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Everything posted by LlinB

  1. Well it appears I have my money!!! It's in my banck account as of today. Two amounts, one for the charges and a second for the interest and court fees. Strangely they never approached with an offer and I haven't even received a letter. Assume I have to let MCOL know, but will wait for some sort of written confirmation - wouldn't want them to take the money back! How do I get this moved to successful claims I wonder? YIPPEE!!!
  2. Just thought I'd check my account on the off chance something miraculous might have happened and there are mysterious receipt saying CASH £1099 and CASH £261!!! This was the original amount and then the court fees and interest but I haven't even had a letter to warn me. Am dancing a jig!!!! Think I'll have a good weekend too!!!!!
  3. That is brilliant news, well done for stickig to your guns. Still no news here only a letter telling me they're sorry they haven't responded to my complain and a leaflet about how to contact the ombudsman! Have a very good weekend to reward your efforts.
  4. Hi Noddy I have heard nothing so far. Good news for you though you must be at the top of someone's in-tray now! Perhaps I'll receive something tomorrow. It is only a matter of time before that £2000 is heading to you.
  5. Updating the thread, have just checked MCOL online and discover that my claim has been acknowledged. By my calculations this gives them until 13th May. Sit tight and wait to hear from the Court I guess.
  6. Hi Noddy Have just checked MCOL online to discover that they have acknowledged my claim so I guess that gives them until 16th May. Still holding my nerve though and the interest will come in handy! LlinB
  7. I had to take several deep breaths before pressing the button. I read lots of threads on here and they gave me the strength to do it. I now find myself checking my bank account all the time just in case the give up earlier on me! Good luck.
  8. Hi Noddy You have exactly the same MCOL dates as me. I also got my letter this morning. It's been on my mind all day, here's hoping they get in touch with us soon! Will keep an eye on your thread.
  9. Congratulations. I tried phoning last week and got nowhere so have completed the MCOL form. Have fun with the money!
  10. Well done both of you. I just completed the MCOL form on Thursday as I had heard nothing from Halifax. I called a couple of days before and they said that no-one had looked at my LBA and that they had until 2nd May! Obviously I'm ploughing on regardless. It is such a pain that we can't predict what they'll do next - they treat everyone differently. At lease your success gives me some hope!
  11. Hi Sharmads I eventually pressed the button on Thursday so I reckon that makes me 2 days behind you. Will look out for a letter from the court this week. Fingers crossed it's all straightforward from here....
  12. Not so sure on the few days ahead what with bank holidays etc. Will let you know when I hear anything. It is good to compare notes with other people who are at the same stage. As you said, Halifax seem to treat everyone differently and I've read quite a few threads with people at the same stage as us so they probably are inundated!
  13. Well done Noddy! I filed mine on Thursday and sent the schedule in the post today. I guess we sit tight until we hear from the Court! My claim also increased a lot when I added the interest and the court fees - more fool them. I'm not a particularly stroppy person but this process is unearthing some quite persistant and demanading traits in me!
  14. I filed today so will keep watching to compare notes!
  15. Have just submitted MCOL. Very nervous but excited at prospect of getting my money back. Think I am supposed to let a moderator know that I've done this but am hopeless with finding my way around - any ideas how I do this?
  16. Excellent news Well done. Have just submitted MCOL for mine so hopefully won't be far behind you!
  17. Hello Sharmads Am at exactly same point as you and also had a letter this morning saying they would be in touch no later than 2nd May. Am very nervous about submitting the MCOL though I have filled it all in. Have to put kids to bed now so may come back downstairs and press the SUBMIT button in a while. Fingers crossed that you hear from them soon.
  18. I found those links really useful. Having filled the form in this morning I decided to leave it until tonight to go over it and make sure it is all OK.
  19. Hello there I am at exactly the same stage as you. I sent my LBA a fortnight ago today but the Post Office tracking thing says they received it on 21st. I have filled in MCOL online today and intend to press the button on Wednesday. I tried to call today but although the man was helpful he couldn't do anything, apparently they sent me a letter today to say that they would be in touch before 2nd May. Am waiting for said letter to arrive and then I will give them one last chance before I file. Am feeling very nervous at the moment but keep reading the successful threads to remind me how well everyone else has done. Good luck
  20. I tried this earlier today and didn't get any luck I'm afraid. I was told that no-one had looked at my letter yet but that they had sent me a letter this morning saying they would be in touch by 2nd May! Will wait for letter tomorrow morning then call again I think. I used a number that Doo posted on here but will see if I have another number on tomorrow's letter. Have just been reading threads with people on the same timescale as me and they've already settled for the full amount - very frustrating.
  21. Hi Noddy just thought I'd let you know that I just phoned Halifax using Doo's number. I am due to do my LBA on Wednesday. The man was really helpful but unable to do anything. Apparently they have sent me a letter this morning telling me they will be in touch before 2 May but no-one has as yet looked at my letters. I have just filled in the MCOL form and saved it. If the Halifax letter arrives in the morning I am going to phone again and see how I get on. Otherwise I WILL press the button. Hope you get better luck.
  22. That is brilliant news. Well done! Can I ask you a quick question. I am due to do MCOL next Tuesday but am considering calling on Monday (having seen how successful you have been). You mentioned a reference number - was this in the standard "complaint" reply you had? I'd pretty much ignored that letter and have temporarily (I hope) lost it. Thanks
  23. Hi Noddy Can explain confusion -I am LLINB and have sent LBA and there is someone else called LINB who seems to be slightly behing our stage what a coincidence! I am due to file the court claim next Monday and am planning on spending tomorrow checking out exactly what I have to do. Am also trying to pick up the courage to call first. Have decided if I have completed MCOL and spent that much time on it that my resolve will be strong when/if I phone. Will keep reading to see how you are getting on.
  24. Thanks that's brill. Trying to not confuse myself with too much info from too many places so this is exactly what I need.
  25. As you will see there has been a long delay between then and now. Family and work stuff got in the way but am starting to get on track again and have achieved the following: Prelim letter sent 5 March - received usual delaying stuff back. LBA sent 19th March - waiting for response. Have been reading up on MCOL and waiting for the 2nd April. No doubt will uncover some questions before then though this site has had so many successful cases so far I've managed to find all the answers I needed. L
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