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Everything posted by johnny131070

  1. Sorry but this might be a little clearer. Egg2 (1).zip
  2. Yes, here it is. Thanks for your help. Egg1 sig.zip
  3. I complained to the relevant bodies and it went quiet for a while but out of nowhere this morning they have sent a document to me that looks as it has been made up saying that it is an agreement that i signed. I have never seen this before in my life, i have in the past been sent a copy of the application form but never an agreement! This document looks forged but i am not sure how to respond to this, could anybody please point me in the right direction? Many thanks. Just to add that nobody has been able to locate this document for over 4 years so this looks highly suspicious, they have also offered a settlement of 3k against an alleged 7k debt. Would they stoop so low as to falsify documentation?
  4. Hi, i have a question. I have a case against Natwest that is stayed. I was claiming charges of around 2.5k up until the end of june 07. I have had several charges since this date. Do i need to put in a new claim or can i strap this onto the existing claim? Many thanks in advance for any help with this.
  5. Hi, i have not done this yet as i thought the letter posted earlier in this thread would suffice! Which letter would be best to send? Thank you in anticipation of any replies.
  6. Do these people have no respect for the law. I have now received 3 further letters with the last one stating that they will instigate proceedings with a view to getting a charge on my house if i do not respond within 7 days. They have also carried on calling me 2/3 times a day. What can i do to stop this harrasment?
  7. They have stepped up with their chasing tactics. Somehow they have managed to get my office number and my mobile and i have received about 15 calls in a period of 2 days, i also received 3 letters saying that i have 7 days if not they will instruct solicitors to come for me! They sent me a load of old Egg statements but surprise surprise no agreement. Any advice on what i should do next?
  8. Sorry to hijack the thread but my charges (around 3k Natwest) started accumulating in sept 03. How does this ruling affect me?
  9. Thank you very much 42man, a fantastic response which will be winging its way to Lowells 1st thing tomorrow.
  10. Hi, i received a letter from EGG last year saying that they were taking no futher action on a credit card debt of around 8k. I had gone through the full CCA request procedure and they finally gave in after several months. I have recently received a letter from LOWELLS saying that they are now chasing the payment and if i do not come up with a proposal within 7 days that a collector will visit my house. What do i do next? Do i send the CCA request to them? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  11. I am also with GMAC and it runs out on 30th Nov . Payments are currently £1059 but will go to £1289. This was before the rate cut. Are they likely to pass this on? My broker says that there are no alternatives at the present. Anybody got any advice?
  12. Very interesting update. Got a letter from Weightmans Solicitors after asking for the 3rd time for the CCA and surprise surprise they sent me an application form that i signed with no prescribed terms. This is the 3rd time they have done this but interestingly enough, stapled to my application form is another application form in someone elses name giving me all their details from name address to DOB and bank details and password. Obviously this i an error but can i use this mistake somehow to my advantage. Any replies will be greatly appreciated.
  13. Very informative miffedpuppy. I will do a bit more digging tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
  14. They assigned the debt to a factoring company called Venture Finance. They have sent me numerous letters to sign saying that i agree to the debt. To be honest they treated me so poorly i want to pay them as little as possible!
  15. Sorry, i think that you are a bit confused. I am not in liquidation but one of my suppliers is. I owe them around 6k and i am being threatened with legal action if i do not pay within 7 days. Where do i stand with this debt?
  16. Hi, my company is LTD and i did not sign any personal guarantees.
  17. Hi, i own a company with a debt to a supplier of around 6k. They were using a factoring co called Venture Finance. The company have now gone into liquidation and i want to know where i stand with the debt. It was disputed anyway because of shoddy delivery times and also quality of products but i have been told that the debt has now been assigned to Venture and they sent me a letter asking me to sign to agree to the outstanding amount. They have also threatened to go legal if i do not pay within 7days. The debt is made up of around 4 invoices going back to december last year.I would really appreciate any advice on this as this company caused me no end of financial distress and almost put me under as well. I had to constantly make excuses to my customers why their orders were constantly late and i also lost 20/30 customers because of this. Thanks in advance for any help.
  18. Thanks for the support. Will let you know how i get on!
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