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Everything posted by puggtiracer

  1. We did the same thing - accepted their offer when the OFT case was announced. Our money was paid within 5 days, I think due to the fact that I included a letter telling them I still felt that the charges were wrong and I sent it by recorded delivery, so they HAD to acknowledge it existed. Also, I kept calling them daily to check if the money was transferred yet, so I guess they accepted we meant business!
  2. Shame I missed this on TV - actually made me feel a lot better.... [url= ][/url]
  3. We've got Dr Graeme (or Graham) Chapman - Monty Python Just up the road in Grantham is the birthplace of Maggy Thatcher and Sir Isaac Newton In my very villiage lives Anne Davies, BBC East Midlands News Reporter I once installed a burglar alarmin a large house next door to a certain Robbie Savage when he played for Leicester City On a lighter note, my Dad used to be a prison officer and spent time working at Leicester Prison when it was a proper cat B long term jail - he told me stories of locking up the Yorkshire Ripper and the Black Panther at night. When he was working at Winson Green nick in 79 when I was about a week old, he made friends with Pat *something-can't-remember* - the one in the donkey jacket from Auf Weidesein Pet - who held me as a baby - my real claim to fame. Oh, then there is ME....famous for being in the local paper regarding unfair bank charges!
  4. Hi, Sorry to start a new thread but I thought that the answers I get may be very usefull to others in the same boat. If need be, I have no objecting to this thread being merged with my other thread..... Anyways, my question is as follows...... For the past 6 years, we have been on various benefits (JSA) through no fault of our own for reasons which I would perfer not to specify. However, in another thread, it has been discussed how the bank should not take penalty charges if you are claiming benefits since this becomes an attachment of benefits and is UNLAWFULL. The same thread (in the GENERAL section) also included a new POC specifically for this. My POC was the same one that most people on here have used - the template one where we are asked to copy-and-paste. Is it possible at this stage to submit a revised POC? My intention with our winnings would not be Nintendo Wii's and 98" TV's, but more in the direction of help for my son who has learning difficulties, and also a move to a location where we are not next-door to known drug dealers.... Your help is very much appreciated.
  5. Just had a major thought....and yes, it did hurt..... Yesterday on the phone to Barclays, when I enquired as to why the charges were so high, the bloke on the other end told me that as well as transfering the 'debt' when the account was transfered, they then added £70-ish of charges. He told me I should have known about this since we should have recieved a list of the final balance (we did) and notification of the charges (to my knowledge, we didn't). Surely there is something amiss here? I shall tripple check the post, interogate the postman etc but would I be right in saying that, since a) the a/c was in dispute and b) we were not notified of any charges, they are in the wrong?
  6. I've been to county court before on an eviction matter and you'll find the judge will be a nice bloke normally. I also found they are often on the side of the 'little' person as opposed to the company/agency etc
  7. Cheer yourself up in the knowledge that the interest you can claim also, at 8%, is growing and growing.... I've yet to receive an AQ but I know that my case will probably be stayed, hence I'm accepting their offer on one account and leaving the other to run it's course. Then, in 2025 when it's all over, I'll have a nice holiday
  8. Spliting headaches are doing the rounds....possibly due to banging heads against brick walls!
  9. Remember how they made me a few offers? One letter from Barclays offered £1645 with a different reference and a/c number to the £1725 from the woolwich..... The a/c number was changed when Barclays took over from the Wooliwich. Do you think it would be worth accepting the £1725 first and the shortly after, writting back to accept £1645? They've scammed us for long enough!
  10. Today received a letter from Barclays Collections stating we owe them £424.53. This started life as a bounced direct debit back in march for the value of something like £20. I called them to sort it out and they've agreed to freeze all charges relating to the debt from today, since the account is in dispute and has been since may! I told them I was going to accept the offer to which they responded that any money owed to them would be deducted first. 20 minutes later I realised that they have continued to charge (£3 per day from the Woolwich) - I seem to remember something about them not being able to charge when the account is in dispute. If I accept their offer, out of £1725 I receive only £1301 - I miss out when the debt was due to their unfair charges accrued whilst trying to claim back....unfair charges. Are they taking the p**s? Would it be worth me accepting the offer and then claiming back the bit they took out as 'debt' repayment when the OFT thing is done? I'm going to visit the yaucht of the head man at 1 Churchill Place with a rather large drill I reckon and use it WITHOUT PREJUDICE .....
  11. The only thing is.....I don't want to discontinue action on the other account - they offered me nothing on that one in the first place so I've nothing to lose. Would I perhaps need to resumbit an N1 with revised POC?
