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Everything posted by Hungrydoug

  1. In those cases (where there is continuous street lighting) limits other than 30 should have repeater signs at regular intervals.
  2. Don't forget primrose and cream I've put in a lot of primrose markings, it's a much nicer colour that canary.
  3. If you didn't have to sign any consent forms then then this scratcher should be shut down for good. It's basic tattooing practice to do this, just like autoclaving all the gear and anything that can;t be is covered in single use plastic. The correct procedure would be for you to sign the consent for before anything happens to confirm that you have disclosed any medical information that is relevant and that you are willing to be tattooed. Then once the stencil is applied you should sign a second section of the form to say you're happy with the design and placement. Only then should the tattoo begin. That's certainly what happened whenever I've been tattooed.
  4. Ah, Moto and their signage, the only place where you must rocking horse! CBRD - In Depth - Moto Services
  5. Well the second someone can invent paint that will hover in mid air so we can mark continuous lines over gullies, I would agree that you would have a case. Until then we'll just need to keep accepting that lines can't physically continue over gullies and suchlike. In the absence of problems with the ticket and the TRO I think you just need to accept you got caught. Out of interest, we're the lines not obvious when you initially parked?
  6. Solid white line for a parking bay? There's your appeal right there, no parking bays in the TSRGD are marked with solid lines, no need for anything to do with conflicting markings. Oh and there's no provision for marking 'keep clear' perpendicular to the road any more either
  7. True, but watch out for the favourite trick of "lines from the junction with xyz for a distance of abc metres or thereby" Usually used because the guys who paint lines aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Obviously if they're five metres longer then the TRO than you would probably have grounds for an appeal, but if they're 500mm over, probably not.
  8. Because motorways are statistically the safest roads in the country as well as having the most stringent design standards? The factor in crashes is, inappropriate speed for the conditions, it's not really possible to design that out of roads or to design it out of people for that matter.
  9. The thing that surprised me was that he kept on driving for about five minutes before he pulled over, on some winding NSL single carraigeways and across a busy junction (A914 onto A92). If I was coming to on the verge on the wrong side of the road I'd be parking up pretty quickly.
  10. I understand diabetes as my mum was a diabetes specialist nurse for years however the time I phoned the police to report a drunk driver I was following (he was swerving from verge to verge on blind bends and almost ramped off a safety fence and rolled his car) only to be told he was a diabetic having a hypo. So there is a slim chance that it could happen.
  11. I'm not sure, but if the zig zags are the same a double yellows then the restriction applies to the highway or road boundary. So you're still parked on the zig zags. And out of interest, what makes you think the crossing is poorly sited? It seems to be at the end of a footpath and on the brow of a hill.
  12. As long as it's marked correctly and the TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) is in place it's completely legal. there doesn't have to be side roads so it isn't always a junction (level crossings are one example).
  13. I agree too, if my comment sounded judgemental then it wasn't meant to be, which is exactly why I wished the OP luck in finding out if a TRO exists etc. It was meant to nudge the OP to park beyond the zig zag lines and not on them.
  14. When a child runs out from behind your car and gets run over because the driver didn't see them, then remember to say this! I've stood outside a number of schools where I've had to install the keep clear marking and always been amazed at how many children just run into the road, nowhere near the school gates. I wish you good luck trying to get your ticket overturned if you feel it is unfair. *runs for cover*
  15. I rofl'ed at that. I would ask them if the nationally recognised standard in the TSRGD http://www.opsi.gov.uk/SI/si2002/023113ba.gif bears any resemblance to the three colour lines they have down with big gaps in them. Not a great deal of help to you, but had to say it!
  16. Wrong! It is an automatic right. Nothing to do with a TRO, it's an inclusion in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions: Significance of light signals prescribed by regulations 33 to 35 36. - (1) The significance of the light signals prescribed by regulations 33, 34 and 35 shall be as follows - (a) subject to sub-paragraph (b) and, where the red signal is shown at the same time as the green arrow signal, to sub-paragraphs (f) and (g), the red signal shall convey the prohibition that vehicular traffic shall not proceed beyond the stop line; (b) when a vehicle is being used for fire brigade, ambulance, bomb or explosive disposal, national blood service or police purposes and the observance of the prohibition conveyed by the red signal in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) would be likely to hinder the use of that vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used, then sub-paragraph (a) shall not apply to the vehicle, and the red signal shall convey the prohibition that that vehicle shall not proceed beyond the stop line in a manner or at a time likely to endanger any person or to cause the driver of any vehicle proceeding in accordance with the indications of light signals operating in association with the signals displaying the red signal to change its speed or course in order to avoid an accident;
  17. I'm generally against people claiming to get tickets overturned just because of a missing t-bar, but having seen the picture I'm 100% with you. for all it would have taken to finish the lines it beggars belief that they weren't. And double yellow lines don't need signs, they indicate that waiting is prohibited at any time, if its a different restriction, plates would be put up then.
  18. No different to someone looking over your shoulder, put your other hand over the keypad. Not tricky. Forestchav: Same one from SABRE?
  19. The TSRGD is the statutory instrument that governs signing and lining for roads and sets out the dimensions lines have to be and the tolerances allowed. Diagram 1028.4 is the marking for a permit bay and yes, the lines should be 600nn long with a gap of between 600 and 2400mm. So possibly you may be able to appeal if the lines are not within the tolerances plus/minus 5mm I think? Diagram 1028.4: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2002/023113bk.gif
  20. Well there you go! The clearway near me is a no stopping clearway with the red x on blue background sign, I thought they were all the same! Back to the books for me
  21. Unless there are waiting or stopping restrictions on the road concerned, there's nothing to stop you parking on or near a speed hump. Unless it was specifically a raised crossing point for pedestrians, I can't think why you'd get a ticket.
  22. Nothing at all wrong with the yellow line extending over the entrance, it's very common for yellow lines to extend over accesses to drives, off street car parks etc. I'm not sure why they would put the yellow line back then come back to remove it and mark the dashed line though, they'd have yellow and white on the same wagon. Just out of interest, is it a mini roundabout? If so then they've put the wrong line down! Otherwise it's the correct marking for edge of carriageway at an entrance.
  23. My first guess is that the road they're placed on is private and by the description it sounds like it might be. I can't see any local authority installing these on a public road because a) The difficulty they would have getting an authorisation from the Scottish Exec and b) the amount of claims they'd probably face from damage to cars. I could be completely wrong tho.
  24. You certainly want to fight those. Double yellow lines indicate a restriction on waiting - which is leaving the vehicle unattended with the engine off - it's perfectly legal to stop - vehicle attended with the engine running - on double yellow lines. There is no stopping on clearways, areas with no stopping signs, red routes, zig zags at schools/ped crossings etc.
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