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Everything posted by juliesearle

  1. hi..i took out a 100.00 pay day loan with these on nov 24th..received 80.00...payment due on 8th december...2 days before i had to pay my council rent arrears..arranged through the courts...so i couldnt pay this...i couldnt roll loan over and emailed them ( i have kept all emails sent to them)..i couldnt pay that day.as all money i had was going to pay my rent...i got standard response..stating i failed the agreed date and added charges...i stated in the email..not to use my debit card..as i had cancelled it and the cpa with my bank...as not to occur charges...they still went ahead..i have the email withdrawing my consent...i kept getting standard replies..stating they have now added 55.00 plus 5.00 for every attempt they use my card...i asked for alternative payment method..i.e. there banking details so i could make token gestures as i wasnt avoiding the debt..just couldnt afford it now with rent priority...was getting no where..so got the fos involved...email sent back stating they have tried to contact me several times about the complaint...(only response i have is the emails sent to me stating charges, and i have kept copies...) all i want is the banking details..but am getting nowhere...the balance now stands at 900.00...despite telling them before loan was due..and several attempts for payment details...any advice please...as i dont know what to do...
  2. just to let you know..vanquis kindly accepted the charges were unlawful and agreed to repay me back the full amount i asked for...i signed the acceptance letter and sent it back...last week..so now hoping for a nice cheque for 550,00....thankyou all on here for your help...i cant believe how easy it was....no one ever use a company to do this...you can do it yourself.....THANKYOU ALL ..great site...
  3. yes the whole amount was 548.00 in charges..plus i added the normal 8%...hope thats right....xxx should i send a lba letter now...i sent out the standard refund of charges letter first...and then received the response of we have 56 days to investigate...blah blah...
  4. hi..2 years ago i took out a vanquis card..was given just a 100.00 limit...paid this off each month..no problem...i got ill..and contacted them to say i could only manage 10.00 a month ..due to high interest...my account was not getting cleared...through this..i occurred a lot of charges..this went to first credit..where i agreed to pay them a minimum payment....xx up to last year the card balance is now 540.00..all are practically charges..late payment fees et...i sent off letter asking for charges refund..using your template letter....got standard letter back 3 weeks ago..saying we are looking into your claim..and have up to 50 days to respond...im not sure of time scales..and want this card out of my life...xxx any advice what to do...thanks..
  5. great..how did you get them to freeze loan..any advice please....and well done...
  6. i want to pay them..something.but are not giving me any details to do so..the fos are involved now...xxx there emails from minicredit..are repeated again and again...same old crap...you entered an agreement blah blah...because i told them before payment was due..im only paying the loan plus one month interest...
  7. hi.i put in a complaint to the fos..as they were ignoring my wishes to send me alternative payment details..and used my debit card even though i withdrew my authorisation...i sent copy of there email to fos..and MINICREDIT are at present being monitored by the fos for breaching there conditions on handling financial hardship cases..they also stated they shouldnt have asked you to use someone elses card and it is a no no...they now the fos have issued a complaint on my behalf asking for another alternative matters of paying and should do so....xxxx i was told as long as i cancelled my debit card and informed the lender before due date..they shouldnt have used this card..and charges dont count...as i had a response from minicredit stating they dont accept my withdrawel of authorisation....is a load of rubbish...goood luck..and my i suggest you use the fos as well....
  8. ive just had a default 2 notice after first missed payment failed on 7th..and 2nd missed today....xxxx told before hand not to use my debit card as i had priority rent to pay..and withdrew my authorisation for them to attempt to use it..so occurred charges as well..fos were great..they put in complaint for me..and minicredit asked me to use someone elses debit card to pay..in which fos stated this is not allowed....bunch of muppets they are...
  9. i have cancelled my debit card...did tell minicredit before due date..and withdrew my authorisation...so i told them i am not paying anything else other than loan and 1 months interest..they were informed in enough time..they are saying they cannot cancel the cpa....as i entered an agreement... i just hopemy bank will do it...and again today i emailed minicredit advising them not to use my details..as if th ey take money out it will cause me financial hardship...all i want is the payment details to send them the money...but they keep sending me emails only to use ukash....or another persons debit card....xxx
  10. hi i took out a small minicredit payday loand..100.00..only receive 82.50 in account...due to pay back 7th december...i realised i couldnt pay back due to charges from my bank...so i notified them asap..and told them not tto use my debit card as i had no money..and basicall emailed withdrawing my authorisation to use it...xx i asked them for an alternative method..as i can borrow from my mum to pay some back until pay day then i can pay off the rest...i got email back saying they cant stop the payments going out...as i entered agreement..but nothing about how else i can pay it....i again emailed them stating i withdraw my authorisation...and if they charged me for doing so...i wouldnot pay these charges as they were advised not to...TODAY i got email stating they have charged me for failed debit card payment and would again add 55.00 on on the 10th...is this right...i dont know what to do...I HAVE kept all copies of emails sent to them...and there response with the withdrawing my authorisation...im contacting my bank monday to stop cpa....what do i do next....im a bit scared by these....
  11. what i would do..is send a letter or email to payday express...stating you are now unauthorising them to take money from your account/debit card..this is inline with payment services regulations by fsa...also take a letter in your band stating you have unauthorised payday express to take anymore money..and also for the bank to stop the cpa..continuous payment authority...xxx when emailing payday express..keep the copy of email..and state to them this takes effect from that day...and want confirmation...i did this with a payday lender...so if they had tried to take it is basically theft...xxx i used advice on here...hope that helps..
