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Everything posted by BillyS

  1. To Lovefilm's credit further complaining (and by pointing out threads such as this and others on CAG) to Lovefilm has yielded the desired result. An apology for the confusion and a cheque for the £10.
  2. The adverts for the '5 free DVDs and we'll send you a free cheque for £10' are still in use and being newly posted in many bars in London. There are also small leaflets being handed out for this promotion. (edit) Having said that has anyone ever heard of a cheque actually being received by anyone? I am particularly annoyed at not receiving mine and have just completed a letter to trading standards (copied to Lovefilm) with full detail having received a variety of excuses from LoveFilm and more recently several promises that the cheque will shortly be on its way. I now as a matter of habit record all telephone calls with Lovefilm (making the agent aware of the recording and its potential uses) so will also present these as evidence if necessary. (re-edit) Whilst I understand the removal of a 'commercial link' my comments are / were most certainly not 'libellous', not really sure if that differs from your libelious. My suggesting that, under no circumstances should anyone sign up (particularly if they expect to receive this money), is clearly an opinion, These guys are still advertising the offer with new posters going up, yet the promotion apparently finished well over 6 months ago. the fact that many people are in exactly the same situation, taking up the offer which is made with no intention of honoring it, make it a [problem].
  3. That seems to nicely summarise the arrogant attitude I have found in my dealings with BA staff of late. I think BA would be wise to consider 'being nice' to their customers and stop treating them like fools. Following my recent dealings with them I have a) got a complete refund of all charges due to me including the ridiculous £25 PER TICKET (even though the refund for the entire booking is processed in one operation) and b) taken the decision my company or my family will NEVER fly with BA again.
  4. No problem and good luck. Sechiari, Clark & Mitchell Department SO PO Box 499 Upper Ground Floor 1-5 Queens Road Quadrant Brighton BN1 3XJ t - 01273 205381 f - 01273 745356
  5. Hoorah, judgement for the claimant entered on the 25th due to Lloyds ignoring the directions. SC&M have now sent me out a letter to 'enter into negotiations'..... bit late for that chaps. Thanks to everyone on here, these were the main claims, £6k better in my bank than theirs. Donation on its way and well deserved. I think i'll look at the pre-6years claim now, a further £6k, though seems a lot more complicated. Thanks again
  6. Slowly slowly..... the case moves on ! I received a couple of weeks ago directions from the court. One of the items states, 'The defendant shall not later than 4pm on 16th July 2007 serve on the defendant and lodge at court a document answering the following questions'... blah blah The next item states 'If the defendant fails to lodge at court a document in accordance with the above the defence shall stand struck out and judgement be entered for the Claimant for the amount claimed plus costs.' Can anyone tell me, firstly how do I find out if said document was filed as they certainly didn't 'serve on the claimant'. Secondly if it wasn't does this mean it's all over, i've won. And finally, clearly most importantly, if so how do i get my cash ?
  7. Tiglet, Just wanted to add my support to your efforts in trying to get some justice from this bunch of 'eejits'. For what it's worth it seems most of these major utilities are either completely stupid or don't give a damn, i'm having similar problems with Scottish Power all based around the fact my account became £300 in credit with them but that's a long story for another day and another thread!! Best of luck.
  8. Well I have received the 'Notice of Acknowledgement of Service has been filed' confirming that the bank will be defending all of the claim. The claim was put through MCOL on the 8th May so by my calculation next Tuesday is 28 days. Any idea when should I receive a copy of the defence and information as to the court and date / time? Also, and particularly in light of Lloyds two recent 'victories', can anyone advise me as to what I should have in my pack to ensure I am properly prepared to avoid the problems in those cases?
  9. I think more likely that they didn't have a choice as to whether to defend this one. If they didn't Lloyds would open themselves up to a whole other area of claims for additional damages on top of the charges and interest that is already being paid out. As it is I'm not sure I agree with what Tom is doing, as i understand it he has got all his money back, they even offered him a good sum over and above but he wanted to get the case before the courts. Personally, I don't think his motives are entirely altruistic, although he risks his entire career if he loses (a very fair possibility) he stands to gain a sizeable boost up the legal ladder if he manages to pull it off.
  10. Okay, now it gets serious I guess. Filed my MCOL 2 weeks ago and received the notification back last week that they 'intend to defend all of the claim'. Can anyone give me the abridged version of what happens next as am getting particularly nervous. Do I have to plan to go to Northampton in a couple of weeks, what should I take with me and will they actually turn up ? Arrrgh.
  11. Laughable.... I have just received the refund.... £173, taxes and surcharges paid. Refund - £107 less £60 (2 tickets on same booking therefore 2 x £30 admin) - £47 returned. Rip off.
