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Night Owl

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Everything posted by Night Owl

  1. Big thanks Burly, will look them up now. With all the banks linked in someway its hard to find one that will not off set money to pay debts! Take a bigger bag of coins next time and wish her a Very Happy Christmas! x
  2. Banks! Hate them! Students get more from banks than me! Just had Christmas Wishes from mine. . . . You have 60 days to find another bank account. Banks, hate them and the power they have to cripple people.
  3. Hi PD :waves: Maybe everyone has gone T Total!!
  4. Evening all. Weathers gone a bit nippy now! How long before summer?
  5. Glad it's all sorted LG. At least your OH now has a new skill
  6. Claws firmly in place incase I get blown awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  7. Just done one 'termi!Cough is getting better ready for my days off . . . . yay!!
  8. Cough . . cough! That seems to have cleared the chest/thread!
  9. Morning all . . . . . just got up! It's gonna be a hump night tonight and I have a chest infection . . yuk!
  10. Been awfully quiet around here lately . . . . . . where's Tilly?
  11. Male arrogance!! Parked my car outside the chippy tonight parallel to the curb, hubby went in to get food! Car in front moved only to be replaced by some delinquent male driver who thought it would be hillarious to park 2 millimeters from my front bumper! Car behind me moved out and was replaced by some large heffer of a car, driven by a male, that actually couldn't get close enough to the curb so stuck out in the road and again parked 2 millimeters from the rear of my car. I jumped out of my car and politly said to the driver that I couldn't get my car out because he had parked so close to the rear of my car. I showed him the front of my car where the other driver had also parked too close to my car. His comment was, " you can reverse out of there! I could get out of there! I am always getting out of spaces like that!" My comment was, " excuse me? I cannot get my car out." He repeated his comment just before my husband came along and then he got in his car and moved it! He not only used his large car but also his extreme height to tower above me and intimidate me! What a PRAT!
  12. Just found this interesting info LG. Another possible cause for smells like this is if the drain hose is connected directly to the sink plumbing instead of having a separate plumbing arrangement. If there is a direct run down from the sink connection to the washing machine it can allow some of the dirty water running down the sink to run down the drain hose into the washing machine. A drain hose that is connected to a sink u-bend should first go up 3 or 4 inches high (it may need tying up) before running down to the washing machine.
  13. Hi Teddybear154. Firstly well done for bringing your concerns for your sons weight loss to the medical profession. Any concerns of unexplained weight loss in children needs further investigation. I am more horrified at the appalling experience you have had with the Community Paediatrician. You have done well in getting advice from PALS and putting in a well justified complaint. The doctors behaviour to you and your family is unacceptable. You have every right to inform the General Medical Council and you can do that through their website as Zonker has stated above. I think Social Services have a duty of care to inform you if they are completing Child Protection Paperwork and their reasons for it. This does not mean to say that you are an unfit parent but to highlight issues of concern and try and get you help and support.
  14. Hi nebukhadnezzer, can I ask you what makes you think that you need Bactroban? It is a very specific Antibiotic for the treatment of specific skin infections. Antibiotics are used in the treatment of highly suspected or proven bacterial infections of the body. They are more effective in treating those types of infections if proven through patient history, followed by any further investigations such as blood tests or bodily fluid specimins (such as sputum, urine, skin scrapings or pus collections) Antibiotic treatment needs monitoring to make sure that they are being effective in fully treating the condition they are being taken for or, they may need changing to another more effective treatment or longer treatment. Please don't be embarrassed to see your GP. That is their profession to treat the General Public. If you are worried about your health in any way please seek help and advice and leave the Internet Drugs for those who could potentially do more, if not serious, harm to themselves. I would never recommend buying antibiotics from the Internet. Please go and get professional help, good effective medical treatment and advice, but most of all think of your own health and wellbeing. Good luck x
  15. Sounds like something has curled up and died in the pipes LG!! Maybe the pipes need rodding to free up sludge stuck to the sides that is not being shifted with the hardcore drain unblokers! Is the U bend bunged up with sludge?
  16. Can she really be classed as a "Celebrity"? The programme is called "I'm a Celebrity . . . . . . . Get me out of here!" Will that make all Polititians Celebrities?
  17. Big welcome to CAG Pendragon53. Pull up a chair, put the kettle on and read around the relevant forums to help you with your research. Start a new thread in the relevant forum and peeps can offer you advice. Who knows, you may be able to help someone else too.
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