalty bonus for 18 months and avoided the question completely, it was only on the fifth time of asking he stated the £5 pm was indeed for the super hub 2. He offered me another loyalty discount and asked us to call them in 18 months to have it applied to the account, but I am far from confident about this. My concern here is that they have stated we will all get an upgrade and following research it would appear that we pay £20pm for our basic broadband package while new customers now pay £25pm for theirs and automatically receive 50MB connection, this would seem like a attempt to bring other customers in line with new customers receiving the same basic package, bearing in mind they have alreay appklied a price increase this year of about £2. If I return the super hub I will go back to the 20MB connection I received prior to the upgrade a package they no longer offer. Is this legal, is it not misleading, is there anything I can do?? Am I not entitled to the same basic package as everyone else as per the contract. I found this on their website Will my broadband speed upgrade cost any money? Absolutely not! Your speed upgrade will not change the amount you pay for your broadband service each month
  14. Hi, I recently signed up to a contract with O2. I started at carphone warehouse and was offered a 4g package with a free phone for the princely sum of £37 pm. Since the provider I was looking at joining was over the road I decided to go directly to O2 to see if I could get a better deal, You'd think you would be able to! Right. When I went over there I was told for the same network, tariff, data and same phone free the cost would be approx. £42 pm. At this point I obviously pointed out that I could get a better deal from a third party store. At this point the sales rep offered me a 30% discount on the airtime which would bring the contract in line with the offer from carephone warehouse, the only catch would be that I would have to pay the initial £42 for the first month and then a reduced rate of £36 and something. which would make the cost exactly the same. I would usually have said if you cant match that cost I will take the other offer but because of the time spent in the shop, the fact it was late in the evening, and they had the colour phone I wanted I decided to go ahead with the deal. The sales rep even wrote on the top of the contract that we would receive a 30% discount and signed it. We made the first payment as arrange then we changed the direct debit date to match up with our pay day. The adjusted amount seemed high but I believed it was because we had changed the direct debit date and without doing the calculation I would not have known at this stage that the price remained the same. This month the bill is still £42 pm. I contacted O2 directly over webchat but quickly realised that they would not be able to see the contract and thought it would be better to contact the store directly and speak to the staff member who sold me the contract, after all he said if we didn't get the discount he would put me on his family and friends personally which was a bigger discount. This has left me wondering why he might say this! I called them and he was not available but the person on the phone said he would get the manager to contact me the next day, that was Friday and I have heard nothing since. As a side note since signing up with O2 I was not informed in store of the price rise (RPI) that was due the next month and we were sent a notification of this on the 8th day of the contract after the cooling off period. I was given the impression I was getting O2 tracks free for a year but not told this expired in December two months prior to the contract start date and was subsequently charged for this service despite the fact I never actually used it. And I keep getting text messages saying I missed a call from so and so when I have had the phone on and next to me, not sure if the signal is a problem but it is very annoying I am not recieving all my calls when I should be, the network map shows this an excellent signal area and it is also happening in other area's. We left EE because of the signal issues we were having and now I feel I jumped from the frying pan into the fire and no longer feel I can trust this company like the trust we had with EE(T-Mobile) who we had been with for over 15 years. I no longer want a contract with O2 because I have contacted them 4 times in the last 2 months with complaints, I am far from impressed and feel mislead and undervalued as a customer. What can I do??
  15. sorry Yes the finance company, I said bank because it's with Barclays
  16. Hi I know this is a small issue compared to the sleezy underhand workings of some of the banks on here but we bought a car Saturday and we were promised that we would by law be able to change our direct debit date as soon as our finance was setup. It turns out this is in fact true but the bank have sent a letter stating on it there will be a charge for this!! Does anyone know if they can justify this charge? Is it legally acceptable?
  17. Sorry I was hoping to cover more bases, I'm trouble aren't I. forgive me
  18. Hi to cut a long story short, made a claim for PPI through a well known PPI company. Got reward notice from bank tried to settle with PPI company took 12 months before they called asked us to email the award notice from the bank to them. Received a call from someone telling us we would receive a text message asking us to pay(Partner was in hospital having given birth at the time). Text basically gave us a discount on the final settlement which when I called the PPI company turned out to be a con. The PPI company had not contacted us to settle, they had however called and asked us to email the document. So someone had access to our the award notice as they quoted the bank the exact amount (including pennies) in the award notice and used a bank account that was similar to the bank account used by the PPI company and called it a tax free payment account. Complained to the PPI company about the length of time it took to settle, the number of phone calls we've made trying to pay the invoice and the fact that someone had our phone number and details of our claim. In addition when I was on the phone to a member of staff he said they were aware of this and they were investigating 3 other cases, since then I have been quoted Commercial sensitivity and they have refused to admit or deny if there were any other cases case, other than to say this was the only case they were investigating Thy offered us £300 for the delay in dealing with the claim which they upheld. They offered us £100 for the inconvenience caused in relation to the attempt to con us by what we think is a rogue member of their staff(alleged of course), but denied any responsibility, and offered us a 12 month subscription to a credit referencing website to check for fraud. This amounts to 20% of the invoice. We decided to accept and thought this was as good as it was going to get even if we took this further, but they are asking us to acknowledge that they re not liable for what happened. My partner has real difficulties with this and is saying she will not sign citing it is not our job to decide if they are liable or not. What should we do? Can we take this further? If we do what will happen?
