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Everything posted by freakyleaky

  1. They should by rights send all and any information they hold but don't hold your breath on that. If you have details then specify where possible.
  2. The fact that you have a receipt and the letter from Decmber is proof enough that you have had the work carried out (together with all those filled in holes in your brickwork) I would make a real nuisance of myself and keep pestering them for the cert. You should also put your complaint in writing and let them know you're not going away and that you will be taking legal advice if the matter is not resolved in good time. Make sure you keep a record of all the calls and correspondence and send all letters recorded.
  3. So you still say theft is ok? Good for you for sticking to your beliefs.
  4. Their own web site is not working. Site under construction but I notice they advertise as installing British Board of Agrement systems. http://www.bbacerts.co.uk/ Do you have any paperwork at all? Did you get a receipt for payment?
  5. I know it well I contacted the same company after a cold call and they offered to do my place for £99. 3 bed detached. But I ended up going to another company that were endorsed by Flintshire cc. I called FCC and asked if they were reliable etc and was told they were all above board. Did a great job and left me with all the paperwork etc. Greener Living didn't get back to me after pricing the work which I found a bit strange as usually you can't shake these people once you call them. I'll do a bit of digging to see what I can find out about them.
  6. If you have an account with them as a self employed person then you can make payments to it any time on line. To say they won't accept payment because you have outstanding returns seems crazy to me. How many returns are outstanding?
  7. What was the name of the company? Was this part of any local council approved scheme?
  8. I have always found HMRC extremely helpful over the years. If you talk to them and explain your position they will try and work out a plan. Last time I had a bill I couldn't pay they simply told me to send what I could when I could.
  9. I have no positions to fill at the moment and anyway I doubt he's even looking for work.
  10. Your argument digresses somewhat. I will let it go with one final summary. I am against theft. Others are not. There we shall have to differ for ever.
  11. That's fine. you can send it to head office (Canada square) or your own branch address. Either is fine.
  12. Living on a narrow boat won't make things easier Pete. Living on Mars might. Although I've just seen the latest pics from the red planet and if you look carefully enough I'm sure there's an old Midland Bank sign behind one of those hills!! Good luck old friend. Keep us informed as to the outcome of all your trials. Oh yes the sheep are as lovely as ever. I count them regularly.
  13. Sorry DW but you are so wrong. This was virtually the mentality in Zimbabwe. People were of the opinion that the rich white farmers were the reason many were going hungry so they took the land and assets they had for themselves. Now look at what's happened. No farms. No work for farm labourers etc etc etc..........................The country is bankrupt!! Anyway I'm off to Tesco's for some free food.
  14. It's not different at all and until you can see that this is the case there is no point continuing the debate. Theft is theft. Condoning theft of any sort is unacceptable. You're saying that because it's a big corporation it's acceptable. Ok then. Tesco is a big corporation. Lets all go help ourselves in Tesco's tomorrow.
  15. It doesn't matter if it's a big chain it's still theft from a private business at the end of the day. Are you saying theft is acceptable as long as it's from someone with plenty of money? I think what is happening in some parts of Spain is an absolute disgrace but this is not the right way to go about fixing it. IMHO.
  16. Apparently they suffered massive losses in their business due to theft. I don't mean to be flippant but how can you justify making one person suffer to ease the suffering of another? It's not the government who suffer as a consequence of this guy stealing from shops it's the shop owners AND ALL THAT WORK FOR THEM!
  17. "His home province of Andalusia is one of the parts of Spain worst hit by its crisis: one worker in three is jobless." That figure is due to rise due to some supermarket workers being layed off due to a recent spate of robberies.
  18. Hi and welcome to the CAG. I have moved your thread to the campaign forum where you'll get the best help on this. While you're waiting for other replies have a look here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?301141-How-To-Get-Some-or-All-of-Your-Money-Back-From-Skillstrain-Train-4-Skills
  19. I have heard of that being done (MOI? Never!) It's a shame you have to go to those lengths though.
  20. There is not an option to leave bad feedback for buyers.
  21. Thanks again Transient. Having done some extensive research into the safety of various forms of payment I am happy to say that your description of my advice being "Totally incorrect advice" is harsh to say the least. Although there are examples of some fraudulent activity arising from handing out this information there is also a whole lot of information to say how safe bacs and bank transfer's are. The cliffordmillerlaw blog you mention is basically a rant about DD's not being cancelled and the trouble you can have with some banks in cancelling a dd. But he is talking about DD's set up legitimately in the first place. The Jeremy Carkson example does highlight the fact that there are many companies who will accept DD set up without a signature.No doubt this will be changed in the future. Paypal payments, however they are sent, gift, money owed etc, can be recalled apparently. I've just done it. As with most things in life there is always going to be an element of risk and I would suggest weighing up the pro's and con's of all payment methods and going with the one you think is the safest. I specifically asked my Bank for advice on the safety of bank transfers and Bacs and was told the risk was negligible. I personally have accepted and made payments using bank transfer for years and have NEVER had any problems. There are so many links I could post here to highlight how widely used and trusted BT's seem to be but I don't see the point as there will always be someone who'll dig out an an example of the opposite. I suppose cash in the hand is fail-safe. As long as you get a receipt. Oh and make sure if it's a stranger that knows you'll be carrying cash that you have someone with you................etc etc
  22. Hello Pete. Great to see you posting once again. I trust you are well old friend:-D
  23. The sale is not through an auction site or similar. If the 2 people concerned have paypal accounts then it can be done that way. Personally I think there is still a risk with PP as apparently you can recall the money even when it's been deposited in your PP acc.
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