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Everything posted by little_evo

  1. And the latest in the saga is... The Data Controller has refused to send out all the information i requested back in June and has stated in a recent letter... We have received your £10 and the information will be sent to the address we have on file. We will not enter further correspondence relating to this matter unless we receive the information we have requested. (This being a signature to make my identity known and driving licence, passport or utility bill) I sent them a letter with dates of all the letters they have sent me recently, e.g. Final Notice letter, Default £30 letter and one from their collections squad amongst many others, stating that they know full well who i am as they should not be sending out letters like this to an "unknown" address or client. I know it is being a little stubborn, but they know who i am but seem to be not forthcoming in my request which has gone over the 40 day mark
  2. Little bit of an update... Received a nice letter from TFC today stating they received my SAR last week!! (Interesting as i sent it via recorded delivery around the 7th June!) They are still stalling with the request, asking for identity and stating that... "We have received unsigned letters so we are unable to attempt to identify you by checking your signature, we need drving licence (For name purposes) and or Utility, bank statement showing my name and address" The letter also states that the information (SAR) will be sent within 40 days from receipt of the information they have requested. (Name and signature). So i do believe that the 40 days are now up and using this as a stalling tactic, for reasons not known to me. I have sent them a letter last week stating that they are in no doubt as to who i am considering the letters i have been receiving from them. Are they "allowed" to stall even more considering the P/O was cashed and now that the 40 days are up...?
  3. Thanks again Martin, the reason as i have said before is pretty straight forward, i have just counted last weeks letters and they add up to 4, plus the countless times they are trying to call on the landline...
  4. Thanks, i was on the understanding that if it was cashed they accept the request, but i was not surprised to see the "Prove It" letter in the post, i have not sent any confirmation as to who i am as i feel like i mentioned before they know full well who i am considering the phone calls i have and letters i keep receiving. As i think the 40 days are up in the next few days what plan of action whould i now take with them...?
  5. Dude, yes they acknowledged the letter and have cashed the £10 postal order in which we sent back on the 7th June.
  6. We have considered changing our number also, but before my redunadancy they continually phoned my place of work also, which was not appreciated by my manager
  7. Oh please do enlighten me, as i seem to be having a torrid time with them at the moment
  8. Hi Martin thanks for the reply. I have a huge folder containing all the letters the company have sent to me in the past. (Including statements, letters of default, termination of contract and final notice letters amongst many many others) I do understand that if they are not satisfied with my identity they can ask for proof of who i am, but considering the amount of letters i have received and the sensitivity of those letters, i am sure they do not doubt who i am. I refuse to send anything to them on this basis and requests for my signature seem suspect in the very least... Oh and the company... The Funding Corporation...
  9. Very briefly, i have sent a CCA request followed by a SAR request to a finance company back on 7th June requesting all information they hold on me as i believe the agreement has some issues. I received a letter from them soon after (14th June) asking for proof of my identity. I sent them a letter stating that i feel this is not needed as they regulary send sensitive letters addressed to me at my present address. They are continually calling (landline) and sending "Account Terminated" and "Final Notice" letters to me at my address. I beleive the 40 day limit is up sometime soon (tomorrow i think if you include weekend days and not working days) What should my next course of action be with regards to the lack of SAR..? Any ideas...? Thank you
  10. I notice this too Cat, but has it not been under construction for months, possibly years...?
  11. Great, surely this can't be right... After SAR'ing TFC some time ago (and they have still failed to acknowldge my request, but cashed the £10 postal order in which i sent) the account has now de-faulted which i was aware of happening. Is it right and perhaps legal to send out default letters at £30 each to let me know i am late paying? As i have had 3 so far this month totalling £90 in late payment fees and charges. My monthly payment is not much more than the fees they have added to the account, thus doubling the amount i have to pay to them.
  12. It seems Robinson Way are sending quite a few of these letters out at the moment as we had one in the post yesterday as well, despite like yourself the account being sold on and in dispute...
  13. And i thought my post was reasonable and sensible
  14. With respect Uncle i don't see how this would benefit those users who need help on CAG. Most people who are in need of help already know the address, phone number etc of the DCA's on here, i think setting up barriers for the DCA's to comply with is not needed as IMO they should not be allowed to pursue debt on a public forum such as this, if they do need to pursue any debt surely this should be done by the methods already in place, such as letters.
  15. Oh i have done this many times to various DCA's both at the beginning of the call and at the end, it is quite amusing to see them squirm at the end of the call that they have been recorded, quickly followed by a brrrrrrrrrrr
  16. Just a quick note (or my two penneth worth), personally i would not even go near the telephome to talk to anyone at Lowell or any other DCA. As prescribed all over the forum, it is recommended that everything should be done in writing only, this leaves a good paper trail should any difficulties arise in the future, whereas a telephone call can be quite easily forgotten about or deleted.
  17. I was told that a new agreement would be sent out to us, but it never showed up but carried on with the £100pm payments as this what was agreed over the telephone
  18. Yes as the original payments were for £200, i called them up to inform them of redundancy some time ago and they agreed for lower payments of £100 per month instead, all was going well until i could not really afford the £100 per month.
  19. Thank you Conniff for the reply, i would imagine they have a copy of my signature on the original agreement, this would be the only copy that they would have. Also received in a seperate letter today, an expenditure form asking details of my financial status.
  20. Received today a letter from the Funding Corps stating a Notice of Termination due to £200 worth of arrears (Which accounts to 2 months plus i would imagine fees, late payment charges etc etc). I have recently in the last 3 weeks sent them an SAR with the enclosed £10 fee, which they have cashed, but also received a letter stating they need proof of who i am with regards to the SAR. Due to financial difficulties and redundancy it is a little hard to keep up with payments of £100 per month (re-arranged contract in which i did not sign just agreed over the phone), i had a conversation with them a few days ago, and was advised to VT the car. Now the car is only worth about £1000 max (private sale i would imagine) and i would imagine the car would go into an auction, they would need to collect the car, and all the ins and outs of that would mean i would probably be paying them more as the car would not sell for much, plus the outstanding balance...? What would anyone advise on my next steps, continual phone calls and letters and ignoring my reasoning of a 3 month lower payment until i get back on my feet again, i am not hopeful of the SAR coming through as i refuse to send them any further details of who i am as they send about 5 letters per week to me at my address so i think they know who i am and where i live is evidence enough...? Thank you for reading.
  21. I can't agree more Pinky. Sadly i had the misfortune of dealing with Lowells before i found CAG over an alleged T-Mobile bill. T-Mobile was not interested so had to deal with Lowell direct, the threat letters, the numerous phone calls and the eventual payment of £110 to them which was borrowed from a relative due to threats of home visits etc etc. I can still remember sitting on the stairs after taking the children to school with head in hands wondering what to do next. CAG (In my opinion) is for people who need help and guidance with debt issues, not for DCA's to come on and pretend they are all hearing and understanding individual companies trying to resolve issues peacefully and perhaps lawfully.
  22. Sorry to post in quick succession, but i very much doubt it. Lowell learning from their mistakes? Really?
  23. I thought the site was for people to get help and assistance from experienced individuals in such matters. We all know the likes of Lowells (as i have experienced) etc etc, have reaped untold misery to many a person. I just hope this is not another tactic they are going to use (posting on such forums) to force people into calling them and eventually bullying (sorry i mean getting) them into paying what they possibly cannot afford.
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