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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. This topic was closed on 03/08/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  5. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  6. I don't know, I don't really see him often, now that we don't work together, so don't know what if anything has happened to him.
  7. No timescales given I'm afraid Dotty. Good point Kwaks - we have various different systems that we use and some of them have expirable passwords, however on the system in question this doesn't happen and I've had the same password for over 10 years, I did try changing them once but because I'd had them so long I had to change them back as I kept locking myself out.
  8. We do have a computer privacy policy that does the rounds every couple of years and things have started to get a lot more strict over the last year or two which is why I have never given anyone access since. No idea that that person would keep them and use it for his own personal gain a year down the line. Unfortunately the manager left a couple of years ago, but I could probably get a couple of other people to confirm that they had access to her logins but I'm not allowed to contact anyone from work?
  9. I've given ACAS a ring and they have basically told of my rights regarding Union reps and said the main concern was the timing of all this and how long ago it was. They have basically told me I need to wait to see if disciplinary action is going to be taken before I can do anything. What I still need to know is how do i get a Union rep, do I have to join a union or am I covered under my husbands membership? Many thanks
  10. Hi OK so the story is earlier today I got called into an investigation meeting, after going through all the cryptic stuff on are you aware of company policies and procedures etc, they started showing "evidence" of where I had accessed a colleagues account to apply credits and the like. Now this was a total shock for me as I would never be stupid enough to do anything of the sort, now after a good questioning I was eventually able to prove that I wasn't at work whilst many of these actions had happened and all the notes that were applied to the accounts differed from how I write my notes ie with use of abbreviations etc. But in doing this I admitted that the person who's account it was, once had access to my logins, although this was 2 to 3 years ago. I explained that at the time we were almost encouraged to do this and my own manager had given me their own logins so that I could cover for her when she was off and I had given this person access to enable them to cover for me whilst I was on holiday. Now I can't be sure but it was definately more than 2 yrs ago when I worked with this person possibly even longer, I also confirmed that I had never given anybody else access since this. So I've been suspended from work probably pending disciplinary though I can't recall being given a reason except to say that it was a neutral act. Firstly I thought the advice for suspension was to only suspend if there was a threat to the business and secondly can anyone give me any advice on how to handle the disciplinary, unfortunately the company I work for does not recognise trade unions and as such am not a member of any, although my husband is, am I able to get representation from him and thirdly how serious is this, is my job at risk from something that not only I allowed but was generally done at that time?
  11. I don't think they have given a specific reason as to why, just a general discussion over the new "ways of working" including the shift in hours and how the previous arrangement was only temporary. Not sure if it helps but there are 3 people including him who do the same job. He worked early, one did days and the other lates, however the other 2 were recruited to those hours as my husband was already working earlys, now they have agreed to rotate the shifts to early, days and lates, the problem is that the "early" shift is later than his old one so he still doesn't finish in time to pick the kids up. He has all his paperwork from his employment, not sure if he has his contract although he does have all the letters re changes to t's & c's etc which seem to happen more often than not. I believe his place of work was closed for some of the time over the holidays. Thanks
  12. Hi My husband has just returned to work today following a disciplinary where he was issued with a final written warning, prior to this he was suspended for 8 weeks. On his return they have informed him that his hours of working has been changed with immediate effect. About 4 years ago, my husband asked about changing his hours under the flexible working policy to enable him to pick the kids up from school as I work 12hr shifts, they agreed and issued him a letter stating "temporary change of hours". He has been doing these hours since then, however they have now withdrawn it advising they can no longer accomodate it, this has left us in a nightmare situation, with me having to take time off from work to cover this and not sure how we will manage in the long run. What rights does he have if any? It's ironic that last week we were celebrating that he still had his job and now on his first day back he is wishing they had just sacked him now:( Also he had 2 weeks holiday booked off over christmas, however he was suspended over this period, is he entitled to these back at all?
  13. Firstly I am eligible for flexible working have 2 children aged 6 and 3, also have previously been granted a flexible working request follwing my transfer from previous site in 2006, so from Oct 2006 until July 07 I was working a flexible working pattern of 10-8pm on a 3 on 3 off shift, then a new shift was introduced as a trial to work compacted hours, working 12-10pm mon - thurs, which I volunteered for and was subsequently accepted. I have been doing this shift to date, however the shift has now been disbanded in the shift re-write. In my consultation I have advised that I can work flexibly between the hours of 9.30 and 7.30pm and would consider any shift between these hours, however the request has been declined, no alternatives given, just a right to appeal. I have spoken to HR today and "asked for advice" on what to include in my letter of appeal mentioning that I was thinking about going down the indirect sexual discrimination route and also do I have to raise a seperate grievance regarding the breach of the flexible working process or could that be included. She has since been onto my manager and rang me back to advise that my flexible working meeting will be held at the earliest possibility and they should not have placed it on hold. I'm hoping that by speaking to HR it may prompt someone into doing something. It's a 20 mile journey to work which takes 40-50mins normally. Thanks
  14. Thanks for all your advice, I had my consultation with my manager and advised him that the reason's I am unable to work were the same as in my flexible working application, which explained the problems I have working late evenings and I've just had the results of my consultation back today and have been advised that they have been declined. I have queried my flexible working application and have been advised that all flexible working applications were placed on hold at the time of the re-write and although my application had already been in for 3 weeks before the re-write was formally announced it is still classed as being "under that period" I have been advised that they will not look at these until after the re-write has been completed. I have the right to appeal which I am preparing to do now, my concern, or one of them, is that the new contracts take effect fom the 1st of October and I don't know what's going to happen, well I possibly do but need it spelling out for me.... Not sure if this is relevant or not but I was offered redundancy 2 years ago as the site which I worked was closing down, instead I took the relocation package and agreed to move to a different site involving more travel, could this help my case at all? Failing that how do I proceed with sexual discrimination (probably indirect) and when should I, should I mention it in my appeal and put it in writing? In response to Orange primate my flexible working request was sent electronically via e-mail so it proves it was sent to the correct person.
  15. I'm female and they have given me 10.15 to 22.15 working 3 days on 3 off, even though my flexible working request explained that I could no longer work late evenings. Also I was re-located a couple of years ago when our centre closed so I have to travel and wouldn't get home until after 11 at night.
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