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  1. Hello can anybody help me. I'm a joint owner of a house we split up last year. I went to collect my things with a police escort but she refused to let me in I've been told that I can use force to enter the property but choose not to. Now she is claiming that my assets are hers, I refused to pay the mortagage since she now has moved her boyfriend into our property she won't let me sell or buy me out. She has since changed the locks without permission plus has found a way of changing the morgage from repayment to intrest only without my agreement can she do this if we both own the proprtey?. Can I reclaim the house by changing the locks. We have two children which we both care for and can look after, if I reclaimed the property (we weren't married but have eq rights as parents) is this possible. Solictors fees are cost me a lot plus the kids want to like with me and my priorty is make sure that the kids still have a roof over there heads the only difference is that I'll be bring them up in a house I part own. I tried to be reasonable though the courts but she thinks the house is now hers in fact I was set up so did not leave the house of my own free will, she dumped my stuff on the drive when it was raining and all my belongs have been damage, she was told to leave my stuff in the garage but still threw them out, I paid the mortage for 12 years by myself and she has only just started to pay it. I pay a reg amount towards the kids every month. The police told me techincally she owns the property now but I phoned the mortgage company and the say this in not true. Thanks
  2. Hello can anybody help me. I'm a joint owner of a house we split up last year. I went to collect my things with a police escort but she refused to let me in I've been told that I can use force to enter the property but choose not to. Now she is claiming that my assets are hers, I refused to pay the mortagage since she now has moved her boyfriend into our property she won't let me sell or buy me out. She has since changed the locks without permission plus has found a way of changing the morgage from repayment to intrest only without my agreement can she do this if we both own the proprtey?. Can I reclaim the house by changing the locks. We have two children which we both care for and can look after, if I reclaimed the property (we weren't married but have eq rights as parents) is this possible. Solictors fees are cost me a lot plus the kids want to like with me and my priorty is make sure that the kids still have a roof over there heads the only difference is that I'll be bring them up in a house I part own. I tried to be reasonable though the courts but she thinks the house is now hers in fact I was set up so did not leave the house of my own free will, she dumped my stuff on the drive when it was raining and all my belongs have been damage, she was told to leave my stuff in the garage but still threw them out, I paid the mortage for 12 years by myself and she has only just started to pay it. I pay a reg amount towards the kids every month. The police told me techincally she owns the property now but I phoned the mortgage company and the say this in not true. My children now suffers from health problems because they smoke in the house and I'm concerned that this will also de vaule the property. Thanks
  3. yes it is hopefully more people will read this thread be inspired and claim back what is rightful theirs, these bullies will eventually see sense.
  4. Great news the TSB has settled two out of three claims in full, the third is on hold pending the test case at the moment, do I need to inform the courts that two claims have been settled and is it possible to submit another claim if the bank charges again 35.00 o/d charges for D/D?
  5. Can the you claim this amount if you have signed an agreement to settle out of court or just before court hearing?
  6. Thanks for the advice, I not sure what this comment suggests (well there could be but you presumably couldn't be described as vexatious!). please confirm . I sure you are aware there may be other claimaints who are this same postion, for eaxmple a claim has been agreed (out of court settlement) and they are still being fleeced by the TSB bank everytime they go O/D. Does the TSB really care if the customer/claimant is facing diffculty or has a mountain of debt and is struggling, does 32.00 really help? considering it only cost up to 2.50 to process and post a letter maybe even less and what affect does this have on low earning family on a tight budget. we are all just treated as a VALUE or a figure on a spread sheet (cashcows for their share holders), for example only today HSBC annoced record profits and they even had the nerve to say that 'the bank refunds had not even dented their record profits' make you wonder how much was generated through new bank charges?. Sorry if I sound VEX) but as some banks said "Its always business never personal". If a bank treats its customers as extra renvue banks and continues to charge us (the customer) excessive amounts for d/d s/o ect without justifying how the cost racks up then surley the public have a right to chanllege this so called 'clear' and 'fair' policy. I would and Its a matter of principle as the bank says " Its always business never personal" lol
  7. Hi, Is it possible to settle a claim out of court and then start another claim one if more charges have been added to your account in the meantime? is there a limit on the amout of claims that can be made?
  8. Thanks but I gt one more claim outstanding and then that will be the lot sorted.
  9. Hi, How long does it take the TSB bank to credit the funds in a customer account once an out of court settlement if agreeded by the claimant?. The TSB has caved in (yes ;-0) and agreed to credit the full amount back in due course, however there is still one claim outstanding and the bank hasn't decided wether to settle this one before the hearing. I have heard that the FSA & the banks have gone to court over the 'fairness' of bank charges and wondered if this will affect this last claim or will I be lucky and receive a settlement offer in the next few weeks. Finally I would like to say THANKS to all those who have posted comments up on the thread and THANKS for all the advice, to those who doubt wheter or not to go ahead RECLAIM YOU MONEY "JUST DO IT" you won't 'benefit' until you try.
  10. Can anyone advise on previous question?
  11. Just received a letter for SMC confirming that the TSB will attempt to defend themselves in court. They intend to argue two points 1) The bank fee has been properly incorporated into your contract with the bank. 2) The issues of penalties only arises as a matter of law, where there has been a breach of contract, to cut a long story short the bank claims there has been on breach of contract. I find it strange that the bank has already agreed to settle one of my other claims whilst it intends to defend the other, the information used was excatly the same on both claims (except for the overall sums). Has anyone experinced this and what is the usual outcome. I would have thought if this claim when to court I could argue this point or will the bank reconsider nearer the time, is this just a delay tatic to try to unsettle claimants.
  12. Sorry forgot to mention the TSB hasn't actually paid the settlement yet but it has agreed to pay it soon, do I send the letter now? juding by the contents the letter indicates that I have received the settlememt. Should I fax a copy of the letter and supporting agreement the bank sent or will the bank write to the court confirm no futher action will be taken.
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