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Everything posted by Darren

  1. Hi Lee, Is there any news on this yet, the ref no. above is from the email I sent from Scotts link but I got the usual reply asking for more security details. The phone we are using is an old thing we bought from a friend and is not very good Thanks Darren
  2. Hi Lee, The ref is [#2389562] Thanks Darren
  3. Hi Scott, Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I have tried contacting them several times this way with no success, they have a habbit of sending a standard reply asking for more security details, no matter how much you tell them. Lee, thanks for replying. Is there an answer to this. We have had changes of batteries, sim cards and we have now had 9 phones, the latest one arrived earlier today and has already frozen. To keep making ourselves available for exchanges is costing our business money as is not having working phones and it is too late to talk to your customer services as they close at 9pm. we have a cheap PAYG but we are paying for unlimited internet and this phone doesn't have it. Your advice would be appreciated Thanks Darren
  4. Hi, sorry if this is a bit long winded We switched our business phones from o2 to vodafone last november as the salesman told me they had the best signal etc etc. they also had a blackberry storm2 which is exclusive to vodaphone so I couldn't get it elsewhere. when asking for my pac code o2 offered me 2 iphones f.o.c to stay, anyway vodafone upped the offer threw in a few freebies and said the blackberry was far superior to the iphone so we switched. I run a plumbing company and advertise the numbers so working phones are important. The blackberry was a brilliant phone for about a week when the screen stopped working so whilst I could hear it ringing and see the number calling, I could not answer it. I had to remove the battery and restart it and anyone with a blackberry knows it takes a long time to start up by which time the caller had often called the next number on the list and the job had gone to someone else. after 2 new sim cards and 4 new phones I refused to another blackberry. I went to the vodafone store as the guys on the phone are most unhelpful and refused to help. I now have an iphone although I had to pay an extra £5 per month which is £7 per month than what o2 offered me. As for the other phone, it doesn't get a signal in the home where it lives and vodaphones answer to this is to get a suresignal box but we have to pay £50. This phone has now stopped working. Vodafone arranged an exchange at a customers address and said the courier would text on the day of delivery to what hour they would be delivering. had a call out yesterday and it was less than half mile from where I was working so I went to fix the leak as I had not yet received the text . I then missed the delivery. they now cant redeliver till next week so rather than lose anymore business we have had to purchase a PAYG phone to put the sim in. When the phone arrives next week we have considered selling them both on ebay and paying the £1235+vat to get us out of the contract and go back to o2 as we cant afford to lose anymore business. Is there another way we can get out of this contract. Vodafone have failed to provide us with the service they promised but there contract is very carefully worded, as its the phones that have given us the problems and although they supplied them they have this 'its not our fault' attitude. I find their customer service (or lack of it) awful. I have made well over 50 calls, 20+ emails and 3 letters addressed to their Managing Director and haven't had a single reply, despite being told they would call back Any suggestions would be appreciated Thanks Darren
  5. Congratulations Its good to see them do the right thing for a change
  6. this is great news - well done we have just left scottish power, over a rude phone call because I refused to pay over the phone.
  7. you should also ask for a copy of their complaints procedure and make a formal complaint and get a copy of your credit file and if they have marked anything on it you can ask them to remove/correct it and in the meantime tell the CRA to add a notice of correction to that account. My wife had this with NatWest, she normally pays balance in full each month but a few times has forgot. Last month she forgot to pay total outstanding balance of £23.78 minimum payment £5, which should have been taken by DD but they didn't take it and have marked her credit file as being 1 month late, even though a call from the bank had it paid so its only 8 days late and more importantly not her fault. Have you got proof that they have a DD authority with your bank
  8. Would it not be statute barred or does that not apply to council tax
  9. he hasn't updated his site to include this case - I wonder why? A quote from their site and they only have a handful of victories to show come on perky why dont you list every case youve taken to court so we can compare victories to losses, I think showing so few just confirms the advice on here and pepipoo is correct - any properly defended cases will be laughed out of court - how do we know that? 'we just do' and that is with any judge, not just the judge as described by your employee or is this your opinion of all judges
  10. Send the SAR to 3 with the £10, send a copy to the DCA. I think the fact that they did not send you a new sim and they stopped sending you bills, means they accepted your cancellation of contract, and that is acceptable grounds for dispute, but thats just my opinion. Until you get the info from the SAR you wont know what the charges are
  11. Data Protection Act disclosure request Dear Sir/Madam Re: Account No: Please supply me with A copy of the contract for the above account copies of all invoices / bills a breakdown of all fees and transaction charges a list of all third party companies that you have shared my personal data with and a copy of all correspondence between them and yourselves a copy of all telephone call recordings I enclose a cheque for £10 as the statutory fee for the above request You have 40 days to reply Yours faithfully, edit to suit and send it recorded with £10 postal order not cheque, you never know what they will do with your bank details
  12. After reporting it stolen did they send a new sim, if not, how did they expect you to carry on using the service?
  13. Thats good news, this happened to us with Land of leather. I waited until the cheque had cleared before I stopped the court action
  14. Hi Nicola Sorry for the late reply to your PM, sorry I cant give advice on what you asked I suggest you look in the Debt forum, there are lots of experts there that know how to layout court papers and can advise on whats needed. Good luck
  15. As for the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) complain here Information Commissioner's Office - ICO this is a legal request and they only have 40 days to reply. write to Kevin Maguire Company Secretariat Units K1-K2 Lower Road Northfleet Kent DA11 9BL Copy all correspondance to Kent Trading Standards Kent County Council Consumer Advice PO Box 71 Ashford Kent TN24 8WB Dont worry about issuing a summons, the fact that they are refusing to send you this data is that it probably contains info they dont want you to have, and I think any Judge will know why they are hiding things from you. They probably wont let it get to court anyway, they usually settle on receipt of a summons
  16. Try the tax credits website IR Tax Credits Online They have a 'do I qualify' section where you can enter details and it will tell you if you qualify and how much you will get
  17. Congratulations I'm surprised at how far this company will go to fob people off, but it pays to 'never give up'
  18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When did you buy the items? Write a letter of complaint, ask for a replacement or write and reject the goods and ask for a refund (depending on how long you have had them) send a copies to Kevin Maguire Company Secretariat Units K1-K2 Lower Road Northfleet Kent DA11 9BL Copy all correspondence to Kent Trading Standards Kent County Council Consumer Advice PO Box 71 Ashford Kent TN24 8WB Apparently they have a large file on LOL Good luck and keep us posted
  19. you could try a S.A.R and ask for all the info you need
  20. This is your post 17th April 2007 If you write to them now they will receive it on tuesday 25th. Another 14 days = april 8th. this is only 9 days short of a year. Please don't think I'm trying to rush you but its about time you issued that summons
  21. Me too If you keep allowing them 'another 14 days' the 6 years will be up and the info gone anyway. Put on your Nike trainers and 'just do it' good luck
  22. Yes it is her word against theirs, could she get her employer to confirm that she was there when the calls were made, as this would shift the balance bit, and take the complaint to OFCOM. This would put the debt in dispute therefore she could stop paying (and save the £30 per month incase she has to pay in the future). As for paying is accepting the debt, I don't agree with this, I had a DCA letter that threatened court, bankruptcy, charging order, bailiff visits, attachment of earnings etc, this could be enough to frighten anyone into paying, and this was for £10.77 (talk talk)
  23. Well done mr Rhodes, a long time but worth it in the end.
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