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Everything posted by andymanuk

  1. hi covlad yes, it's a pain, but your gonna need to do three copies of court bundles cost me about £40 to get 6 yrs statements photocopied 3 times at Kall Kwik you need 1 for you 1 for court 1 for barclays litigation team yes you need all your statements in all three the court bundle isn 't as hard as it seems, there are links all over this site for the bits you need, simply print them out, adding you relevant information, and away you go. i'm sure someone will come up with the links quicker than me.... if not i'll try and find them
  2. May have already been posted, and may not be of any actual use to anybody, but here is a link to 2007 current bank account terms & conditions http://www.barclays.com/internationalpersonal/docs/guide_to_services_and_pricing_bpci_feb.pdf I love this line: If on subsequent days your account goes further overdrawn by more than £1, we will charge an additional Paid Referral fee of £30.
  3. Yes, I did it seems that they are not even talking or responding to e-mails unless your actual court date is between 1 and 2 weeks away, so I wouldn't expect any resonse for a while yet...... frustrating i know..
  4. here, here... it is truly liberating to be able to take on the bank system, individually we would have no chance but together, well, they just have to listen, can we start one of these to get rid of the government, please ?
  5. aarrgh...there be somthin up ahead cap'n ..but it could be an iceberg, i can't quite make it out yet !..........
  6. just as an update, i had some further correspndence with Tom Hickey today, don't want to say anything yet, but will let you know over next couple of days..............
  7. yes to all send stuff to barclays recorded delivery ( will cost a fortune but you can try & claim that back later), and take stuff to court personally you can just log it in with the court receptionist (saves on more postage costs) they usually give you a deadline to get the bundle to court, i think ? so check on that....
  8. don't worry, you've got loads of time, and everyone here has gone through the same scary times ! depending on which year you're after you should find terms & conditions here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/101412-document-library-work-progress.html
  9. yeah, you're right.... they may as well pay it, they know I will go all the way to get it back, if i have to. by the way Daren, thanks for all your help on the Barclays forum, I think you've been the most help to everybody here....
  10. thanks fitzos i finished up all my stuff today, t &c's, updated statement of evidence, updated schedule of charges etc. to add to my court bundle which is already at court. i think you have to be prepared to take this all the way i think everyone has the feeling that sometime soon the banks will start turning up at court or something, so we can't afford to be un-prepared for when that happens keep the faith !
  11. just an update for anyone interested.... 1 month and 3 days later, I still do not have a copy of the cheques from MBNA, and therfore still do not have the cheques returned to me from Abbey, or indeed the money !!!! outrageous, how two banks have lost £600 of my money, and don't want to give it back to me. i think my next step is 'watchdog'
  12. is everyone aware that you can get pretty much everything you need now from this great link: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/101412-document-library-work-progress.html
  13. My court date is two weeks away, since the time i started the claim, i have incurred a further £250 in charges from the said same account. i asked the litigation team to add them to my settlement, but they refused, so did the customer relations team. i am considering adding them to my court claim/bundle, and cc-ing it to barclays. i appriciate that it's probably too late to change the claim amount, but has anyone else done this ? and what happened? would appreciate help thanks
  14. dear fitzos i had the same line spun from tom hickey about 2 months ago, told me he would settle beginning july.....still waiting ! latest correspondence he gave me the impression that i'm probably not going to see anything soon. the court date is 2 weeks away. i do think that i am going to have to appear at court (fine by me, not scared) i checked and they have not sent a bundle to the court (surprise), and i am going to add some last minute things to mine before the date, i'm not leaving this to chance after 6 months of waiting the LIT TEAM do seem nice and helpful, but i do feel like they are spinning everyone along at the moment.
  15. I'm in the same position, I've just added up £250 in new charges on my personal account, in less than 6 weeks ! I've e-mailed Tom Hickey, to ask to add them to my claim, we'll see.......
  16. I like Boba Fett's letter, it's guuuud ( a few posts up, I know the thread shouldn't really be here, but don't forget him) I haven't tried all that heavy stuff with Barclays yet, and I'm claiming simple 8% interest, but I'm getting a bit impatient now, so I may consider doing the same and trying to claw back some of the hours and hours of work i've had to do on this claim. is there anyone on here with an idea if Boba Fett will be succesfull with his arguments, in the light of the current mood in Barclays Litigation team ? Would love to know the concensus of how far we can push them at this stage, and still get our money ??.
  17. still a fiasco, still got various people from both sides floundering around, not really acheiving anything. i'm gonna be patient with this one though, I don't want to risk not getting those cheques back at all!!
  18. glav what happened with your cheque ? is it sorted out ?
  19. I'm sure the forum is a source of some amusement to them, which is good, 'cause after all working for any bank litigation team at the moment must be a bit demoralising and tedious.... HI
  20. ok i think that makes it quite clear.....thank you
  21. i asked the same question about a week ago, but no one seems to have come up with a meaningful answer..........
  22. congratulations on yours delboy, yes Tom Hickey is a very nice man.... and when he settles my case he will be even nicer !!
  23. hey, it looks like congrats are in order then !! let's see the colour of their money first though, before you book that luxury holiday .... !!
  24. all quiet on the western front......no reply from the lit team as yet, just playing the waiting game............. i wish i could say 'land ahoy' but thar be nothin on the horizon at the moment.... i'm resting in calm seas for now, me mateys....~~~~~~~~
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