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Everything posted by hsbcfiddled

  1. I forgot to metion...initially when I was first fetched in for the email I sent which later became Investigation into voice comms. I requested a union colleague who had same job as me to attend with me ...I was refused. I repeated my request and was denied. At the Investigation another Manager was present as a note taker. This other Manager is well respected not only by his staff but also all the staff under my Manager. The same cannot be said of our Manager. When I got up to leave because of his false allegations re swearing (tape played many times) I said 'my stress levels are rising, and I want to leave and we can continue when things have calmed down'. I then turned to the other Manager taking notes and asked him "Have you noted the allegation of swearing"? My manager became very agitated at this my impression was he didnt want that noted and couldnt get me out quick enough then and was interupting the reply I was waiting for from the note taker. My Manager said "I want you to leave now! because my stress levels are rising too (mocking me- I felt). I said 'your not telling me leave I have alraedy said I am leaving i just want confirmation of what you have accused me has been recorded'. The note taker said " I have made notes but they are not verbatim, but yes I have recorded the accusation". I then left..two hours later manager phoned and asked me "had my stress levels dropped"? i asked 'have yours'? He said "I wasnt stressed"......then why did he say he was? He then asked would i be at work tomorrow i replied "no, you have destroyed my confidence in my abilities and your allegations will affect my duties in safety critical roles". His mobile phone was playing up (unrecorded) and the call got dropped three times and was making noises..at this he said "this bloody phone". I reminded him that Bloody was a swear word! But its ok for him to use it to me..apparently.
  2. Mediation was attempted in March before my Disc Hearing..Manager stated he was 'doing his job' ...making allegations?
  3. What about Company duty of care? They have done nothing to help me..I have asked on several occasions what is being done. Manager is exaggerating things to blacken my character. In latest letter. Manager says he has had concerns that this has been building for 4/5 years! Well if thats so why hasnt he put an action plan into place or got someone to speak to me. Manager has been aware of my financial problems with HSBC etc, the break up of my marraiage May 2011 (nearly killed me -lost 3 stone in 6 weeks) he knows all this and lots more yet he is willing to compound my misery with false allegations. He cant do anything about my other problems but it is in his power to help me with this problem. It has just escalted since. Manager has stated that I went for Anger Management courses, later in the letter it becomes 'a number of Anger management courses'...I went on ONE Anger Management course I did so because my Doctor said I might get some benefit from it because the break up of my marriage left me no longer wanting to live. In truth I only live today for my children. I am nearly 60yrs old. On that course I saw people who quickly went from nice guy to lunatic in a micro second. I recognised some of their feelings were akin to mine. But in truth a lot of what they told me could happen I did not recognise as my problem. I found breathing techniques that helped and how to see the oncoming rise in temper. Everyone has a temper, some peolpe think they control it by burying the temper, but thats not going to work forever, one day the pot with boil over. However I state this so that you dont think I have been violent or abusive in the home or workplace. The Anger Management course was enjoyable and better than I expected and yes I did get benefit from it. I met new friends to some of which I am still in touch with. So there! ONE Course! not courses, or 'a number of courses!!!. Now I can put away the axe and the Kalashnikov...for now.
  4. How about price per barrel. quart, or firkin ...perhaps you need to move on from pre 1970. How many people under 40yrs old know what a gallon is equal to? A little unbalanced thought me thinks!
  5. I said I would not comment again however from your post I feel i must. I am sorry I missed to reply to your point. I work on my own at a location away from an office. My nearest colleagues also work alone. Most people in my Job over 3000 of us work alone. I was taught in my job training that I had the right to refuse entry to anyone IF I FELT there presence was a distraction to my job. My colleagues all agree that we have that right. I agree with you evaluation of what I wanted. An apology would have sufficed, even though I now dont trust my manager as far as I can throw a cat..a lion at that. How can anyone accuse someone of swearing when they have not. The context of what happened was this..A man we shall call him Ivan phoned my location ( I know him well I recognise his voice and the location from where he is phoning) to see if he could pass within the boundaries that I govern. He told me his location. We will call it Truro. I said "Yes Ivan you can pass at Truro" two minutes later Ivan phoned back to tell me he had safely passed. Ivan knows that his location is obvious to me. Ivan says "Hi hsbcfiddled I am still at Truro "Yes Ivan I realise you are not in Buckingham (pregnant pause 1 to 2 seconds) Palace". We Ivan and I were making light of the fact that I had to ask him every time from where he was phoning from. hence my "Yes Ivan I realise you are not in Buckingham (pregnant pause 1 to 2 seconds) Palace" I was investigated as a result of a totally seperate email I sent my Manager two days later which was pointing out some improvements that could be done to make our activities safer for the General Public. I was being pro-active. However because i put in a little criticism of the current safety procedure inmy email my voice comms were trawled through to I believe fish for errors. Nothing I did or said was any different to how every other person doing my job would be doing at some stage. No compromise of safety. During the Ivestigation I pointed out that Ivan had said I was the only person asking WHERE IVAN was phoning from. In short I was THE ONLY one carrying out company procedure. No one else was pulled up over Ivan's claim..remember phone calls are taped. You are quite right they are looking for a reaction from me. I have worked since February under this stress believing at some stage this would be resolved. Their own Doctor has informed them of his concern for me. All this time it has played onmy mind I thought someone within the company will sort this out. Why should my character be stained so. If you cant hear a swear word than I didnt say one. As for what i was thinking...when did that become a crime or offence? It didnt have to be an apology whereby he uttered "im sorry" although it would have meant more than the £1000 plus I lost in pay in the spring. After I refused him entry. I have tried to report things to my Manager as any other would as our job requires and he has totally ignored emails and phone calls (taped). This after mediation prior to March where we both agreed to try to work together. No other person allowed to visit me has been refused and had he been accompanied that day I would have allowed him entry. I dont trust him since he suggested I had sworn where anyone can he I did not.It could have been resolved in February its his choice that it has not. The union want me to seek Harrasment against him and I think this is to be the next step. I know about the help from CAG I was grateful for the advice to help defeat HSBC and others, but comments like........... I'm glad the op is not in charge of my safety. He/she sounds unbalanced to me whatever the situation with his line manager. ...are an insult not an aid.