  12. Okay guys, I do have all of my paper statements back to 1997 when my account was opened (sad bugger never throws any paperwork away!!!). Anyway, I have already sent Lloyds my LBA and the time has expired on this. I have been reading this thread with interest and wondered how I can go about testing the water with this one. Would I need to restart my claim, issue a new prelim and LBA with the charges back to '97, or can I add further detail now at this stage ? Alternatively should I continue with this claim (my MCOL is ready to go) and then start a second claim for the earlier charges?
  13. Though most airlines will attempt to deduct an 'admin charge' to do this when you ask. Does anyone know the legal position on this? BA for one charge a whopping £30 to refund the fee, pretty much swallowing up the refund anyway.
  14. Does anyone know how he (and me funnily enough!) would go about this. I am also being charged £30 to refund the taxes.
  15. I have one other question. Since starting this process I have noticed that a couple of my earliest charges have now gone over 6years. Does the 6 year time limit relate to the date I requested the refund or the date I submit my claim to the court? eg I sent my first letter to Lloyds 6weeks ago requesting a refund, the earliest charge on this account relates to the 4th April 2001, inside 6 years when I submitted my first letter but now over 6 years and just about to submit my court action.
  16. Thanks for the info and link, very interesting. I am getting frustrated by the slow progress and just thinking in advance but may well use it as the time it takes to prepare these letters etc and then the postage costs are mounting fairly quickly.
  17. I have just come the end of about 21 days since sending in my LBA and still no positive response so i'm finalising my MCOL. I wondered if anyone can help with a couple of questions on costs a) can I claim any expenses for the claim so far such as the cost of registered post, time etc b) can i claim back the £10 from my request for statements c) where do i include these costs in the MCOL claim Many TIA
  18. Thanks Enron. Well, I re-iterate the advice stated many places on here for anyone else looking at starting a claim, read the FAQ's and the letters and as much info as you can. Looks like i've made an almighty balls-up . I included 8% on all my request for repayment letters, is there anything I should do, most have replied as expected, though one did mention they didn't 'recognise' the 8%. Should I restart my claims or just re-issue the correct schedule and revised figure with the LBA's which are due out now ?
  19. Thanks for the quick response, So at this point I should claim just the fees? I have read and re-read those interest sticky pages and thought I was supposed to add the 8% now, ooops, I've put it on all the claim letters, I hope that doesn't cause a problem.
  20. Okay, time to start a new thread on my new claim. Probably the same old Citi tactics that i've spent so much time reading about. I must admit i'm not sure how Citi can justify what they are doing from a financial perspective, surely all this delaying and messing around must cost them more than a good percentage of the claims. I sent my RFP to Salford on the 12th and had the usual, £12 is fair, OFT is great, we win all legal cases, etc etc letter sent to me on the 15th (nice to see they're prompt at this stage, long may it last). I am just finalising my LBA, my first, and have a question on this section - I calculate that you have taken £XXXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £XXXXX. I am claiming (trying to) £200 plus the 8% interest mentioned in most of the sticky's. What should the '8%' be referred as in this context, is this contractual interest? and Should I be including it at this stage? Finally, In my initial letter I didn't include the £10 SAR fee, can I add that in to the schedule now or put it down to experience and try and do better next time ? TIA
  21. Can anydoby help me on this one?
  22. Today I received a letter from Fitness First rejecting the £39 offer, returning the cheque and insisting on payment of £64 which their credit control team confirm includes a penalty charge of £25. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  23. After a year of visiting .... My first thread ! I have sent off my Initial letters to around 8 accounts recently so thought I'd post the story as it unfolds..... Any advice or pointers is much appreciated. I sent my letter to Morgan Stanley about 1 week ago for around £170 but today received a derisory offer of £24 which they would shortly be crediting to my account, they asked me to sign the letter and return it to confirm. The £24 offer was calculated as the difference between 3 charges of £20 and the £12 they are now 'allowed' to charge following the OFT review, the other charges all being £12 were therefore legitimate. Are Morgan Stanley correct, are these £12 charges allowed or should they be challenged as far and above their actual costs. Secondly, the letter they sent me was marked 'Without Prejudice'. Why would they do this, surely this just means they cannot now later claim to have made an offer to me if it ever does get to court.
  24. Okay I decided I'd give up and pay the £39 to Fitness First to get them off my back, I wrote them a letter, delivered by hand and signed for while I was there to ensure it wouldn't be lost. I have just had a call from them telling me thanks for the £39 but they are charging me an additional £25 for 'credit control costs'. The letter I delivered stated that when banked the £39 was considered a full and final settlement of the outstanding debt, as far as I can see they haven't banked it yet. I also told them to put any query in writing, can they ignore my request and just keep calling me ? This is beyond a joke, Fitness First are a bunch of cheating thieves, I wonder how many of these they have every month, probably a tidy profit from this [problem]. Can anybody suggest anything here, what should I do, should I pay the £25 as well ?
  25. Having booked with the hotel you have a contract with them to supply you the service, they would be liable for any difference in the costs between the £195 and any you have to pay to replace it.
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