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  1. Hi Pantheman. Congratulations on your success. I think you did brilliantly! You must feel great winning against the 'big boys' especially when they were represented by an arrogant bully who is obviously not used to losing. It is a pity that you were unable to let the judge know the unprofessional remarks made against him. I also fail to see how the barrister thought that that was going to help his case/intimidation!
  2. Fantastic news Brucey - well done! It did feel a bit like touch and go towards the end especially with the test case etc. It will be really interesting to see how the case goes but my own priority is to get free from Lloyds TSB as quickly as I can and for good!
  3. Beebobs and Fincal - how did you get on? Hope all went well and that you won.
  4. Hi Brucey, just wondered if everything has now been resolved and Lloyds TSB have paid up. Have been reading on other threads that lots of cases are now being stayed so I guess we were lucky to slip in.
  5. Hi Tina and John. I am so sorry that you have been stuck with a stay on your case. It seems really unfair that the banks seem to be getting most of their own way. I also can't understand why the OFT have left important consumer groups out of their discussions with the banks. Is there any way that these groups can insist on being involved in the process or is it now just down to the OFT to represent everyone? I must admit that I would feel more confident if CAG or Martin from moneysaving were fighting in our corner. I can't help feeling that it is all too cosy with OFT.
  6. Congratulations Superfly6973. It's a great feeling to win against the big guys!
  7. Hi Brucey. I am so delighted that you won your case. i think that we had different judges. I know what you mean about feeling that you have underperformed. I took my daughter in with me and afterwards I kept asking her - do you think I explained myself well enough, should I have been more forceful, should I have given more detail? It was not the best of experiences especially as it seemed so obvious to me that Lloyds had wasted my time, energy, money for postage, paper ink etc. How could that not be construed as acting unreasonably? I bet that it would have been had it been me who did not serve and file papers! I guess that the judge felt that since they had settled they were being resonable. Oh well - my little girl in her wisdom says let it go and I will try to learn the lesson. I would really like to know which judge you had. Also let us know when they actually pay up. Well done again. I am really happy for you.
  8. Although Lloyds TSB settled and put the money in my account the court case went ahead because they left notifying me until the last minute and when I rang the courts to check that they had received my letter telling them of the settlement they hadn't. A number of items of information came out of this. 1/ There was a representative there from SCand M (not for my case which they presumed was not going ahead but for others). he told me that Lloyds were not going to make any more payments until after the test case. 2/ SC and M were turning up at court to request stays on all cases. By the smile on face as he came out from seeing the judge I guess he was successful on the day. 3/ If they were not granted a stay and the decision went against Lloyds they intended to appeal after the test case. 4/ I asked the judge to consider awarding costs for my time etc as Lloyds had never submitted a bundle and their letter of settlement was dated 23rd July - the date by which their papers should have been submitted therefore they clearly had no intention of defending 5/ The judge was not convinced that Lloyds had acted unreasonably. He mentioned the test case more than once and I suspect that he did not want make any controversial decision while that was pending. 6/ I felt that he was also taking into account the fact that LLoyds had settled. He did check that their payment had included court fees which I felt he would have awarded if necessary.
  9. Hi Brucey. how did you get on today? I was in court but it was hard to see who was who. The judge 'was not convinced' that Lloyds TSB had acted unreasonably and therefore did not award costs. I sat next to someone representing Lloyds while waiting. He told me that he was just there to ask for stays on cases. He said that Lloyds were not settling any further cases because of the test case and that they were prepared to take the matter all the way to the Lords. He also said that in cases where the judge did decide to go ahead and ruled in a claimant's favour Lloyds would be appealing. He did mention that he would never bank with Lloyds and that they were one of the worst banks to deal with. I really hope that you had a good result today.
  10. Hi Brucey, Looks like I will be in court on Monday after all. I rang the court to let them know about the settlement because I was anxious that my letter would not get there in time and I didn't want to upset the judge. The court manager said that it hadn't arrived and that the case was still scheduled for Monday although they had heard from Lloyds that it was settled. They suggested that I fax the letter but when I said that I had included a request for costs the case manager recommended that I turn up on Monday and talk to a judge one to one. It occurred to me that if you are also intending to claim for costs you should go ready with your schedule of costs, letter etc. (Barty gave me a good link a bit further back on this thread.) I think that we have a very good case. Lloyds did not submit their court bundle so they obviously did not intend to defend. The settlement letter I got was dated the 23 July which is the date by which papers had to be settled so they clearly allowed us to go ahead with preparing, copying and posting all the paperwork while waiting until the last minute to settle etc. I am claiming for 40 hours @ £9.25, plus postage, plus the cost of two reams of paper. A total of £389.98 Good luck:)
  11. Let us know how you get on. I will not have access to this site until Weds as I will be looking after sick family, but look forward to hearing of your success!
  12. Hi Brucey! Just checking that you are OK. Since you haven't posted I guess you haven't heard anything new. I doubt if SC and M will turn up on Monday especially as they have not submitted their papers. There was a really amusing post on one of the threads where the claimant and the bank's legal rep met at court. The judge was late and they got chatting and it turned out that the legal rep was suing her own bank for unfair charges. Anyway we are with you in spirit. Good luck on Monday.
  13. I understand that you can claim it in your letter telling the court about the settlement. There is a link to CAG but I am not enough of a technobrat to be able to give it to you.
  14. Thanks Nicsussex. Brucey, I am so sorry that you are being given the run around. It might just be worth trying again in case you get a different person with a different view on the other end of the phone. If not - good luck in court!
  15. Can anyone suggest what reasonable costs for preparing court bundle, letters, cost of paper etc would be? I wish to include a claim with the letter telling the court that Lloyds TSB has settled at last minute.
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