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Everything posted by Kajun

  1. and the new barclay card debit fees are more than the woolwich card and they are a horrid colour!
  2. Total dalek Victory!!!! Kajun Vs Woolwich, £2195 reclaimed, they paid up on the morning of the court case! Thanks to this website for all help and advice, brilliant! I still bank and mortgage with them..am I safe to do so?
  3. help help help! I am due in court on 06/07/07 i have the basic pack ready to send both the bank anf the court...do I need anything else? This really is getting urgent now!!! Thanks kajun
  4. help I have to put court docs in asap as case is on the 6th july. i have dl'd the cag pack but id there a letter format i should use as a covering doc or standard claim letter? I am currently in deepest Ireland which is not helping me out! thanks Kajun...up against those nice folk at the woolwich/barclays......
  5. Thank you for your advice..The Bank has offered up two 'settlements' both outragously short of my claim...If the offer again I will check! Thanks again Kajun
  6. AQ using new Strat + £100 cheque posted off this am. Do I have to reclaim all court fees or is this auto aded to a victory?
  7. AQ arrived this morning with the help of Gary H (thank you) I will return it tomorrow using the new strat and £100 (do we need to claim for this too or is it automatic ?) Thanks to all for help and advice regards Kajun
  8. Gary Thnaks and yes its Defence! OK Have done as suggested and will start anew thread in Wollies forum! Again Thanks Kajun
  9. Ok Now I'm lost. I am about to go to court (Swindon) against Woolwich/Barclays and they have issued a counter claim of 10 questions...that seem standard judging by other threads. How do I now fill in this AQ? What is this 'bundles' all about? Which is the best option to take ? ie do I take BankFodders or Gary Hs proposal? I was doing so well up to his point! HELP! Regards to all Kajun
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