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Everything posted by abroadgirl

  1. hello i have been asked by my solicitor to do a nasty letter to the gentilman who has sent his medical report to me via my solicitor. This all stemed from the road accident i was in nov 5th 08. the medicl's report as my solicitor said she won be using themagain and that she has never seen or read a medical report like it. ghe where do i start? 1. He was so quick to get rid of me that when i started to answer his questions he interupted and finished of in his word and ws speaking into a i think you call it a dictaphone where his sec types as he speaks. 2. I tried to explain about the acciden but he kept saying i wat to know ...... and using wrds i didnt understand. 3. in his report he goes on to say about my past medical probs i ve had for 15yrs as far back as 1989 4. He has gone into my past history, was this nessary and does this has anything to do with my accident? He said that my bruising wouldnt last for any longer than 2/3 weeks it did last longer as i will put in the photos. 5. he as also commented that on the hospital reports, nothing was mentioned about some of my injuries 1. broken tooth which i ad to repair a my dentist and that he needed a lettr from my dentist, i have been intouch with the dentist for a letter to enclose with my omments. 2. brusing to the back of my head. He has commentated that i shouldnt be getting disablty in his opion, but deeper into it I am waiting copies of my medical report that i had at the dss.(recently) 6. he said that i am bizzare and also i should see and get a pyscolgist (speelllng awful sorry) report. i can go on and n but what has my injures and accident got to do with al this? on the day i went for this he as not nice and i felt as thou was being interrgated. I was so upset i emailed my slicitor straight awy. she said wat till she gets the medical report and not to worry. as she is quite a distance from me we ommunicate via phone ax email. she has asked me to write a nastyletter in respect of his remaks and she will proof it etc. i can go for a second oppions but where would i get £534. odds from when i am aleady classed as hardship. she said t take one hing at a time by doing this. My solicitor say her fear is that he may get intouch nd ave me takenof the list but have had a medical at the ofice by a medical expert. the accident on the m6 travelling on the fast lane doing 60mph, going alng when the bonnet of the car hit the windscreen i was a back seat passenger wearing my seatbelt. I was thrown forward but shaken. whilst akeing of again after a short while the bonnet hit the windscreen again this is when i wasthrown forward, then all i remember was like a bmb exploded inside ofme the next i wa coming around by my son callin mam mam he helped me out of the car but when i was walking it wa as if iwas drunk but i was tryin to come round to help m hubby who had cut a story short 16 stitches in ih forehead. now what had happened a lorry driver who seen this happe thought to hiself that they are going to need help here so he staye with us, he then pulled into the layby, and was phoning ambulance and police, and what had happened my sons car went into he back of his lorry this must hae been the jolt i felt and if the ironbar across the lorry had ot had been there my sons car would have gone under it, it did take a while for the abulance to come bu with e making sure that my son was alright and hubby i wa still holding my chest they thought it was my heart with me suffering with angina, but it was my ribs. they wanted meto say in but hubby said he thought d be best at home the next morning this is when all the bruising came out so the hosp didnt see this as it was the next day he photos i took of the bruising with me to thi medical he commented that they wasnt dated his comments hve upset and annoyed not only me but mysolicitor as well please can anyone help as itis the phrasing and wording it correctly etc thankyou for any help abg
  2. hello tyvvm for your reply. I have done this and they did send the credit agreement back with my ignature. my problem is that i sent them the correspondence as seen in this thread about telephone calls. harrasment phoning all the time i said what was advised to say and no info for security like they ask so i didnt get any phone calls since march but as i say in my post they have started phoning again bt this time it is from 8-15a till evening evry 2/5 mins every day i jus hang upon them now. they deny everything that i say to hem with the help of dvise here so now is there a next stage i go as they are phoning me again non stop tyvm for all your help abg
  3. please can anyone advise what i do tyvm abg