  12. No need to appologise - you've been a great help!
  13. BRAINWAVE....... We're claiming for two seperate accounts on one N1 - the offer was on the account that owes us the most money. On the other account, they declined to offer us anything so I may just accept the offer for the 'big' account and for the other one, keep the claim running. I'm pretty sure this would be agreed by the court - any coments?
  14. My understanding is that they have to honour their GOGW's for 2 months as they have signed an agreement to that effect. Although I turned down their first offer, they sent me two more offers which I received the same dayI took the N1 into court - one from Woolwich and one from Barclays. One was about £1750 and the other about £1650. Maybe it's worth noting that all of my charges are Direct Debit bounce fees and not overdraft so maybe the stay might not apply due to that?
  15. To be honest I'm now thinking of dropping the case (I don't currently work so no court costs have been lost) and accepting their offer. What would you recomend? I need the money pretty soon and the vast majority of my charges are UC (bounced DD). Only about 80 quid or so is OD. If I could continue on the basis that I am looking to reclaim DD charges, then I'll fight in court. Otherwise, I am simply not prepared to wait 2 or 3 years.... I'm pretty sure this question will crop up a thousand times in the comming days!
  16. Any idea on a timescale and likely outcome?
  17. My Dad has just spoken to me on the phone - he heard on the radio that cases may be put on halt pending this OFT thing...... He also said that he probably missheard it....let's hope so!
  18. Just wondering - is it worth me contacting the bank with some sort of proposal along the lines of: "As you can see I'm taking you to court - perhaps we could settle this without any further embarresment to your good selves since your defence would not justify your charges........." ....or words to that effect?
  19. Thanks for that. As I said before, I filled in the N1 using copy-and-paste with the correct text from this site. The charges were attached for both accounts. Surely if they have filed the wrong defence, they will lose, since they are claiming we gave them NO DETAILS for the POC, when it can clearly be seen that we did?
  20. POC and SOC? Sorry, I'm new Just in the process of sorting out a court bundle etc....
  21. Today I went into the county court and requested Barclays/Woolwich defence, which they handed to me (saved time on postage). In the defence, they state that they have the right to charge us £30 for a UC (unpaid direct debit) and the current fine (sorry meant 'fee') is £35 - will this make a difference? Also, point 1 on their defence reads as follows: "The Particulars of Claim do not provide full details or particulars of the account in question and/or the precise charges alleged to have been unlawful, or the date thereof." However, on our N1, the PARTICULARS OF CLAIM states: "1. The Claimant (girfriends name) has a Current Account 2xxxxxxxx ("The Account") with the Defendent which was opened on or April 2003 ( 1a. The Claimants had a joint 'Open Plan' Current Account 2xxxxxxxx ("the Open Plan Account") with the Defendant which was opened on or around April 2001 and closed on or around September 2003 " Point 3 further states: "A list of the charges applied is attached to these particulars of claim" All text was copy-and-pasted from this site for the N1. Are we in trouble with this or is it just Barclays using the same MS Word template for all leters? The rest of their defence seems pretty standard "We're allowed to do it.... T&C's...." etc. Point 11 of their defence made me smile..... "......the Defendant has nonetheless suffered loss and damage......."
  22. Hi, Turns out that the Woolwich/Barclays submitted a defence on 11th July but due to postal strike action, we didn't receive notification untill Tuesday just gone (17 July 07). Anyways, if they want a 'fight', I'm happy to oblige! They've got 28 days from the 16th to sort things out but I'm pretty sure it won't be us backing down!
  23. Hi all, I'm new here so please be gentle! I'm in the process of reclaiming 6 years of unfair bank penalties, sorry charges, and currently we are at the stage of waiting 14 days (deadline for the Woolwich is 16th July). This is for 2 bank accounts. The first one is for a joint account between me and my girlfriend. The ammount claimed is £650. They have rejected my request for payment on that (we stand by our terms and conditions etc....). The second one is for a sole account in my girlfriend's name with the Wooliwich for something like £2100. Following our request for payment, they offered £1650 as a GOGW back in June. I called them to see if they would increase it, since the account was already £300 O/D thanks to their charges. They declined so I told them I'd see them in court. Then at the start of July, Barclays contacted us to offer £1750. In the same post delivery, the Woolwich contacted us to offer £1645. Anyways, I signed up to this wonderful site and printed an adapted N1 claim form and submitted it. They have not yet submitted a defence or acknowledgement, and the deadline is Monday. With 8% APR, the total equates to £3400. All being well, we will win by default - time will tell. I have also taken my story to the local press http://www.meltontimes.co.uk/ViewArticle.aspx?SectionID=752&articleid=3025971 - READ ALL ABOUT IT! The story is slightly misleading in that it appears I have only had one single charge but it maybe depends on how it is read? I'll keep you all posted on developments as and when, but I am away next week (my girlfriend will take the forms into court for me) so any response from me will be delayed.
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