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Everything posted by gilly5001

  1. Going on even, Why can't they touch the car? Gilly
  2. Just to Confirm realised I'd missed a post yes we have paid over a third, this has now been ring on since 2007!
  3. Ha I love this post! Tell me then can I report them? Use their own letter against them??
  4. Hi yes it did say that. Now had a letter off em saying they want photocopies of drivin license or passport o Confirm our identity! Said they can't from info give E.g name address account number etc Shall I send it to them, maybe they want to know what we look Like
  5. Do I write to them confirming where the car is or ignore them?
  6. Also says if we fail to comply within14 days we will commit an offence under section 80 and be held liable
  7. Yes recorded and section 80 of cca, it says it relates to us keeping the vehicle in our possession or control
  8. Hi I've SAR welcome, not heard Anything as yet and today received a letter under section 80 that they demand to know the whereabouts of the car Thanks for everyone's help
  9. I have posted about this a few times, and the upshot of it is that we owe Welcome finance £5500ish on a £13996 agreement. The car has caused us no end of trouble and we have been arguing this for years with them. they have harrased us by telephone, sent letters from god knows how many different managers. Weve wrote back asking them to wipe charges and we could arrange to settle the debt they said they only charged us £300 in letters etc. We have offered to pay them £2000 more after all the problems we have had with the car, but this they have refused. they are ringing 20+ times a day and in the last phone call about half an hour ago in whi OH refused to confirm security so the man from Welcome said he's coming to collect the car! Can they do this? I dont think they can without a court order. what if they have a court order, would we know about it? If they arrive with a court order do I have to give them the car? we have paid nearly £8000 off it, and I am willing to pay the rest minus all of their unfair interest charges etc Can anyone help?? Im worried theyre about to turn up at the door Gilly
  10. Thanks for your help! I'll send it recorded on Saturday watch this space
  11. Hi no I don't think we can vt and on my thread you'll see that we complained about the car from 3 months into the agreement not only just! We have always been fobbed off and now has only just been dealt with as an official complaint as we have a new account manager who looked at our notes, saw we ha been complaining about the car and followed it up! I will sar them but basically wondered how to word offers to them, I.e maybe freezing interest sinew can pay off balance or writing off interest charged for missed payments etc
  12. Hi I really dont know where to start but feel like we have paid excessively to switch mortgages ove rthe last few years. We started to struggle with payments and ran up high debts on credit cards etc so tried to change our mortgage. we paid £13000 as a ERC to igroup mortgage just to get away from them. THe broker we went to put in a mortgage application for 60'000 more than we needed and advised us taht we may aswell try. The application was refused surprisingly and then when we recieved their fees in the very tiny tiny print is stated taht there arrangement fees were based on the amount applied for not the amount actually recieved. the mortgage cost us £7500 to arrange!! so we were supposed to have money to clear debts etc and actually ended paying in excess of £20000 just to switch Im really interested in going for these charges. Our current mortgage company also charges £50 for arrears can we claim this back? Gilly5001
  13. hi all Its a long story but 5 years ago we took out a £9000 loan with welcome which with interest was £13886. We ran into financial difficulties and have been making reduced payments, been on arrangments etc. they sent us a default notice and a termination notice. We have asked them several times to come and get the car to which they always agree to accepting £50 when shoud be £252. We have now paid off £7800 and Welcome are insisting that they will sell on our debt if we dont make the full payment. We have had numerous conversations with our new account manager and offered to pay full payments if they knowck some of interest charges etc. Yesterday they offered to knock £300 off in letter charges. The car is not worth what teh loan was for and we did contact them after having the loan for 3 months that the car was not in a fit state. We have put in rewquests in writing that they treated as a complaint to which they have stated tha the car was in a satisfactory condition. Due to the arrears on teh account we were just hoping for a reduced settlement so we can pay it off and move on but i dont want a reduced payment which means have to pay them for the next 10 years! Any ideas what I need to write to them with, Ive got a copy of the agreement which i can post. surely if they going to sell on makes more sense to get something out of us thanks gilly
  14. HI welcome are bombarding me with phone calls now and ive requested everything in writing Anybody any ideas on legally what I can ask them to agree to Ive got income and expenditure etc to send them but dont want them taking the car Any help greatly appreciated Thanks Gilly5001
  15. HI Well the update is that I submitted my defence on Thursday of last week, then on Friday I rang and paid this months payment along with an extra £61. They then said they would cancel court action and that would be the end of it. I spoke to solicitors today asking them to confirm and they said it had been cancelled and I would recieve written confirmation from them! Then post arrives from solicitors stating that they have applied for adjournment with liberty to restore?? and I no longer need to attend court but can if I want to although they will not be attending. I really could do with not going as it will be my first day in my new job and asking to leave at 12 doesnt look good what do I do? is this liberty to restore for the next 20 yeras of the mortgage?? help
  16. Yes I'll print it off and attach it, shall I do the same with the other payments I have made?
  17. Yes I could go anyday, just need for kids to go to bed then can sit in peace Thanks
  18. Hi I've got the court papers out ready to fill them in tonight, they seem a bit daunting. Hope someone is around later to help hopefully Ell-en with q27! By the time the weeks out I will be £700 in arrears but when the 1st comes it adds the months payment on even though we have an agreement to pay on the 28th of the month so for 27 dys we have a higher arrears balance as includes the months contractual payment. Not sure how will word that, can't believe this is still going to happen when paid so much off but hey go! It's ruined my summer been hanging over us like a dark cloud just need it sorting Ya Gilly5001
  19. What happens with a suspended order? Would we still be in danger of losing our home? When do I need to do the court papers? Date of hearing is the 5th of sept. I'm not sure how to fill them in properly G
  20. Hi Well the update is they rang and said they still needed more details which was just ridiculous! I managed to get £2500 from family and paid that last week. They have saidthey still won't cancel court action till we make this months payment on the 28th! Once we had paid this our arrears balance will be £700! This seems very close to the court date. Do I trust them to cancel the hearing or should I still submit my forms to the court? I worried they'll have te hearing anyway and well get a possession order for such a small amount! Any help greatly appreciated Gilly5001
  21. Hi I dont know I posted the original agreement on here cause they sent a termination notice. Im happy to pay them what we owe and was hoping for advice on what to put in letter to help us keep the car but not get screwed over. I appreciate your advice about dd but it doesn help me sort this mess out. Thanks gilly
  22. Hi why no direct debit? Thought would be easier than speaking to them every month. Any advice then on how to move forward when theyre adding charges
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