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Everything posted by freakyleaky

  1. OK well I used the bicarb and shake n vac (didn't sing the song while I did it though) also used dehummy and the smell ahs completely disappeared!!
  2. Welcome to the forums BJ. Just shout if you need help finding anything on here.
  3. Thanks all. Have spoken to Dr Rug and he says pretty much the same. Underlay is probably still wet and giving off the odour. Going to try a dehumidifier and also the bicarb trick and see what happens.
  4. Did the police give you a formal caution? Did they ask you to sign any paperwork (police)?
  5. Sorry not to be of any use. Have you had a read of similar threads? Would you like me to find other threads with the same issue for you? I will remove the duplicate post you have made on this thread.
  6. Hi Mr220. Lee the vodafone Rep had replied to your thread but his post has been moved. Below is a copy of his reply to you yesterday. Re: Vodafone Mast Down since 2nd Sept - Still no service - What Options? Originally Posted by mr220 Hi, I've just found this site as a means to attempt to get some sense out of vodafone on an issue that has been affecting the village where I live. The local mast has been down since 2nd Sept (2.5weeks ago!) and despite several contacts to Customer Services they have no idea when this fault will be resolved. The last CS chap advised, please bear with us but be aware some faults take months to fix! Not acceptable. To add to this, the mast was down for 3weeks back in May/June of this year also, with severe disruption experienced yet again, which was again not acceptable when you are paying for a contract and not getting any service. vodafone listen to the frustrations but advise they cannot confirm when the mast will be repaired. Our local village is fuming understandably and I wanted to see what options we had by way of early our terminating contract as I rely on my phone for work and it is now at a stage where I am being personally affected financially for missed temporary work from agencies that call between 7am-8.30am offering work...calls/txts of which I cannot receive unless I go to the next village to receive! If anyone on here is from Vodafone, I have raised a case online #9905352 Regards, Hi mr220, I can appreciate your frustrations here and can assure you that our investigations into this matter remain ongoing. Having checked our emails I can confirm that I've received yours and so I'll get in touch with you as soon as I can to discuss your concerns further. In the event that anyone else is experiencing difficulties with our network I'd recommend following the guidance on our eForum here.
  7. Ah now I see. You have posted on another thread. I will move your posts from that thread to there own thread. This should prompt replies from the regulars.
  8. is it this thread? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?365000-VodaFone-Breach-Of-Contract
  9. Ignore them until they stop sending letters. Eventually you will even look forward to more letters just so you can ignore them. Once they stop sending them you will have to look for something else to ignore as it is highly addictive!!
  10. To be honest that was my thinking. If it cleaned ok then great but if not replace it. The trouble is is really does look like new now so seems a real shame to skip it.
  11. Can anyone advise on what to do please. We hired a carpet cleaner at the weekend as living room carpet looked slightly flat and grubby in places. Spent all afternoon Suday cleaning with a machine hired from tesco. Rug Dr. Used the recommended cleaning solution and followed the instructions to the letter. Next day carpet looked like new. Tuesday morning we noticed a strange smell which has steadily got worse. It's like a combination of wet dog and old running shoes!!! I've had the heat on and windows open. I've tried shake and vac and febreeze. Still no better and getting worse if anything. Any advice would be brilliant.
  12. Try not to worry. Everyone makes mistakes and it looks like the police aren't interested so I doubt this will show on any record. Although I'm sure others wil correct me if I'm wrong. If you have been banned from Tesco then find somewhere else to shop. The embarrassment of being stopped and asked to leave isn't worth it.
  13. Have a read of other threads in the forum for similar situations while you're waiting for replies. Have a look at this one for starters. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?365823-Caught-Stealing-In-Primark-amp-Have-Phoned-RLP
  14. Lets hope that someone with a conscience takes the job. Then they can keep what they feel they are entitled to from wages and donate the rest to a charity to help the homeless and long term unemployed.
  15. Hi welshcake. I will get this threead moved to the right forum for you
  16. Please guys keep it civil and pleasant and not personal!! HI Crusher.
  17. That is a great result!! Although as you say it's a shame you had to post details on here before anything was done.
  18. Hi KC and welcome to the CAG. Just shout if you need any help navigating the site. Have a read of the site rules before posting too.
  19. It is the responsibility of the retailer to honour any guarantee. Have a read of the SOGA guide HERE. I have moved your thread to the retail forum where you will get the best help.
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