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meols cop

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Everything posted by meols cop

  1. I thought you said the balance was £90 Where does the 11k come from?
  2. Cheers for that everybody. Will send the letter off first thing Monday I also think they have been ringing my place of work. They arent allowed to do this either are they?
  3. I have been contacted by a firm called Meritforce who state that they intend to visit my home within the next 10 days. They cant do that surely? Can they?
  4. Get in there Jaspiro. I am involved with these buffoons and I take heart from your victory. How dare they say they are withdrawing their action and then put in a statement. And the tired old arguement of the defence using CAG didnt hold water. Good. If you quoted a legal textbook what would their defence be then?
  5. Well done. Did you claim costs from them?
  6. Received a reply today, which consisted of a whole load of statements and thats it. Oh and an accompanying letter asking me when I am going to pay off the balance. Its time for the account in dispute letter I feel.
  7. I would also raise a complaint about them contacting neighbours etc
  8. Sorry cant agree with these comments. I know a number of people who work there and are really lovely people whose lives and families are going to be devastated by this news. The firm has never been the same since the Moores family sold it, to the Barclay Twins
  9. I know I shouldnt be. But it never ceases to surprise me that when you challenge the validity of a CCA form, a form that they have catergorically asured you is correct. They seek further information and clarifacation.
  10. The Nat West got a S R order on our house last year. I attended the hearing they didnt. I didnt go into Court but was told by the Clerk that it had been suspended. Forgive me for being naive but is the house still ours? And once the arrears are paid off can I apply for a Notice of Discontinuence?
  11. Thanks for that baby bear. Have received a further letter from them today saying my account is on hold for 28 days while they seek further information blah blah. Should I still send the in dispute letter?
  12. I had a friend who had a home visit who happened to live in a unsalubrious area. He rang the Police, gave the Reg they came out and arrested t him for kerb crawling.
  13. With the invaluable help from this site. I sent CapQuest a copy of the prescribed terms that should appear on my CCA form but which dont seem to on the document they supplied me. I have received a letter from them today saying that they are withdrawing any Stat Demand action and apologising for any inconvenience this may have caused.!! I have asked them to liaise with their client to get the appropriate agreement but nothing forthcoming as yet. Oh and they still want me to keep paying the money. Should I or not?
  14. Not issued as yet. But was told it would be issued around about the 19th of Jan.
  15. Thanks for that 42. I have looked at the link and the document that was sent and cannot see any of the prescribed conditions upon it. Is it not coincidental that by me raising its legitamacy they have tried to frighten me with their Stat Demand? What does anybody think should be my next move?
  16. I now found the reply sent to me by CapQuest in respnse to my CCA reuest. At the top it says Credit Card Application. Underneath this helpfully highlighted by CapQuest it says Credit Agreement regulated by Consumer Credit Act 1974. In the box with my signature it says This is a Credit Agreement...... And thats it. Sorry I cant scan it. Does anybody think that it meets all the criteria?
  17. Cheers 42 theres a template for this no doubt? Should I SAR Cap Quest as well
  18. It had application form at the top. But damm and blast I cant find it. It just seems so coincidental that once I began to query its legitamacy they start these proceedings along with a huge discount. Should I ask for a further copy?
  19. A brief history. Cap Quest bought this off Halifax and the balance is £2100 and its for a credit card which thanks to this site I have reclaimed all the charges back. I wrote to Cap Quest saying I could afford £40 a month could they send me Bank details in order to set up a Standing Order. They didnt. So after a wait I e mailed their Legal Dept. I then received them. I set up this standing order to go out of my bank the first payment in Jan. I have made one previous payment by cheque. In the meantime I get a threatning letter from them saying litigation etc. I replied by saying it was me who had to remind you to send me Bank details etc. I ended the letter by asking whether the Application Form they sent me met all the terms and conditions of my CCA request. I got a letter this week from them which was a Standing Order mandate saying I should fill it in and return with Jan payment no later than the 12th. I get a further letter today threatning that a Stat Demand would be issued on the 18th Jan. if I didnt pay off a sum of £1330, big difference. What should I do? Any help
  20. I second what other people have said. I succesfully claimed back all my charges from Halifax and Cap 1. So go for it.
  21. Why dont you see about re - claiming the charges which have been levied on the account
  22. What Friday/ Boxing Day? Because the 2nd Jan was certainly not a Bank Holiday
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