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  1. I had a car from them when I had a poor credit rating due to never having been a person who used credit very much. The car was a Mondeo and was not in the best of condition but I needed a car for work so took out the deal worth 5k. After half of the term I lost my shift allowance so contacted WF and explained I had difficulties and wished to use the VT under consumer credit act. I VT`d in August 2007 which was just over half the term and was told that the RAC would inspect the vehicle. This was done as my new address as I had moved (I would like to add that I did contact WF and explain I had moved addresses) they sent out the RAC to this address to inspect the vehicle. I was asked by the RAC to sign some liability form which I refused to do, mainly as the RAC chap had spotted the car was a damaged repaired vehicle which had not been declared before I purchased the car. WF sent out someone to collect the car and they took it away in about September 2007. (Also from new address) I never heard anything else but the other day March 2009 someone calls my wife claiming to be from a company called LCU asking me to contact them. I called them that day and then they declare they are Welcome finance saying I am liable for £2000 ???. I never had anything on my credit report but now welcome say they have added somthing and want the £2k. They also said they had been trying to contact me but this is rubbish as they had been informed by me of the new address and my original phone number has not changed. They are sending me letters telling me I have to pay them 2k, I think they are trying to cash in on anyone who they can try to exploit with the VT clause of may be being liable, once the car was sold at auction I never heard anything and suspect this is a [problem]. Please could anyone advise us in this, and if by misrepresenting themselves as a comp-any called LCU it would be deemed to be wrong. Thanks in advance.
  2. I had a car from them which was a wreck basically and had been an accident repair. I VT`d in August 2007 and was asked by the RAC to sign some liability form which I refused to do. I never heard anything else but the other day March 2009 someone calls my wife claiming to be from a company called LCU - I call them and then they declare they are Welcome finance saying I am liable for £2000 ???. I never had anything on my credit report but now welcome say they have added somthing and want the £2k. What can I do ?
  3. Hi Buzby, Many thanks for your reply, I did pay up to the end of the contract which was October 2007 and had not used the phone since I was overcharged in March 2007 so they have had their money out of me. I have tried to talk to Hutchinson 3G but they denied they overcharged me on the phone even though I had the bank statement in my hand to show Hutchinson 3G billed me twice in the same month. Hutchinson who have now sold the debt to a company who have sold the debt on to another company seems like harrasment to me. I at one point offered to pay £5 a month just to get them off my back but the debt recovery company said no and especially without seeing my earnings.
  4. I had a 12 month contract - then renewed it for another 12 months up to October 2007. Then I noticed one statement where they charged me twice in one month. I called the customer service agents and asked what they think they are up to ? They where rude, arrogant and clearly had no understanding of how to deal with customers. I told them that if this was their attitude I would not be using their service again. I then turned the phone off, threw it in the shed and paid up to the end of the contract which was October 2007. The last couple of months they I have been getting letter from some outfit in Glasgow called Buchannon Clarks and Wells telling me I owe Hutchinson £78. I wrote a nice letter and explained that I was overcharged and treated quite badly by the customer service cretins at 3G. I asked for this outfit to at least show me how this amount of money had come to be owed ? They then told me I had also moved without given them my new address !! As far as I was concerned they got paid each month right up to the end of the contract even though the last 6 months the phone was turned off. I keep asking for information - whilst they keep harrasing with letters about a door step collector coming to our house and they have sent nothing to show where this debt has come from. They have now given my details to another debt agency and they are now threatening to send a door step collector round to collect money which I have no idea how it became owed. What can I do ?
  5. Black Horse were asked about this and have totally ignored the question.
  6. If you can only afford £5 per month then he will have no choice but to accept don,t be frightened by these ppl just be matter of fact and tell him how it is REPLY FROM DEBT COLLECTOR : I refer to the below email and would advise that I am unable to cease > action on the account without proof that our client breached the > contract by overcharging you. I would also advise that we are unable to > consider your offer of payment without a copy of you monthly income and > expenditure details. Please forward these by return email or by post to > BCW 24 George Square Glasgow G21EG. 3 MOBILE DID OVERCHARGE ME IN FEB 2007 AND I PAID THE THE CONTRACT UP TO THE END OF THE TERM TO OCT 2007. THEY STILL WANT ME TO PAY £76 ?? FOR WHAT I STILL HAVE NOT BEEN INFORMED. THEY HAVE NOT OBTAINED THE STATEMENTS FROM HUTCHINSON AND SEEM RELUCTANT TO EVEN DO THAT.
  7. I should add that I cancelled the contract after it expired in Oct 2007 but 3 Mobile just renewed it and keep billing me.
  8. I cancelled a contract with them when they overcharged me and they are disputing this and have sold the debt to some outfit called Buchannon, Clark & Wells. Under duress I offered to pay £5 per month just to stop them harrasing us. The debt is only £70 and now they are saying I have left them no choice and they will send a debt officer round my house to discuss this. I have 4 small children so this is all I can pay so can they continue harrasing us in this way ? How can I stop this and who can I complain to.
  9. Many thanks, it is Black Horse and the dispute has been going on for 9 months. I will send a letter just as you suggest and see what they have to say.
  10. Thanks postggj, I would like to know if this is normal as I have been making repayments on time for the last 9 months. ????
  11. Hi, I have HP on a car and have a dispute regarding the MOT - anyway have followed the normal complaint procedure but have been fobbed off and kept waiting. I have never missed a payment whilst the dispute goes on, and have kept faith with Black Horse. Now I see the last 4or 5 payments on my credit file for this loan have a U status and the outstanding balance has not reduced. Can anyone please advised if this is normal ??? With thanks.
  12. You would be incapable of driving - as opposed to driving but having blurred vision - you would have to lay down very quickly.
  13. Er, no I didn't make any such suggestion. Try re-reading (and understanding) what I posted before flying into print! Quote me " Thats a shallow comment if ever I heard one and suggests that diabetics are potential killers. Quote you "Oh yes they are" Quote you "That is why Type1 diabetics have their licences withdrawn by DVLA until they satisfy medical experts" My reply : Your doctor has the final say and if you cannot control your diabetes he will then inform the DVLA to review your case at later date as I said I drive more than 30k a year and have taken 6 days sick in as many years. Not everyone is the same or has the same symptoms you may find you fall into unconsiousness but that does not mean every diabetic does.
  14. Yes - but how many diabetics would want to carry on driving whilst having a hypo ..... he must have been a diabetic on an ASBO...
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