  6. Thank you..try reading all i have written. This week I accepted three days overtime. Then I got the letter. As a result I have taken myself off duty because I FEEL that my mind is to occupied with the events to much for me to fully concentrate, and therefore I DO NOT want to put peoples lives at risk..My choice. Are you qualified to comment on mental state? I have hardly slept since receiving the letter Friday..hence my post this morning. Tiredness can kill, coupled with not being able to concentrate. I could have agreed with you thoughts that I was unbalanced but its obvious the Company dont feel that way otherwise they wouldnt be having me working if they felt I was unbalanced and evenless so offering me 72 hours in a week rather than 36! Balanced enough to make the choice.
  7. Ive spent 10 months thinking and behaving rationally. My line manager has had more complaints than any other in our area. I have complained that Bupa/Company doctor has advised them of my feelings and HIS findings. I am already hurt, can you not see that? It has been my belief that someone within my company will see the injustice that has what has kept me going. If I am dismissed then so be it. The company is then not worthy of me..But im ****** if i am going to lie down and be walked over. Now you can 'think' whatever you like ****** means but I havnt said it..and it may just be 'damned'. I dont know if you can see my posts on other subjects, -bank charges & loan agreements- But I havnt lost a battle yet! This is my last post- until the outcome!
  8. Dismissed for being abused and objecting to being so... Dismissed for being stressed by unfounded allegations..
  9. My grudge is that I have been falsely accused and the accuser has not been reprimanded. Either I swore or I did not? I cannot be heard swearing. By what right can someone deny an apology? And what sort of employer stands idly by and allows me to be treated so?
  10. So if I say you have verbally abused me and I am going to have you disciplined - when any reasonble person could have heard that you did not! Then thats ok is it?
  11. I could not work after these allegations were made..could not work keeping my mind on my job. If the accusation had not been levelled I would have been at work! I was not off work through my own deeds.
  12. Originally Posted by Emmzzi "My manager made an accusation and when the bosses investigated he was found to be wrong. And yet, m'lud, I harboured a grudge against him for months afterwards which drove me into a state of deep anger, despite having been on an anger management course which my employer paid for in order to help me cope." No one is going to punish the manager. No one is going to give you a wodge of cash. You need to get a grip on this by deciding how YOU can deal with it, not by expecting other people to change. You need to live with it, or get a new job. That's the choices. No lawyer is going to touch this. You DO sound obsessed. You DO sound like you have this totally out of proportion. Therefore, you DO need to see a doctor who understands mental health. "Costs me my job or even my life"? GP in the morning for a referal, I think. I'm going to step back now as your problems cannot be fixed with a knowledge of employment law. I'm inclined to agree, sounds more a requirement for medical services than legal from the tone of the reply. Certainly not the type of clearheaded thinking one might expect from a person entrusted with the safety of others And thats precisely why I have made myself unavailable for work.
  13. my employer did not pay for my AM course. I have been employed over 10 years in my current role, with no issues re my health until this. This manager has bullied others who are not prepared to follow it up.. I could argue m'lud the manager has demonstrated a complete disregard for the health and well being of a person under his direct control, failed to act on advise of the company Doctor. Even repeated the allegation m'lud when anyone of sound mind and body cannot possibly believe they can read peoples minds unless of course they are as good as or better than Steven Frayne - Dynamo the magician. Thank you for your advise Emmzzi and step away if you wish. The union back me I assume they know something of employment law?