  4. hello all i am now sick to the teeth with littlewoods i have taken the advice given and they stopped phoning but now this week they are phoning me every 2/5 minutes i am paying £5 a month but they want more but i am not as they are aware of my hardship etc but these calls are now annying me my hubby has argue with them i said just hang up what can i do now please any ugrent advice is needed please tyavvm abg
  5. ello l I did hat you have advised here are the letters i have got dated 20/03/09 Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx futher to your letter of 10/03/09 concerning your complaint in relation to telephone calls received and a copy of your credit agreement we will conact you once a full investation of your concerns have been made. In the interests of improvin the service we offer to our customers all complaints received are taken very seriosly and a full investigaton is always carried out. If fter we ave investigated your complaint you ar tll unhappy and you feel the mater has not been resolved to your satisfaction you may be eligible to refer your complaint to fos but must do so in 6 months f our final response letter please ind eclosed our financial sevies procedure leaflet. Thankyou for bringing this maer to our attention. yours xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THERE WAS NO COPY OF CREDIT AGREENT, ONLY FINACIAL SERVICE LEAFLET. ****************************************************** no 2 Enclosed with m stateent follows statement summary enclosed ith my statement were 1. NOTICE OF SUMS IN ARREARS UNDER THE CONSUMER CREDIT ACT 1974 WE Are giving you this notice under the consme crdit act 1974 beause you have fallen behind in your payments as a result under the erms of your agreement you may hae to pay a default charge. We hope that you will bring your account up to date straight away to avoid charges and arrears communications if you ae having difficulty blarblar blar.......phone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you dontget intuch we willassume hat your are making the pment on receipt of this lter see summey below etc etc OFT this notice should include a copy of the current info.... sheet on arrears by the OFT this contains important info abot your rights and where to go or support adice applying for a time oder as wel as our right to charge you intret if not included contact us to get one please ree to the OFT info shet for more info about getting advise dealing with your debt. ******************************************************** INFORMATION SHEET OFT ARREARS dont ignre the problem the norm but s a photo copy and guess what no credit agreement enc and guess what the one pound i sent and told them t hasnt tobe used for anything else they have taken it off my balance it is here in black and white on my statement abg
  6. this started before 9th march heres my story what with this accident putting me back then puttng up with the pains which i am still getting worse in the mornings then we got up to a flooded kitchen, 3 days we were at it and had to wit for the cement to dry it was wet though we had like 2 pin pricks in the tube that bends so of to plummers to get 2 new pipes then the guy who lives next door the manhole that is on his poperty are blocked and the stench in our living room (lounge) smelt like the sewers we have put up with this for nearly 4 weeks we kept sayng about the manholes but they guy said the manholes were fine and not blocked well something is causing it we lifted some floor boards oh my yes theres the water and the smell i got the enviromental health out the smell was chockeing me and affecting breathing asthma the guy from envirenmentle dept went next door and seen the manhole at the front yes itsblocked yet he told us that they were dry liar. the enviremental health guy ha put seven notices in the 7 houses saying that if the manhole is stillblocked then 7of us have to pay towards it i dont think this is right when the manholes ar in his property next door, he hasnt said sorry kiss my *** nothing i ave to pay excess £50 to have my carpet cleaned to get the smell out of my carpet once it has had the water pumped out also pumpe out from under my floorboards. Iam thinking of asking him next door for it h dosent bother at all about anything my front wall is black as he has had a leak from his boiler he hasnt even bothered about that either i am going before i decide agai to smash te bloody house up. xxxxxx hope i am in the correct thread some of you know me already ty hello all I am sorry i havent been online we have been to my sons he was on leave so we decided to go for a few days to get out of here. We are still the same after all this time and well you can all guss why. We got home on monday eve, and yesterday i had to go and have a medical regarding the accident that was dissapointing couldnt really say much itwas worse than having a medical at the dss, and after him squeezing my ribs together not to say i was in alot of pain afterwards nothing planned today so i am trying to catch up with everyone etc. Tomorrow i am at hospital ent ulcer in left ear didnt know one can get ulcer in ears? but i have The up date is that the enviromental health officer has tried to contact the firm for a new boiler next door hesaid yesterday if he cannot get hold of the company he will serve a notice on him nextdoor oh fine but still in the meantime we have to live like this i dont know who else to go to that is higher I am tnking of going to my mams next week for a few days sorry for the rant and am sorry for not being in take care all abg
