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Everything posted by dax

  1. Well I guess you could represent yourself in bringing an action about but i dont see why the LSC wouldn't think it an important enough matter to be funded, as fraud is a crime. Just look at the bent Mortgage company that has been reported tonight, corruption goes on behind the scenes and back handers get paid throughout the whole system and It needs to be addressed at every level socially including families and dead people. A thief is a thief, you either steal or you don't, but why should thieves get away with it. I personally believe that even within the probate system their are illegal activites going on, then you could add insurance companies, banks, solicitors, you name it to the list and its a far reaching network so I hope theres a major clean up now Nationally which seems to be happening since the world shake up and recession were going through has probed so many areas. I supect in an instance like chit chats, the LSC would weigh up the value of the estate to be recovered, against the cost of solicitors fees estimated for the case to be funded and decline if the value is less. I think if people can get away with just denying something was ever there (which they can without evidence to prove otherwise) its a very profitable criminal enterprise. What happened to respect for the dead?
  2. you'll need to be sly beth! as you will find lots of flaws and be no further forward, Blemain are the ones that got away, their statements dont make sense, they seem to be above the law and stitched me up for about 15k that I want back. They laughed at me and threatened me down the phone with outrageous comments. Took overpayments and added more where they didnt exist, if they threaten to take you to court ever, let them, youll be the first to get your foot in the door and we will all join you. Ive been going round in circles with them for about 4 years and am no further forward so good luck.
  3. Re: As executors they have a right of access anyway so don't need to make a Subject Access Request. Also the Data Protection Act only applies to the living. Jon Cris Would that also mean that if a criminal investigation took place, a SAR could not be requested by those with the authority to do so because the information would have been destroyed by the banks, or does it mean info can be disclosed if requested because the persons (living ordinary) rights are no longer applicable. Not forgeting that as executors they may need to make a SAR to gain further information about existing accounts they dont have in hard copy anyway to refer to when ascertaining the total assets in calculation.
  4. If all the paperwork/documentation, belongings and evidence therefore have been removed. Unless you know what account information there was you can not prove it existed can you? Its your word against theirs isnt it.
  5. Re: Be clear about what you want to see and for them to declare and maybe what you would accept to avoid taking what will be expensive litigation fo all of you. raydetinu 's comment If its a criminal case, as fraud is a crime, how come the parties would have expensive litigation costs. I thought in criminal cases the state paid the costs? Ordinarilly in a civil legal matter you get legal aid, but if the judge orders you to pay costs, the legal services commission usually put a charge on your assets like a home to be repaid. However, in doscussing this with someone else before, I was told that in criminal cases, that didnt apply. Was that incorrect?
  6. If you have any advise to offer I am sure it would be beneficial to all, as the same circumstance applies to me also, which was why I enquired.
  7. Were they acting as the power of attorney for your mum before her death then and was the estate to be equally divided equally between her surviving children (with one being you) in her Will? Can you give anymore details? I am assuming their is animosity between you as brothers and sisters and that you have been excluded from whats gone on from the way your message sounded.
  8. I dont think there was ever an option, it was simply applied and he was informed.
  9. I left the UK after struggling with illegal bank charges and more besides at the time believeing I had no option other than to sell up, step down and cut my losses to be free of debt. I then found myself unable to secure a property within the budget left within the UK and was unable to secure a mortgage so looked abroad. While managing to find a property bought outright, reserves soon waned due to building costs and general living while looking for work which was not there. Basically you need to be self sufficient or have other property to rent out to provide income to support you. Time wasnt on my side and I left everything behind, again foreseeing the possibility of getting into debt and embrolied in situations with authorities with foreign laws I didnt understand so returned to the UK to seek work. I explained my dilemma initially arriving homeless and jobless but when I registered at the Job Centre I wasnt entitled to any unemployment benefit as I had a property abroad and therefore savings in their eyes. I didnt have a penny. Neither was I entitled to any housing help as I wasnt fleeing a War zone, fleeing a violent relationship or had children under 16. My interest was to ascertain what options might be available to someone in my position as I was aware by then of housing schemes such as shared ownership, thinking I might be able to sell abroad and utilise a deposit for a property back in England, work to pay a mortgage/ Gov loan and begin again. However, any applications for housing associations or schemes I was told, needed to be referred by the council, who would not refer me as I didnt fit into there criteria. I was therefore helpless as a returning UK National having been gone three years, albeit temporarilly and under duress for reasons the Governement now seem to be assisiting with en mass. So I walked till I found a job and then found I could pay for a room to live in, which I have managed to survive the past 13 months. I cannot sell as the market has stood still, abroad as well as here. I cannot find any housing guidance or help for renting or buying for low income people unless they are key workers. I pay for own medicines at £7.20 per item as I am not well. But what bothers me is the tax man takes up to £350 a month in tax from my paypacket, so what am I paying for if I am not entitled to any help or benefits or housing?
