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  1. Hi Everyone!, Not sure if anyone can help at all but here goes! My husband had an Egg credit card for years which was taken over by Barclaycard. We paid this account off in full November last year. We want to check if we had PPI on this account. We have tried calling Egg (as we only have thier ref number) and they say we have to call Barclaycard. Called Barclaycard today and was told we never had PPI whilst with them. I want to just double check that this is the case as (unsurpisingly!) I'm a little sceptical of banks. Not sure how to get the information or where to get the information I know someeone must hold it?! Any help/advice is gratefully recieved.
  2. Hi Silverfox1961, Thanks so much for your help I'm going to go and see if I can dig out anything that they have sent and see where it takes me.
  3. Hi Silverfox1961 Is that necessary as the loan is online and it actually gives a breakdown of what the PPI is or am I being really thick!?
  4. Hi, We have had a fixed rate loan from Cahoot for about 3 and a half years with another 3 and a half to go. We are thinking about claiming back the PPI on this loan and are looking at where to start would appreciate anyones input into this. Thanks in advance.
  5. sharmads


    Have an account with Barclays would like to start a claim for the excessive amount of charges they have taken from me but I'm unsure what to do. The ruling that has been by the OFT seems confusing and I don't know whether to just wait until it has all been resolved before starting something.
  6. Logged on to my internet banking facility today and found £669 that wasn't there yesterday. This is the amount that Halifax had wrote and said they would offer. On the 18th I phoned them to decline and wrote them a letter to decline and still they have credited my account, now I don't know what to do as I'm pretty skint at the moment. My husband says that as it is in the account we should just accept and let it be a finish as we need the money. Please help.
  7. Well rang Halifax spoke to a very nice lady called Claire who said that they were not going to increase their offer, that they have been very generous with their offer, this was as much as I was going to get and I was perfectly within my rights to pursue courts if that was what I wanted to do. So I am going to send them a nice letter saying that I will accept as a part settlement but still intend to pusue the rest of the money £179.78 through the courts and see what comes of that also pointing out that the longer this continues, the more interest is being accumulated.
  8. Do you not think phone them and see if I can negotiate the full settlement.
  9. Today I have recieveda letter from Halifax saying they are arranging a payment of £669 to be credited to my account within the next 14 days as full and final settlement of my 'complaint'. I am actually persuing £846.70 so now I don't know what to do as I want the rest but not sure what the procedure is now, do I ring them and see if they will give me the full amount. How would this look if it went to court?
  10. The sequence of events should be: prelimary approach for repayment, give them 14 days to respond, then letter before action 14 days to pay up, if still not recieved your money, then file at moneyclaim. You don't have to respond to their letter before you file. Hope this helps.
  11. Ta very much thats interesting to know.
  12. Recieved my 'Notice that acknowledgement of service has been filed' today, a bit ominouous with it being friday the 13th! Halifax has 28 days from date of service to submit a defence, by my reconing that should be 9th May as the cut off so we'll just have to wait and see.
  13. Hi Yes I have already sent a schedule of the charges to MCOL I sent it on the same day as I filed so they should have recieved it the following day but thanks for checking.
  14. Recieved 'notice of issue' from Northampton County Court Halifax will be served on the 10th and they have until the 24th to reply to lets wait and see shall we.
  15. Hi Katdoc Brilliant about them refunding your £69. I'd leave the £39 for a couple of weeks and then try the same tack again. Not sure about your other question though I'm sure the same principle would apply but I woiuldn't like to advise. Start a new thread about the company and see what comes back but for now I think your going to have to bite the bullett and pay you don't want to get behind in any payments.
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