  19. Hi to cut a long story short, made a claim for PPI through a well known PPI company. Got reward notice from bank tried to settle with PPI company took 12 months before they called asked us to email the award notice from the bank to them. Received a call from someone telling us we would receive a text message asking us to pay(Partner was in hospital having given birth at the time). Text basically gave us a discount on the final settlement which when I called the PPI company turned out to be a con. The PPI company had not contacted us to settle, they had however called and asked us to email the document. So someone had access to our the award notice as they quoted the bank the exact amount (including pennies) in the award notice and used a bank account that was similar to the bank account used by the PPI company and called it a tax free payment account. Complained to the PPI company about the length of time it took to settle, the number of phone calls we've made trying to pay the invoice and the fact that someone had our phone number and details of our claim. In addition when I was on the phone to a member of staff he said they were aware of this and they were investigating 3 other cases, since then I have been quoted Commercial sensitivity and they have refused to admit or deny if there were any other cases case, other than to say this was the only case they were investigating Thy offered us £300 for the delay in dealing with the claim which they upheld. They offered us £100 for the inconvenience caused in relation to the attempt to con us by what we think is a rogue member of their staff(alleged of course), but denied any responsibility, and offered us a 12 month subscription to a credit referencing website to check for fraud. This amounts to 20% of the invoice. We decided to accept and thought this was as good as it was going to get even if we took this further, but they are asking us to acknowledge that they re not liable for what happened. My partner has real difficulties with this and is saying she will not sign citing it is not our job to decide if they are liable or not. What should we do? Can we take this further? If we do what will happen?
  20. Hi, Around two 1/2 years ago we set about claiming some ppi from our bank using a reputable PPI claims company. To cut a long story short we could never get in touch with anyone to find out about our claim and always got a receptionist who promised someone would call us back which they never did. After 1 years of messing around and a phone call to the bank we finally got a letter from the bank offering us a large settlement, which we accepted, another 8 months down the line after repeated attempts to get the PPI company to invoice us for "the work" they did, we got a call from their credit control dept asking us why we had avoided sending them the copy of the settlement letter "The Cheek"! Anyway, they supplied us with a email address to send the award notice to them so that they could invoice us with the bill for "the work" they had done(at this point this was legitimate). After 1 week we received a phone call from someone saying they were from the PPI company, they had my partners name and number and the exact details of the award including the final award from the bank. They said that they would be emailing and texting us with bank details and the cost of the PPI service and if we paid within 7 days we would qualify for a VAT wavier, at this time my partner was in hospital having given birth following a c section so she was out of it so she did not even question it. The following day we received a text with the amount to pay and a bank account number and sort code and reference, I saw the text message and immediately began to question and we called the PPI company who confirmed it was not from them. They later admitted that this was not an isolated incident and that it appeared that someone within their company was attempting to fleece other customers. Me and my partner are really unhappy that someone has had access to our personal and private information is there anything we can do about this.
  21. Circumstances; I am a student studying a degree at University following a period of illness and being out of work, I do have some income but it is provided for childcare and travel and it just about covers this. I have few possessions that I own other than clothes, an xbox, a bike, and a laptop My partner is 8 months pregnant and is currently suffering from depression and OCD, she is the sole earner, the sole tenant of the property I think I have made a bit of an error, I have a liability order against me for £1700 from the CSA I am currently and have been for the last 5 years due to illness nil assessed, the CSA know I have no income and am a student, I have told the creditor that I could not pay it as I am a student and do not have an income other than the childcare and travel expenses I get, at that time they would not accept a budgeting sheet and sent the debt directly to the bailiff. At this stage I got a letter from Rossendales saying I must pay the said amount to cut a long story short I told I could not pay them as my partner was the only one with an income and she was unable to find the £75 min payment they were requesting, however, this month we completed paying off a loan and we were able to find the extra funds to pay the amount they asked for. But my partner said that if she was going to oay this debt she would not be prepared to pay the bailiffs and that I should send the payments direct to the child support agency, I made the minimum payment of £75 to the CSA then called the baliff to advise them I had made a payment direct to CSA, they then sent a letter the next day to say I must pay the full amount immediately. My partner is getting very agitated about this even though this was her decision, and I am worried that even though the bailiffs a re aware she is pregnant they visit the property whilst I am at University. What is the best thing to do? Is it worth carrying on down the route we are on? What can the bailiff do now I am paying the Debt direct to the CSA
  22. Hi I have a friend who has received a second written warning, she has never received a written warning or verbal warning, she hasn't discussed it with me yet but it doesn't sound like she has done anything serious. What circumstances would warrant an employer legally giving a second written warning having had no other warnings, other than gross misconduct.
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