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Everything posted by gilly5001

  1. thanku so much just want to check somethign though. i sent a letter to bc stating that if he takin me to court want all evidence etc. should i have sent a copy of this to the court or wait and use it as defnce didnt want to be doing nothign if there is something i could be doing thanks again Gilly
  2. please find attached the assignment letter from mbna assignment from mbna.pdf
  3. thanks for your help I havent received any default notices that I can remember/are aware of. The copy of the assignment is on its way, will post on a few minutes Thanks again Gilly5001 Oh the papers are dated the 17th Jan so a little while to go yet
  4. HI Going to try and answer some of your questions, The letter from MBNA confirming the debt was assigned to Arrow Global has no date on it , just a date of default as the 31/10/06. The credit agreements are of poor quality and barely legible, the scans I posted is what Arrow Global sent to me when i cca'd Bryan Carter. I have read them and there is no mention of overleaf or another part referred to but it does say on the one that is signed , taht we should refer to the terms and conditions provided?? The one on the back states that these are paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of terms and conditions which contain the financial and related details. The rest of your terms and condtions can be found in the full copy which is enclosed. dont know if this is any help to you i was really hopign bryan carter would have canceled the court action following my request for info, but obvioulsy he playing tough Thanks Gilly5001
  5. hi wondered if anyone can advise me what to do now. i sent the letter off to Bryan Carter asking for all info if taking me to court, should I send that letter to the court as proof of defence. Bryan Carter have responded only by sending me a letter accepting payment proposals Please help as is nearing the deadline i think Gilly5001
  6. Thats ok 42man! dont worry, ur more an expert than me Spent 4 hours trying to scan documents in!!! and I have a degree lol obviously not in computers
  7. Hi trying again with these documents , attached should be the cca recieved back from Arrow Global (I sent the req to Brainless Carter, the letter notfiying me Arrow Global had the account and the ccj papers from Bryan Carter Thansk Guys ccj claim form.doc cca.doc arrow global letter.pdf
  8. hi i think ive deleted it i saw it as a reveiwed the post and deleted it
  9. HI Thanks for your suggestions, I have sent them the letter special delivery and have been online to state will be defending the claim on moneyclaim.gov. Please find below, the court papers, the cca i received back from Bryan CArter from Arrow Global. I dont know which one Im dealing with.
  10. hi Its the full amount they were requesting. Im havin trouble gettin docs up at the moment so asking as many questions as I can in the meantime If I have a cca back from Arro global , should I ask Bryan CArter for one assigning it to them? also, what do Ineed to put in my defence to ensure this ccj isnt registered? Thanks for all your help, any suggestions
  11. HI they look genuine, I took the halifax to court last yr for bank charges and its the same as the form i filed against them. So you think i can ignore the court papers then? I am hapopy with the arrangemtn it's what we've been after and they wouldnt agree it! I thought if i didnt acknowledge the papers then after 28 days the ccj will be registered not sure I can trust Mr Carter to discontinue Im trying tp scan docs in now
  12. found the aghreement and it has been sent back from a company called arrow global llc, showing the assignment of the debt to them, nothign abut Bryan carter. should I cca Bryan Carter asking for their right to chase over global LLC. confused now
  13. HI the cca is correct, I have never disputed the debt, is was to abbey national, my problem wsa how much they wanted me to pay. Bryan Carter have never added any charges to the original debt. So do I defend it? they are tellin me i can ignore it now i have set up an arrangment with them. Im concerned that if I ignore it i will get a ccj because not sending anythign to the courts, Just wondere what the best plan of action is now. Going to go and find the cca check it all legit, but at the moment my concern is this ccj and whether or not they will halt proceedings what a pickle!! Ill post the cca up as soon as i find it Thanks
  14. I'll try, the latest developmet is that bryan carter have rung me this mornign and said if I make an arrangement to pay they wont go ahead with ccj. i asked how much and a very uninformed lasy told me the court wanted it paid off in twelve months!!! i dont hink so i told her the court would order me to pay but not at a rate i cant afford. Anyway it ends up I wanted to make an arrangement with them so I have agreed to a new one. she saidas long as i stick to it i wont get a ccj but if i default i will automatically get one!!?? They surely can't do this without serving papers first. she also said i neednt reply to the court papers as they wont take any further, but if i ignore it wont i have a ccj automatically registered I suggested that to her and she said i was wrong, i asked her then to put it in writing that they will discontinue the claim she said they dont do letters to that affect but she will put it in writing i have a new arrangemtn ith them. what do i do now? do i defend or rong the court. I dpont trust them to not do anything i think they hoping i ignore the letter, recieve a cccj and then they can enforce the debt any suggestions please??
