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Everything posted by dax

  1. you need to read the FAQ, message to kim and Mikey
  2. Hi im relatively new too and yes you can claim back for closed accounts and accounts from the past six years..good luck!
  3. I am so glad someone else knows this firm of parasites and nothing would give me more pleasure than doing them up, like they done me up...They used to laugh down the phone at me..jeering...." you know we could take your house of you dont you and see you on the street", it was unbelievable in heinsight, but I didnt know ant better at the time and was a desperate and worried struggling single parent. Their interest rate was like 29% I think. Somewhere ive still got their file and intend to go over it with a nit comb. I ended up repaying them £53.000 and in fact, sold my property to remove myself from their grip. Talk about stress.......'evil'
  4. Still trying to sort things out and no further forward, didnt communicate with the agency dealing with proceedings that gave me a deadline, but contacted the Halifax who will not suspend order to proceed.......up to my ears in statements etc....... Do you have any advice or thoughts on the matter? p.s, like the name.......
  5. Has anyone heard of or had dealings with Blemain finance company? Would be interested to know of your experience with them as mine was that they were complete sharks:!:
  6. ok will do......have a phonecall, so waylaid for the mo! will get back soon.
  7. Thanks Martin Any help appreciated........will be waiting by the forum to respond online, dax
  8. I Have recieved a letter from the Halifax regards re payment of £7000, This amount was an accumulation of mistakenly paid interest, paid to my account over a 13 month period by the Halifax. I had the sale proceeds of my home on my account at the time, which was over a £100k, so didnt know interest being paid was incorrect, having never had a balance that high. The money was in a savings account while I was homeless, trying to find somewhere within the market to rehouse myself and family. Eventually, after renting for over a year, I found a home in France, having been unable to find a home within my budget in England. The error was discovered by an accountant through me and I informed the Halifax who took months to acknowledge it. The Halifax now want it repaid and has handed my situation to a legal service who have threatened to commence proceedings against me. I dont know how to respond. I have no money left and no job here. Am in the third year of a degree and am restoring a house, the materials for which I had already purchased. All that is left is a real minimal to survive on. I feel in the light of this website that maybe I should try to fight my corner first. I would appreciate advice regarding whether the English Courts have jurisdiction to do anything to me. Also, there is an Estoppel in law which says, if something is given that the recipient assumes is theres (e.g, the interest I thought was mine), then they spend it, it shouldnt necessarily have to be returned, as it would affect the position of the one being made to return it. Or words to that effect. HELP!! !any legal eagles out there as I have till 4pm today, before they issue proceedings and ive been trying to get onto this site for ages. I have been tax resident here since may 06. not much to ask!!! any advice and help will be rewarded ten fold. I will gladly assist by giving advice to others where I can with other issues and towards legal books etc..in due course.
  9. Thanks bookworm, Looked up estoppel and it is complicated (arguably)... Promisory estoppel prevents one party from withdrawing a promise made to a second party if the latter has relied on that promise and acted upon it. Could it be argued that the bank promise to pay the bearer... and did? The detrimental aspect would be effective as a result of how this matter would affect my credit status as I would be £7000 in arrears and this would affect my current financial balance by repayments. If I hadnt thought it was mine, I wouldnt have spent it. All three types of estoppel fall on the representation of the way things were done but one party must say or do something and the other party rely on that information in a way that would have an affect on their behaviour (or spending). What angle detrimentally had you thought of? Also what if you are living in another country and change residency, where does that leave everyone legally. The Halifax have written asking me for a breakdown of my financial situation in order to work out a re payment plan. Dont know what to do about it as I dont know if I should repay the amount as a legal requirement Also, are debit card charges illegal,legal, e.g. £1.52 everytime you withdraw cash or use the card? does anyone know that?
  10. Yes but can you tell me what DPA nad LBA stand for. I have visited the FQA section which required me to input a search for my query I did this but nothing came up! So a bit lost......help!!
  11. Thanks for that, Wait till I tell my poor daughter about this site, shes struggled through her degree, bank charges and been stitched up like the rest of us have, its all hard to believe. No wonder were refered to as the gullible public, weve all been had by the bastards.. Does this apply to mortgages as well does anyone know?
  12. DPA, LBA ? Sorry for my ignorance but what do these terms signify, theres a whole lingo going on here, fill me in?
  13. Has anyone posted advice or sample letter formats for all the stages needed to be reimbursed, as everyone seems to be so natural about wording and procedures. I havent got a clue and have had my eyes opened by this site as you realise we have all been abused by the system, again! Do you have any knowle about overpayments and errors made as Halifax has said I owe them £7000 because they made a mistake in interest payments by paying someone elses interest into my account monthly for over a year. I had no idea as I had a substantial amount at the time in a premium savings acc with the interest transferred to my current acc, thinking it was correct. Now I see the banks have been breaking the law and like a posse, this group is taking action I would also like to take. Any advice for a novice?
  14. I had the same situation re a misold policy and contacted a solicitors advertising no win no fee in manchester, paperwork was exchanged in the form of them sending me their contract but I had my doubts. As I understood it, even if you had cashed in your policy, you may still be entitled to compensation. Just to be safe, I cashed in the policy for a few thousand and then intended to re pursue the policy review and compensation claim thinking anything extra would be bonus, while expecting the solicitors would take a fee and pay me last, possibly out of pocket, I secured an amount first directly from the endowment company. Now listening to you I am glad I did and have not got round to re pursuing it yet although am aware of time limits given Let us know the outcome as I see solicitors as whit collar criminals from experience.......
  15. The Halifax have made interest overpayments on my account for the past13 months and tell me I have to repay £7000 in total for their error. As I had a large amount in my account I assumed the interest payments were correct and thought nothing more of it, browsing my monthly statements none the wiser. Am I legally obliged to repay their error?
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