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Everything posted by andymanuk

  1. this is from the other thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/81343-andymanuk-barclazy.html I did e-mail Tom Hickey from Barclays Litigation department eventually (I have to serve papers by Thursday for my court date.) I asked if we could settle before going to court, so they would not incur further costs defending their case. I got a swift rely from Tom in which he stated, but (understandably) I must wait in line, as they are doing checks and they have to settle the cases in chronological order, otherwise it would be chaos, which I can understand, i suppose. Maybe I'm just in a good mood from getting full settlement from MBNA today for £599 ! It will be settled in early July, he states. Well, good news I suppose..... Just goes to show, as everyone (all the wonderful advisers on this site) have said, do not give up, do not be scared, ignore all the scare tactics, and just look at the facts, they have never defended one case in the court !!, and I beleive they have no intention to .
  2. Simple ? well maybe, thats subjective, it did take 4 snotty letters, a few phone calls, and about 4 months, but yes, relative to my other cases, it was indeed, easy to get my money back from MBNA. I'm having abit of a nightmare with RBOS who are just blankly refusing to budge from the £37 !! they are offering me , ha ! but even though it will cost me, I will take it to court, because I know will get it back.. In my humble opinion, one cannot underestimate the power of having all of your bank statements (i.e. not having to ask for them), without sounding smug, I've always kept all mine, so when I presented the evidence to them, they were not able to use the stalling tactics, thet they seem to with most people, (i.e. claim to have lost letters, correspondence etc,etc..) I think they are told to start off by assuming most people are idiots who are just trying there luck, with no balls to finish it. When they see that you are prepared to fight for your money, they put your case on to another pile, marked 'will settle eventually' , and then the outcome is inevitable, it's just hard being patient and waiting for it all to filter through... :) :)
  3. I did e-mail Tom Hickey from Barclays Litigation department eventually (I have to serve papers by Thursday for my court date.) I asked if we could settle before going to court, so they would not incur further costs defending their case. I got a swift rely from Tom in which he stated, but (understandably) I must wait in line, as they are doing checks and they have to settle the cases in chronological order, otherwise it would be chaos, which I can understand, i suppose. Maybe I'm just in a good mood from getting full settlement from MBNA today for £599 ! It will be settled in early July, he states. Well, good news I suppose..... Just goes to show, as everyone (all the wonderful advisers on this site) have said, do not give up, do not be scared, ignore all the scare tactics, and just look at the facts, they have never defended one case in the court !!, and I beleive they have no intention to .
  4. :grin: Hi I didn't start a thread originally 'cos this was only for £599.95 (I have a Barclays case about to go to court for £4900, which is much more juicy) Started letters back & forth with MBNA back in Feb. They sent me a cheque for £210 as an offer, I didn't expect this cheque, it cane out of the blue, however, I wrote back a snotty letter and said I wanted the full amount or nothing else, I explained I would keep the cheque, and they could just send another cheque for the balance. Had to wait a few weeks, but got a letter back today from Rachel Claridge, assistant vice president, stating that they will be sending me a cheque for the balance £389.95 in the next few days, and consider the matter closed. To be honest MBNA have been the easiest to deal with out of my 3 case (Barclays, RBOS, & MBNA). Anyway , good news !! Keep on... :-) :-)
  5. Hi I didn't start a thread originally 'cos this was only for £599.95 (I have a Barclays case about to go to court for £4900, which is much more juicy) Started letters back & forth with MBNA back in Feb. They sent me a cheque for £210 as an offer, I didn't expect this cheque, it cane out of the blue, however, I wrote back a snotty letter and said I wanted the full amount or nothing else, I explained I would keep the cheque, and they could just send another cheque for the balance. Had to wait a few weeks, but got a letter back today from Rachel Claridge, assistant vice president, stating that they will be sending me a cheque for the balance £389.95 in the next few days, and consider the matter closed. To be honest MBNA have been the easiest to deal with out of my 3 case (Barclays, RBOS, & MBNA). Anyway , good news !! Keep on... :) :)
  6. thanks i think i will try, i can't see it doing any harm. btw, the details for Krista didn't appear on the post, sorry:confused:
  7. Did anyone have any luck by e-mailing or phoning Barclays at this stage ??
  8. Hi Planetman I'm at exactly the same stage as you with my claim for £4,800 from Barclays (AndymanUK v Barclazy) I was also thinking of e-mailing them soon.. not sure how to attach my thread, so here is a link (probably won't work) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/81343-andymanuk-barclazy.html
  9. I am a new poster, thanks in advance to everyone for all the info Here's where I am at the moment: My claim is for £4,807.20 inc. interest & charges Had all my bank statements going back years, so just sent copies straight in with initial letter, were quick to offer me £910 !!! as settlement, of course I refused. Went with MCOL, they filed a defence in time, and I have had it transferred to my local court. The notice includes the statement that a court allocation questionnaire is not needed. This seems to be the latest thing to speed these proceedings up. So I am now waiting for a court date. I am about to write an e-mail to 'thomas.hickey@barclays.com' I suspect he is the sidekick of Adrian St. John ? My defence has always been that I have 2 accounts, one business and one personal (at the same branch). My charges are from my personal account, but my business account has never gone in debit or incurred any charges, in fact always has more than enough money to cover the debit in the personal account. I called Barclays to ask if they could arrange via thier 'computer sytem' that should I go in debit from one account, they could automatically transfer funds from the other to cover it, so that I would never incurr charges. SURPRISINGLY, the computer system couldn't do this. I stated that this was the same computer that generates nasty letters and withdraws money from my account as penalties without my agreement. Seems like a bit of a biased computer ! Basically, if you add both my account balances together over the past 6 years, in fact Barclays WOULD OWE ME MONEY, for interest accrued on my savings !!! as (again surprisingly) they do not pay interest on business accounts ! I'm hoping they will settle before court, but am prepared to go all the way if necessary, and I will take my business account elsewhere (they regularly charge me approx. £30 per month in business banking charges, which I cannot avoid, just for paying in cheques etc.) They are theives, and must be stopped...............
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