  10. Hello my 20 year old son opened a student account with a £1000 overdraft facility. In Oct 08 He went above his limit by £60 and they issued a reserve amount of £150 to his available amount, but also informed that this would incur a reserved usage fee of £22. They said that when you incur a usage fee you are entitled to make payments, withdrawals up to the limit of your reserve for 5 consecutive working days, starting the day you go into reserve, without incurring a further usgae fee. After the 5 day period, you will incur a further usage fee on the next working day that your balance is in reserve. Further usage fees will be charged, on the same basis, for any subsequent 5 day period starting the day on which your balance is in reserve. In one month they took £150 in reserve usage fees at £22 every 5 days untill the 12th Nov 08 when his account was brought back into credit. Is this a new ' legal 'way to steal money from people by inventing new terminology for charges. I cannit believe that they can get away with this. It is a first banking experience, for my son who used an ordinary savings account prior to opening an account with Barclays. Is it Lawfull or not? Can this be refunded at all?
  11. Thanks for all the advise everyone. Dodgy company yes, a shambles in more ways than one the whole place. Would like legal advise really.
  12. I have been employed in a sales job for six months and it is paid by basic plus commission. My employee has informed me on the 1st of this month that I will not be paid a basic wage anymore, but commission only worked out by a percentage on what I earn. I have rent to pay and need money to cover my rent which being paid commission only, does not guaruntee. I asked to see a copy of my contract as I have never been issued with one, and I had to sign a letter to receive it, that said by signing, I agree to the terms within it. The contract then says,that I am on a nine month probation period. However, my letter of acceptance to the company, says nothing of any probationary period, and I have never been informed that I was on one. I have 7 days to object to the terms however, in reply. Can an employer just stop paying your wages without prior written notice, by verbally announcing that I will not be given a wage by the company anymore, from that moment forward? Any inconvenience that may cause to me is irrelevent. I am in a catch 22 in so much as my rent will be due in a month. In spending time trying to find a new job, it is unlikely that I will find one within a timeframe quick enough to cover me. I can stay working at the company and be unpaid, but earn a percentage of what I might make in sales instead. I feel I have no alternative but to accept because of the iminence of practical bills that need paying due, and if I stay I may generate enough to manage. The other option offered to me was a job I dont particularly want on less money with a take it or leave it attitude conveyed. I feel I have been discrininated against, bullied at times and inadequately trained for the job I undertook. With no previous experience, I have not been mentored, guided and trained and as a result, not made target expectations. Interestingly the contract gives a monthly set target figure, which has never been told to me as a requirement prior to, until prouction of the contract six months later. I have certainly been treated differently than others doing the same job who have joined the company since. It is a negative hostile environment to work in with an unprofessonal approach and work ethic. A lot of derrogatory comments are passed between staff constantly, oftentimes offensive and vulgar as well as sexual and intimidating, culminating in regular arguments taking place. However I accepted that, that was something beyond my control and I was gratefull to be employed and looking forward to many years permanent work, by minding my own business, avoiding conflict and just doing my best. Does anyone have any advise as to my best option?
  13. oh yeah...after erring for 13 months and the taking another 4 top work it out
  14. I only wish midge..or at least they should offer some reduction as a gesture of goodwill....I could understand if I had loaned the money, but I never asked for their mistake and am now landed with a 7k debt and being hounded by more sharks.This time I dont even comprehend what their trying to relay and cannot afford legal advise or need more wrangles..I think we should all go back to keeping our money under the matress and invest in a guard dog as at least then you could count it, pay peter and paul and see the change right in front of you. I mean what exactly do banks actually do for us but bring us grief! Then havethe ordacidy to charge us for being with them
