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Everything posted by mumof4by1996

  1. have filled with Mcol ,recieved notice ot issue , sent in 2 copies of charges to Mcol, am i right in thinking that I have to send another 2 copies to lloyds now swell?
  2. Lloyds get 28 days after issue has been deemed served, how long after that do you gat the AQ? and how long do get to reply?
  3. Even though the AQ has been dispensed with, you still have to pay The £100
  4. I know that feeling have been charged 290 at one point, and got to the point that Iwas afraid to look at my statements when they arrived. was charged 1470 in one year on one account and on the same year 1035 on another.
  5. while looking through my papers for a copy of T&CS i came across some statements for a second account i have with lloyds ,i havent been claiming for charges on this account because i didnt think there were that many, however as i looked thruogh i discovered that they have actually charged me over 1k for the year 2004, in that same year they charged me 1.5k on my first account. So now i have to start with a new claim for the second account. wish me luck, after helping 5 others successfully reclaim i think its my turn for some luck.
  6. have you been in to the bank and questioned this amount? it may have been a mistake or a typing error. I would go in and question it.
  7. I too have been charged for my account, On my statements it is called a service charge, and this on a basic current account, I updated to a select account in 02 so now i pay for the updated account. I felt it was better to pay for an account with perks than for payi ng for an account with nothing and there are several threads that in have read asking the same questions, what are they? why do soe people get charged and not others? and are they reclaimable? I havent as yet found any answers.
  8. Approximately 1 month after starting my claim against lloyds, i suggested to my friend that she try as well and her boyfriend, then i did the same with 2 of my brothers and then finally my daughter, Brother 1 got offered 1,100 by lloyds 2 months ago ,which he accepted, my friends boyfriend was offered a full payment a week later, then bro 2 was asked how much he wanted!!!! then tw0 weeks ago my friend was offered payment in full. Today my daughrter was offerd 85% of her claim which she is accepting. WHEN IS IT GONNA BE MY TURN????
  9. Ihave just been reading some other threads, and discovered that you dont claim interest until you reach court, however I have been doing this from the beginning, what do I do now?
  10. Have filed with Mcol and have today recieved notice of issue deemed to be served on 09/07/07, have already been putting together my court bundle as fully expect to go all the way. Have sent 2 copies of charges to Mcol.and have prepared three court bundles for the court,me and THEM. I Just need to download the MCNAMARA transcripts, Is ther anything else I need to do?
  11. I know this is a stupid question but how do you PM your litigation details to a MOD?
  12. I filed with MCOL on Friday as now joy with lloyds, but dont know what to expect next or what to do next. How long do the AQs normally take to come through? Am I right in thinking they come next. I am on holiday in 4 weeks what can Ido if The AQ come when I,m gone?
  13. can you add in any charges that have been taken since Letter before action?
  14. After 8 weeks of waiting have finally filed with MCOL, following steps on CAG, What happens now and what do I need to do now? PLEASE HELP!!!
  15. Am going to file with MCOL in two weeks after sending final letter b4 action 2day, what can i do if the court requests info while i am on holiday or if the court date is set for while im on holiday?
  16. Thanks for this reassuring update, however I am abit confused about para 17, is the Judge saying that he has noe evidence that the banks use this term fortheir fees/ or is he saying that the banks do not use this term in their T&Cs? IS taking bank statements to court as part of evidence going to help in any way?
  17. Hi Ive just started to put in the claim with MCOL and Im afraid of getting it wrong, Im that nervous already, is the address to serve papers to, the address to put in as the defendants address in the MCOL form
  18. Lloyd have taken charges under the title of Account charges, even when i wasnt overdrawn, and on an ordinary classic account, can i claim these back aswell.?
  19. the schedule i sent to the bank was for bank charges +interest for 4 years +9 months but i did state that i would go for the full 6 years if they did not respond, i was not aware that you could claim the interest that they took from you as well, if it gets to court can i add these aswell?
  20. after being refused initially by lloyds, i then sent a second letter giving them 14 days to reply positively, that deadline has expired so my next step is to claim thruogh moneyclaims, but when i looked on the cheque list i didnt know half of the points that i need to proceed properly, i.e. the date the account was opened, will the book by P.P. tell me how to find them and what they actually mean?
  21. Has anyone actually won a case against lloyds, using the concealment argument, and had the limitations removed from them yet?
  22. Interesting poits made, but when i asked lloyds for my 6 yers statements they only sent me 5.5years and at the bottom of the page they said that if i wanted any pre sept 2001 i could reply in the prepaid envelope and they would order them for me howevedr i sent this letter back requesting the rest of my statements, and am awaiting reply ,will keep you posted as to what happens , because if they send me pre 6 years it shoots their letter into pieces and then it can be said that they are unreliable and are again concealing.
  23. Hi Pen Iread somewhere i think it was here on CAG that the limit you can claim for is 12 years.
  24. HI Mickey dont feel down, I havent even got as far as claiming to the courts yet, and I started claiming from the bank 6 weeks ago, at the time I thought it would only take 3-4 weeks in total. but as it stands it looks more like 6-7 months. IT might be a long journey but at least you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Fighting harder and for longer makes you a bigger and better hero. WE WILL, WE WILL SUPPORT YOU.
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