  15. Just had another thpought, I have hadnothing from them warnign me of court action. Can i defend with this. My OH is going ape as he thinks this is my fault and ccj will be in his name Help help help I really dont want a ccj, and will pay bryan carter or whoever they are, just at a monthly oayment i can afford any suggestions gratefully recieved
  16. hi I hope someone can help i have today recieved a court claim form from bryan Carter and Co (confused as have been reading the threads about him no longer trading etc). Anyway I cca'd them a couple of months agao, got the credit agreement back and since then have sent them 3 copies of income and expenditure asking them to accept a pro-rata offer of payment. To which I have only ever recieved a letter telling me to phone in on an 0870 number. To this i replied with another offer of payment with income and expenditure. thats all I have heard, we had a few phone calls the other week where I asked them to put it in writing and respond to my offer of payment. Then this today I dont know what i can do to prevent this ccj. I wnat to pay my debt but only at a rate I can afford. I have no proof of the letters I sent them as I useless at keeping stuff. i know I have probably left myself with no way out of this mess. really dont want a judgement registering against me so if anyone can help anything will be appreciated Thanks
  17. ok thsanks for the replies, i have used the national debt helpline to offer pro rata payments , they have obviously not been satisfied with this and have taken a surplus amount, i shall go to the branch and prove i need it for my mortgage payment on the 1st of AUgust Thansk again Just was hoping i could get them done with something Gonna chamge everything to t he NatWest , don't owe them any money
  18. hi Please please can someone help. I have chekced my statements and the halifax visa have taken £98.30 from my current account. I phoned them to say what the hell?? and they said they thought it would help me with my charges from them i have explained that the money is for my mortgage of which i am still £300 quid short and they said I have to go to the bank and prove I need it and they will put it straight back in!! I have been trying for months to get them to make an arrangement for me to pay and freeze the interest and charges and then they go and pinch from my account Please can anyone advise, I dont see why I should have to go and prove i need it when they have took it without my consent Hopefully Gilly5001
  20. Hi all, Ive used this site and the forums to pursue the Halifax for £2965. I filed a N1 on the 14th of June, the halifax have acknowledged this on the 2nd July. Today I have recieved a letter from them offering £1100 in full and final settlement!! (yeh right!!!) Just printed off the letter sayin I will aceept as part payment and will continue with court action for the rest. They havent sent a cheque but have said they will credit my account in 14 days. Just wondering if anyone out there has any advice. Not sure whether to ring a d decline offer or just to send letter and see what happens! Dont want them crediting my account and claiming its settled Thanks Gilly
  21. hi You seem to be at the saem stage as me! wondered if you have had your money. I filed against them on the 14th june , on the 2nd july they acknowledged the claim. Then on the 4th posetd out an offer of a third of what I am claiming , Just about to post ,y reply to them saying thanks but no thanks and see what happens!! fingers crossed
  22. hi just been reading your threads as I am filing N1 tomorrow!! just a quick question i hope you can help me with. The guide says print three copies and hand in at court, do I hand all 3 in at court or do I send one to halifax and keep one myself!! feel like a dummy!! but not making sense to me tonight Thanks Hope you hear soon XX
  23. Thankyou I did after my initial panic and posting read on and find the halifax thread! thanks again Oh, I was already up to the court stage as the 14 days has passed. Do I just start court action or acknowledge their letter and advise them of what I intend to do! want to make sure I do it properly
  24. Hi all, I have been using the cag templates and information on this site to try and get my bank charges refunded from the halifax bank. All of my charges relate to unpaid direct debits at a cost of £39 each time. I have followed through each step and got as far as the letter before action. Today I have recieved a letter from them stating that my claim has been declined because when I opened my account in 1997 there charges were stated in the paperwork. Is there anything i can do or is this the end of the road!! I am absolutley gutted today as I told all freidns and family to do it and they are all getting money into their accounts The amount I was trying to claim was £2800 ( dont know if the amount affects the claim) PLease help!! need some good news Thanks
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