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Everything posted by threeamp

  1. AQ done and will be filed on my way home along with a draft order, thanks Barty. I cant really send the second lot to LloydsTSB yet as they wont actually debit my account till the 1st August although they have told me they are going to.....
  2. Yes its me again and despite the fact that SC&M have sent me the letter saying they will pay up if i sign it and return it i still havent had the money, oh well i can wait. In the meantime Lloyds, in their infinate wisdom, have seen fit to charge me a further £165 so here we go again. Its AQ day today on my first claim so if anyone out there has a quick fill in let me have it asap. In the meantime i am doing the first can i have my money back letter with a schedule of charges. I will keep you all updated as i go through the motions.
  3. Ok, so what percentage of the balance should i offer them? I may be able to get my hands on 40% or there abouts quite soon..
  4. so i should bank the money i can until it reaches a decent amount and then make them an offer? Is it worth asking for a copy of the signed agreement and so on?
  5. Well, i have never missed a payment under the current CCJ, surely i could offer NR a payment scheme that didnt require a court order once the existing CCJ has been set aside?
  6. Hi Caro, Charging order? Can you explain what you mean by that? I should point out that these charges were placed on the account before they got the CCJ in units of £30 each time. I am now in a position where i would be able to pay back alot more each month to them to get this cleared faster but i am not about to tell them that. They were very aggressive when i had my financial wobble and deserve everything claim and complaint they receive.
  7. still nothing and its AQ day on friday, i have read the details on this site and have completed my AQ accordingly. Am i right in saying that if i file mine and they fail to file theirs i can ask for judgement by default?
  8. Well its been 2 weeks and i still havent been paid, the AQ is due on Friday and SC&M have recommended i dont bother to file at court as it will be settled by then!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I have contacted the FOS today and they say they need an account number before they can act!! i have also contacted trading standards who suggested i contact the information comissioner. I will do this tomorrow and see how it goes.
  10. I received a letter this weekend stating that they are sorry i feel they havent properly apologised for their mistake and i am welcome to continue with my complaint to the FOS. So i will, i would appreciate any help the good people who read these things can offer with filing this complaint as i havent yet looked into it in any detail. I am going to contact both Manchester and Salford City Councils to ask about trading standards and then all i need to do is ask for the amount i consider to be fair for my out of pocket expenses (any suggestions?)
  11. Doesnt it matter that some of the ccj was made up of unlawful charges?
  12. i was able to go back all the way and i printed them out at work, infact you can search three month periods for the word charge which just makes it easier!!
  13. can you get into your account online and print them out your self??
  14. Dont worry, keep on going with the claim, i got to this stage last week and i have now been told the money will be in my account by tuesday!!... woohoo
  15. OK, i got the statements this morning and they state £150 in miscellaneous debits. Can i ask the ccj be set aside as the amount was incorrect due to unlawful charges?? Do i need to write to northern rock and ask for clarification of what these were for? or do i just send the letter asking for the money back? A couple of years ago when i needed their help they stuck me in court and got a ccj, it would not upset me to cause them as much misery as possible with this so what can i do??
  16. Suggest to them that they either do as you want or they uncrush the car and return it to its original state. Do not budge on it, get an estimate from a couple of vehicle body repairers on restoring a car from crushed to original condition (tell them what you are doing and ask them hypothetically if money were no object and someone had crushed my car ala DVLA how much it would cost) and then send the DVLA the three quotes. If they hadnt been so bloody minded this wouldnt have happened. Insist they rebuild it, no replacement vehicle and no money could ever fill that void created by the loss of your car. You could tell them to ask their engineer how much he thinks it would cost!!! I am surprised you settled for £2000.... you have them, dont back down
  17. Not sure if i am too late with this but as i have just had lloydstsb i am feeling unbeatable. In July 04 i took out a loan from northern rock. The following july the goodship threeamp hit a period of fiscal turbulence and rather than sort it out northern rock saw fit to get a ccj. I have been paying a fixed amount to them for over 18 months but i havent had any statements. I phoned them today to ask for a complete statement of my account and that should be with me in the next few days. Depending on what they send me is there anything i can do? I am aware that in the initial few months of my troubles they were always on the phone and writing to me (to which of course there are charges attached). I am hoping they have charged me unlawfully for these calls and letters so i may issue them with a request for that money back and of course to find out how much i still owe them! Any comments or assistance would be most welcome.
  18. Pick the bones out of that robberscum
  19. This is the email i sent them this morning, did you know they dont answer emails?? FTAO the compliance and complaints manager. Many thanks for you letter dated 11th June, i have read its content and still do not feel you have dealt with my complaint to a satisfactory standard. I propose Robinson Way & Co make a further attempt at an apology. It has always been my intention to resolve this matter amicably and it seems that as an organisation you have a different agenda. I am perfectly prepared to take my complaint to the financial services ombudsman (you may or may not be aware that any investigation by them may cost your organisation £400.00 regardless of the outcome of said investigation). I am also now considering the local and regional trading standards regarding the "liar" incident and the information commissioner to establish who else your “client” has passed on my phone number to incorrectly. I have also not ruled out the possiblity of the small claims track via the county court for my out of pocket expenses in terms of time, distress, inconvenience and phone calls As you are already aware of the matter in hand i would ask that you respond by 16th July 2007. Yours Sincerely
  20. Thanks zootscoot, i will make a donation with pleasure once the money hits my account. There has been a period of fiscal turbulance in the threeamp household lately so this is a blessing!! Also when i spoke to them today they said two weeks before they credit my account, is this possible to speed up?
  21. Please change this to "WON" i got the standard can you have your money back and leave us alone please on friday......
  22. Update, they are getting a proper letter tomorrow threatening FOS investigation (£400 either way). The greater manchester chamber of commerce event was a scream, i must have slagged them off to about 20 people who were all at a level above me in their organisations!!! The beauty of networking events!
  23. I have the same letter, it looks like this is another standard... Are you going to fax it back? When do you expect the money to hit your account?
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