  15. Did you get any further forward Midge..ive been struggling with other matters since we spoke last
  16. Isnt it amazing how they have managed to take everyone for a ride and are still unanswerable to any of us!
  17. Does anyone have any knowledge of acting with french solicitors in regard to UK bank matters...any help appreciated rather urgently
  18. Do you mean reply to the french solicitors? Isnt it also in breach of my data protection rights that my details have been passed on. How can I also be sure that by entering into correspondence with these people I am not admitting responsibility ( of which I am not) and jeopordising my credability here within the french system, nevermind entering into potential legal costs here.Would I not be better off sueing the Halifax for their mismanagement of my money acting as my fidisuary, then landing me with a huge debt as a consequence. I really need bankfodders help on this but his mail box is full
  19. I know Bookie but I did so to enlist more responses as I dont know time is on my side. To make matters worse, I am returning to Londres on the 8th Nov to seek employment as theres none here and do not want french bailiffs kicking my door down in my absence. Scarey!"
  20. Halifax made errors amounting to nearly 7 thousand pounds on my account over a 13 month period when I was homeless and house hunting. I had no idea as I had sold a London property, had a large balance in a savings account as a result of that sale. Am in no way mathematical or expected that the intermittent bank statements id recieved via redirection had incorrectly input paid interest information on them. As I used phone banking to transfer money and check my balance etc..An accountant later noticed amounts paid werent correct and I queried this with the Halifax, which up untill that point they had been unaware of also. So. we entered into a debate via letter as to the fact that they then, by now, wanted this money back, but also by that point I had spent my sale proceeds rehousing myself and my family and could not afford to repay them a debt I had never asked for. This process continued up untill earlier this year when letters disipated. Today, now living in France, I have recieved a letter from a french advocat (solicitor) demanding the amount on behalf of the Halifax. How do I respond to this? Do I have to reply? and what can they do to me? This is very worrying and is this effectively like being hounded by a Bailiff back home, as in if I do reply, do I then enter into being bound to these people some way. What is my legal position? Any advise please is appreciated.
  21. Halifax made errors amounting to nearly 7 thousand pounds on my account over a 13 month period when I was homeless and house hunting. I had no idea as I had sold a London property, had a large balance in a savings account as a result of that sale. Am in no way mathematical or expected that the intermittent bank statements id recieved via redirection had incorrectly input paid interest information on them. As I used phone banking to transfer money and check my balance etc..An accountant later noticed amounts paid werent correct and I queried this with the Halifax, which up untill that point they had been unaware of also. So. we entered into a debate via letter as to the fact that they then, by now, wanted this money back, but also by that point I had spent my sale proceeds rehousing myself and my family and could not afford to repay them a debt I had never asked for. This process continued up untill earlier this year when letters disipated. Today, now living in France, I have recieved a letter from a french advocat (solicitor) demanding the amount on behalf of the Halifax. How do I respond to this? Do I have to reply? and what can they do to me? This is very worrying and is this effectively like being hounded by a Bailiff back home, as in if I do reply, do I then enter into being bound to these people some way. What is my legal position? Any advise please is appreciated. vbrep_register("1206116")
  22. Big Halifax problem Bookie might remember so I hope can advise on: Halifax made errors amounting to nearly 7 thousand pounds on my account over a 13 month period when I was homeless and house hunting. I had no idea as I had sold a London property, had a large balance in a savings account as a result of that sale. Am in no way mathematical or expected that the intermittent bank statements id recieved via redirection had incorrectly input paid interest information on them. As I used phone banking to transfer money and check my balance etc..An accountant later noticed amounts paid werent correct and I queried this with the Halifax, which up untill that point they had been unaware of also. So. we entered into a debate via letter as to the fact that they then, by now, wanted this money back, but also by that point I had spent my sale proceeds rehousing myself and my family and could not afford to repay them a debt I had never asked for. This process continued up untill earlier this year when letters disipated. Today, now living in France, I have recieved a letter from a french advocat (solicitor) demanding the amount on behalf of the Halifax. How do I respond to this? Do I have to reply? and what can they do to me? Help please Bookie!!! This is very worrying and is this effectively like being hounded by a Bailiff back home, as in if I do reply, do I then enter into being bound to these people some way. What is my legal position? Any advise please is appreciated.
  23. Ugly Betty was more fun and I dont know whatthe fuss was all about re: the 'great' acting...it bored me......I turned over
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