  12. letter back this morning...from welcome...stating our records show the above numbered loan was sold without payment protection..rubbish..we had ppi on 2 loans..and the 3rd loan no ppi to reduce the amount owing...and our monthly instalments.....IN TOTAL..there were 3 loans....1st loan was with ppi.. we renewed that loan when half way paid..they then renewed that loan with another loan...ppi added....again half way through..we found the instalments too much....and got behind...so they then re wrote the 3rd loan..taking off ppi...so im thinking they have gone by the 3rd loan.....am now off to the fos...this as been going on since 27th july...xxx
  13. i dont believe this...after sending off the id they requested recorded delivery...today receive a letter from welcome with another fos questionnaire and letter stating thankyou for your complaint on the 6th august ..in order to proceed with your claim please fill out this questionnaire and return..i will then have 8 weeks to investigate your claim.....well i have already filled out this form back in september and returned....response from welcome in october was we now need proof of id to finalise your claim....done this...they received on the 7th November...letter today back asking again to fill out questionnaire...i feel im going round in circles....should i now get the FOS involved.....
  14. thankyou very much..i sent off the proof of address and id recorded delivery they received them yesterday..so hopefully wont be long...thanks again..
  15. thank you..i s there a template letter i could send them...im not good at this sort of thing..ive relied on this site to get me this far in my claim....in which im grateful....
  16. the loan was taken in 2004..and they renewed the loan..2005...xx due to financial circumstances..we went on debt management plan..and total loan was paid off in jan 2011..i believe welcome are dealing with it as it is under the time limit..i assume...they sent me the fos questionnaire..and kkindly put..how the agent given us the loan was in a hurry...we had to just sign..and hewould fill the rest in...this was at my place of work...so had no clue ppi was added...xx...wasnt sure there was a time limit for these xx or how long they have to respond...
  17. dont know what to do next...started claim for ppi in july 2012...had all my paperwork.and agreement no....reply back from welcome in september stating they were looking at it..sent me a fos questionnaire..sent that back...october 12th letter back requesting id...so sent them copies of driving licence...not heard nothing since..what should my next course of action be....thankyou...this is my first claim...xx
  18. hi..can i ask how long did it take you to get your ppi back...i put in a claim with them..28th july this year..2012...xx and good luck with them...
  19. yes there are genuine victims....but i feel some are just going to see pound signs..and put there hands up saying they were a victim...that is wrong....xx the bbc old school should be held to account as back in them days...things like that were brushed under the carpet....you had janet street porter saying she knew this was going on.....HANG ON A Minute...why oh why didnt she say something...xxx because she wouldnt have been believed...and again old school...old farts who didnt want to hear that sort of talk...l
  20. ok...28th july.sent off sar for reclaiming my ppi on welcome loans....xx letter sent back saying received and investigating....xx gave it up to 28th sept..xx then receive an fos questionnaire....asking why i feel ive been missold..well 1 i wasnt told about this....2 they came to my workplace got me to sign agreement...the agent was in a rush and said he would fill the rest of form in back in office....these loans were taken in 2003 £83 for 24 months...this loan was settled by another which was £153 over 24 months...and finally £74 over 61 months...xxx this was all settled in feb 2011.....ive since had letter back asking for copy of passport or driving licence to confirm my id....shall i send them these....as they say this will finalise the claim.....
  21. express finance..are a nightmare..ringing me 10 times a day..texting me...ive emailed them and asked them to stop..but wont....ive sent them a i.and e form...showing my income is less than my outgoing...ive asked for the account details..to pay them a small amount each month..but telling me i have to ring them...last time i did..he was very rude..and demanded a payment..i told him i dont have it...and said oh well we take you to court then...i said ...do that then...you get 1 pound a month....xx yet calls still coming...not replying to email about where i send the money to as a good will gesture...nothing....
  22. thankyou..i have sent them the i.e.form..so guess..they getting 1.00 as i have nothing left after rent and council tax...THANKYOU..
  23. hi have received no letter at all..when i knew i couldnt pay..i contacted them asap...express finance is 240.00...payday uk..is 240.00.....sent them inncome.expenditure to both ..and paydayuk..have responded saying i dont meet criteria..unless i can prove this...my income are far less than my outgoings..and basically now reduced to 12 hours a week...barely covers my rent and council tax...in which im afraid take priority..have explained to them via email...and they have responded via email asking for proof...
  24. oh dear..i need advice..i took out 2 payday loans..and were due to be paid back...unfortunately had my hours greatly reduced last month and now being made redundant at christmas..i could not pay as my income i received just payed my rent and council tax...i emailed them to let them know...and as a good will gesture would pay them 10.00 per month paid into there account...they have emailed me back...saying i dont meet there criteria..and need to send in proof of my payslips ..employment letter...i am not lying..and dont see why i should...i emailed them back..to say this is not negotiable and to give me there account details to pay the 10.00....i sent them a income and expenditure sheet..and basically my outgoings are more than my income..so am stuck and really worried...can i get some advice please..as i know i took them out..but wasnt expecting a sudden change in hours..i also informed them to make all communication via email..and to stop telephoning me 10 times a day..this is becoming a pain...xxx
  25. yes the first loan was settled with another. ..first loan taken 20/03/03 ..settled. .monthly payments £83. over 24 months. .. second loan 19/11/03 ..£153.00 over 24 months. ..settled 30/06/04. .and the final loan was £74 over 61 months ...we got into difficulty with this last loan. .but finally was settled on a payment plan in feb 2011. ...never ending nightmare this company ..so claiming back quite a bit...
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