  14. I have completed an Anger management course..this has helped me cope. I have read the company guide to line managers re stress; In it it advises the line manager to nip anything in the bud to stop it escalating. I have told my line manager that his accusation upsets me. The tape was played a dozen times and i did not swear. Then he changed the accusation to 'thinking' of swearing...cmon. This is intimidation, bullying, harrasment...why cant he just say "im sorry i got it wrong"? I dont know what upsets me the most. His indignation or the Companies support of him? I wont let this go..I cannot ... I am innocent and will have justice whether it costs me my job or even my life...i suffer from high blood pressure.. I cannot accept this treatment..I will stay off work now until I get what I feel is right...The company have a duty of care to me..there will administer that duty of care if it kills me!
  15. Thank you stu, emmzi, and cynic for you replies. I was only off work BECAUSE of an unfounded allegation. This affected my ability to work. Had the allegation not been made or been withdrawn I would have been at work. Who caused my stress?... my Manager. Why was I unable to work? .....Stress brought on by my manager. It seems cut n dried to me!
  16. The manager who made the allegation has not withdrawn that accusation. I have to work with this man and I am not happy that he has not apologised or withdrawn. I believe if you do something wrong you apologise. Whilst off work with stress I was unable to claim full pay. This stress was from the accusation. Why should I be out of pocket? So I allow my Manager in knowing that I am uncomfortable with him and that another heated situation could happen..I then make a mistake which affects the lives of you and your family..Do you still think locking my Manager out was bad? My doctor is aware of the situation..It was the Companies own care provider a 'well known one' that advised my employer to 'mediate'. Medication would most likely mean I would not be allowed to work. I acted in the interests of safety. My Manager has a guideline procedure to follow to help employees with stress. This stress was of his own making, He has not adhered to the guidelines and neither has HR. I have involved the Union who are disgusted and amazed at the attitude of my employer. This is a Company that employs thousands.
  17. Sorry got interupted. February 2012 my Manager made the accusation at an investigation..I was not allowed a colleague with me (even though I requested one) and during the Investigation it got very heated...It was the last straw when he made the swearing accusation.and then changed it to 'thinking of swearing' (yes you havnt misread). I got up and said that I was leaving after the absurdity of his suggestion. I admit I do swear, but the tapes prove I did not on this occasion. I went off work with Stress because the Manager had destroyed our working relationship and shattered my confidence in him and my ability to perform my duties. However financial restraints as a result of being sick forced me back to work. Mediation was tried, and he repeated the accusation, but we agreed to try to work together. Then in March I got put through a Disciplinary Hearing of which I was cleared of 'misconduct' (not actually worded as that). The Hearing manager cleared me of 'swearing' but I received no apology and renumeration for loss of pay...over £1k So I then took out a Grievance against my Manager. Parts of which I won. So I appealed but still did not get what I wanted. Without revealing who I work for my job entails the safety and movement of the general public. Part of my job is safety communications. All phone calls to my workplace are recorded. It was during one of these phone calls that this whole incident started. From that moment it took 6 months to get to the end of the Appeal in August. Then in September the same Manager arrived at my location (I work alone) and there had been no contact with him since I lost the Appeal. I was dealing with the safety of the general public when the Manager arrived and I locked him out. I only did so because I didnt want the situation to erupt between us whilst carrying out my duties. In October I went for a Company Medical and the Doctor put in his remarks back to my Manager that I was stressed and that the Company should get us together to help improve the situation and to help me. Nothing has been done to date. A week after the Medical I got another letter from my employer for another Investigation into not allowing him into my work location. Now some 8 weeks later I am to have another 'Disciplinary Hearing'. I have asked several times since my medical and at the Investigation hearing in October about the Doctors remarks at my Medical. I have booked myself off work because this is too much..I havnt slept since the letter arrived two days ago, its constantly in my mind. I cannot look after the safety of the general public with my head full of this.. My question is how can I get the allegation initially made withdrawn and compensation for loss off earnings? Furthermore I believe the stress that I have been under until two days ago and that has finally defeated me I should be compensated for? Would someone please like to advise me?
  18. My line manager made the accusation after listening to voice communications with a member of the public.
  19. Sorry for not replying before; Yes its been a hard battle on more than one front..I feel I have been through the grinder. If anyone can learn anything from my battles its that you have to keep going, never surrender, its been war and you only win by supreme effort,research, help from your allies (cag), determination, and throw in a little luck.
  20. I believe that they do not have to send the original, or a photocopy of the original, that in fact they can send what the agreement would have looked like...so u can probably guess what they will send. I havnt been on for a while so see what others say first.
  21. Thanks. Thats the second time I have beat them, and getting that result helped me build on my confidence. I lost 50lb in six weeks (and needed to) although I have put 10lb back on I feel better, look better, and feel that my life is back on track. Which feels good seeing as I came within seconds of killing myself in April. I have been dating and feel a whole lot better about life. I put a clause in the agreement that if a 'tried and trusted avenue became available to challenge personal bank charges I would be coming back at them'. That would be a nice little 'hat-trick', if only? Thanks again.
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