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Everything posted by threeamp

  1. if i hit an unisured driver, my fault, does it automatically become their fault as they werent insured? I know its a bit of a stinky question but i went through on amber and broadsided some bloke in a car with no insurance and my insurance company are playing allsorts of games about repairing my car even though its fully comp!!!!! Cant i just admit it was my fault and get them to repair the damn thing?
  2. Can a mod change this one to WON please????
  3. mine was sent back to them at the same time and i got my money last week, they have a back log (according to [problem]) and they are working through it. Dont worry you will be paid!!
  4. Easy there tiger, it took me nigh on 15 days to get the money into my account, they will pay up but they do like to drag their feet when doing so. Check with [problem] to see how long it will be before the money is in before you inform the court it has been settled. Congratulations for the result though, i am delighted for you as i know exactly what its been like.
  5. Dear All, I sit here in absolute shock, Lloyds TSB have cancelled the charges i have had since my first claim was filed (the part two ones on here) so they now owe me nothing!!!! Its a massive win morally speaking...... Lloyds TSB and i are now on an even keel, no one owes anyone anything!!! Could one of the mods please change this thread to a win?
  6. You will have to seek advice from a mod but i would think that as your case pre dates the OFT one you could object to any delay with your court. Keep reading this site to see how others are going on with Lloyds/
  7. Stop worrying, it will be transfered to your local court and the bank will bottle it soon after they are required to enter a defence. Relax, sit back and just wait for their next letter saying can we pay you and you leave us alone but not tell anyone please!!!!!
  8. Interesting comments Stebiz and it was only a suggestion at the moment, i am aware that not everyone could do it and we only need pick one of the seven. I said Lloyds TSB as they are my bank!! rofl. If such a campaign got numbers in to four figures of account holders leaving any bank there would be a panic for certain, this is all i am suggesting...
  9. So the "test case" has messed it all up!! Well i still havent said my first one is settled yet and i have asked on my other thread if i can use my court date to push them into doing something they dont like...... paying up!!
  10. Morning All, As some of you are already aware i was about to start a new claim with Lloyds TSB but this appears to have been buggered up by the FSA with their "test" case. Well i havent yet written to the court to confirm this case is settled, can i use this as a vehicle to get Lloyds TSB to sort my fresh charges out or not?
  11. Well, in Florida a few years ago petrol prices got to an unacceptable level so this bloke formed a group of consumers and started a boycott of just one fuel company. The filling stations of this company went unused for just a week and they asked the group of consumers for a meeting to find out why they were being boycotted, they were informed they were too expensive. They responded that they only charged the same as everyone else, That was the end of the meeting!!! I would propose that we do something similar, if we all left, say Lloyds TSB, and went to other banks maybe they would ask a similar question. Divide and conquer has got to be the only way to do this now surely. Plus the fact a number of banks are offering the £100 welcome. I also feel i should point out i do not work for a bank and this is not a marketing campaign for a bank....... If one bank started to notice we were leaving in droves they would start a flap and you know as well as i do the others are self serving and wouldnt care. Once we get one to panic we could pick on another....
  12. so its all go for me on the 1st then, i dont like lloyds attitude towards this whole thing. Surely they can see its only going to cost them another £30
  13. Question, as i am just about to start round two with the same group of bank for the same offence but on a different date do i have to stop the court process or could i amend my claim to show only the charges for the last three months?
  14. Morning all, I have just called Lloyds to ask about the forthcoming charges being cancelled, they said no chance. I even said look if you dont take the charges out i am prepared to forget the 130 or so you have had since i filed at court and they still said no. It seems they really do want to go through the same thing again!!! Has anyone else had this or is it just me?
  15. Mine took exactly fifteen days to hit my account from the date they got my letter of acceptance. **** reckon 14 days is now the norm as they are very busy!!! Hang in there, they will pay
  16. They have paid me in full the princely sum of £320.04 which might not seem like much but it will allow me to enjoy the local hostelries this weekend and thats for sure.
  17. HAHA, its in my account!! WOOHOO. ok how do i donate first of all and secondly do i have to tell the court right away that its settled or can i wait until they send **** a court date for them to write to me and remind me?
  18. Can you get another account before then? I dont know how much you get each month but if its more than £1000 per month you may want to look at one of the halifax £100 to switch (there are a few doing this but they are the only one that springs to mind), you get a £100 on the second month and they switch all your direct debits for you. You should get a "parachute" (term used on here for a new account to replace the one with the problem charges) account asap regardless of your income but the £100 is a nice little bonus, that way your money can go in to that instead of the one with charges on it! It makes no difference if you mention young children btw, its a computer system that simply charges you anyway. If you can get another account it will mean they will try to charge you for being overdrawn aswell which means your claim gets bigger and just costs them at the end of the day. Look for another account today!!!!!!!!
  19. Check with a moderator on here for your answer but i think if you havent filed with the court yet you can change the amount when you file though you will have to send them a schedule of charges to show what you are asking for. I was unlucky and had already filed with MCOL so i have to do mine twice!! Good luck and dont worry its so worth it in the end.
  20. Thanks for all this everyone, in 3 months i will have enough to pay them off in full, i will then send them letter one asking for the charges back closely followed by letter 2 and of course MCOL. I am so looking forward to being debt free and causing them some distress is just the icing on the cake. I will keep this updated as i get closer to my goal.
  21. It just burns me to think they are asking me for money that they are not legally entitled to ask for!!
  22. AQ filed today and while i was there the court confirmed nothing from them, do i just wait till wednesday now till i can ask for a default? Yes i know it says won but it seems i jumped the gun a lot!!!
  23. So in short i should just carry on paying them and ask for a settlement figure when i think i can pay it off, in the meantime i should send them a letter saying illegal charges are not welcome in my house so would they kindly remove them immediately or face something in court and to not think i would not go that far??
  24. Thanks Powell for all of your advice and please do not think i am not listening as i have read everything you have said and taken it in. The CCJ is an irritating thing for me and i want it gone, if i was able to get it overturned i could probably raise the money to get these idiots paid off in full. Am i right in saying if it was overturned and i then paid them off before they had any chance to do anything elsei would have a clean record? And if so could i tell the court that i only have a CCJ at the moment as NR are very aggressive and wouldnt talk to me in the first place? Surely they can try to be aggressive with me but if they have been paid as soon as the CCJ is overturned they can only apologise profusely for their illegal charges and hope i dont kick up a stink about my credit rating and how its been affected by their bloody mindedness. Inshort, accuse NR of illegal charges and get the CCJ overturned then pay off the balance instantly and continue with my case for the illegal charges and almost insist they go to court with me this time to explain why the illegal charges. I think giving Lloyds TSB a slap for my bank charges has made me brave!!
  25. What exactly else can they do? I have paid on time and every time following the CCJ and until now i have never mentioned the fact that they have made some charges that as we all know were not legal. The CCJ is therefore for the wrong amount and i was hoping to get the CCJ overturned and then make them an offer before they go back to court for the correct amount meaning i have no CCJ recorded against my name and they get their money minus court costs (its not my fault they made illegal charges and wont admit they were wrong). You all seem to say they are an aggressive collector, i can be an aggressive person myself when someone has taken money off me illegally!! Its about time someone stood upto them and gave them what for. You should also note that this was an unsecured loan and i do not own the house i live in so surely all they have is an arrangement to pay left open to them.
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