  7. should i just paythe £120 charges thy havent taken any money as there is none going in so should i pay them abg tyvm
  8. hi does anyone know the fax no for lloyds tsb in andover plese thankyou abg
  9. i cancelled all dd,s as there wasnt money going in like it use to but now they keep phoneing and saying we owe them £120 we cancelled everything due to change of circustances but now there wanting £120 from us i am sending them a telephone harrasment letter and i dont see why we have to pay them these charges hugs abg
  10. j d williams account heres the latest leter i got yesteday afternoon from moorcroft ok after lending the letters as advised from here is what they have sent me date 16th march o9 ref xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am dissapointed to note that despite our letters and attempted persoal call by our ocal representative n satisfactory agreement has been reached regarding the galances outstandingon your accounts £2201.64 & £381 61 in one last effort to come to an arrangement preventr more erious action being taken we willbeprepared to accept repayments by installments of £50 per month (what) ....a post office payment slip is attached to enable you tomake payments on reciet of this a payment we will forward futhe slips to you Unles a payment is recived by 10 am on 23/3/09 we may recomend court proceedings to be commenced against you without futher notice. Such action could incur you in futher costs and may also affect your credit rateing it is therefore in your best interests to give your immediate attention alternativey you can pay using debit ard or credit card by telephoning the above number or if you prefer visit our website www.mdrl.co.uk most of this totals are charges hw do i upload foryou all to see the charges fees etc hugs abg
  11. tyavvm i couldnt have done it wthout your suport tyvvm now im of in my other thread reliable collections i am getting rather sick n annoyed with moorcroft now ggrrrrr hugs abg thankyou all x
  12. this acount is 9 ys old do i startthe charges now to get them back as most of this total are there charges fees chargesfor there letters etc abg
  13. hello all, sorry i havent been in i have been in bed poory. since i spoke last littlewoods have phone and phoned i said what you told me no security q's and tha i want it in writing they said they carnt do that so i hung up after saing oh yes you can. they have phoned 3 times oh and they said i can pay a token of £10 a month hung up i havent had any calls since. I did send the letters and the £1 so waiting to hear if i do that is. abg
  14. hi hilards i have clicked on the link but all i am getting is page not available? abg
  15. aww bless thyavm also mr.ton thyvvm i ambegining now i feel better with your help and all your replies i now must jot down what you have advised me to do and say sorry but my key some of them are sticking on keyboard and that is why some letters are missing lol will keep you all updated as and when tyavvvvm abg.
  16. Hi all thats all done hubby now gone to po to snd them now i am going t see about recording messages tyavvm abg
  17. yes we get both but i still have £80 a ortnight to pay towards the rnt being private sell yur house and rent back due to hubby being made retired with ill health from p.o. and kensington not paying pp after a year we had to sell our home abg
  18. Hi I have just done the leter now i will do the cca abg
  19. thankyou to all your replies heres my outgoings my husband has been made retired under ill health I get dissability every 2 weeks £124.44 and hubby gets incapacity £162 82 fortnightly out goings are from me £8o a forntnight rent then i pay what needs paying and whats left shopping hubby pays insuranc tv l ns water what is left for shopping and gas/elec metres and they want £29 month abg
  20. mr.ton thyvvvvm i have just pm you i will take ito account everything you have said im feeling a bit cared of her do you think i should phone them and ask them who was the man i spoke to who was helpful and understanding wow makes a change lol abg
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