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Everything posted by elixier22

  1. why when you can put it in the post for free and make them pay at the other end?
  2. Invite them to take you to court and tell them you will ignore any further communication from them unless it happens to be from the courts. You can also tell them that you think the judge should decide if the penalty is fair. state you will not be paying a penny
  3. I told them I would ask the court to decide if the fee was legal Never heard from them again. dont panic this is the last stage
  4. You could just send them a letter telling them to either take you to court to you bugger off to put it nicely. You can sue them for harassment. Its just a shame you can't apply consumer law with council parking penalties lol
  5. Guys you seem to be forgetting something very important. Under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999it states clearly that they cannot "fine" you by way of a "penalty charge" unless they can prove the actually loss as a result of the breach of contract was £50 or whatever it is they want from you. They can charge you whatever it would have cost you to park there for the time you were say. Say you paid £1 for one hour then they could only make you pay £1 and say 34p for postage costs. Anymore and it becomes a penalty and you dont have it pay it. This is applicable to all private properties whether it be McDonalds, Sainsbury's blah blah. These are a [problem] I ignore all of mine and nothing ever happens
  6. I have to be honest I am quite new to the whole sueing job. I just defended myself so I lost nothing. I gained nothing either. I let the car park take me to court and they never even bothered to show. I think they know the law but will try to con you out of whatever they can for as long as they can. They dragged it on and on and on. Dont be afraid to stand up to them its not so scary when you kinda know what your doing lol. Oh your correct its 8% a year silly me lol
  7. I recently won a case where I parked on private land and had the usual crap about paying up blah blah. Since the offense was done of private land I used the same law as used with bank charges. Its a "penalty" they cannot charge you more than the actual cost of the contractual loss. So if it was sainsburys and they charge you £1 an hour to park then they can only charge you £1 + a few pence extra (8% per day) The law is firmly on your side if you get a fine its a "penalty" and as such unenforceable. This does NOT apply to government / council / parking the consumer rights act 1999 does not apply here. Hope this helps!
  8. Ask them for a picture of the ticket stuck to your car. Write to the address it came from. Failing that I would honestly get yourself a lawyer and let them take you to court. Dont pay the extra fee its unacceptable and wrong
  9. Errrrr Bulldog do offer home and business services. They always have.
  10. NTL / Blueyonder haven't existed for a long time now. These companies were bought by Virgin Media (Their cable service is the fastest I have seen of any ISP - ever)
  11. "Bytes n stuff data allowances" Right folks in order to help you out your data issues I thought I would update you on an important aspect of mobile internet. Rounding of data -> Most ISP's esp mobiles round your data UP to the nearest KB so if you have used 1023 you will be charged for a meg. This means that over the course of the month you could have used alot more than you first thought as they charge you for data rounding. Lost packets and network re transmits. Sounds complex. Not really. This just means that whilst your data is moving from the cellsite to your phone (otherwise known as a packet) sometimes for whatever reason a packet might become carrupt or just not reach you at all. This can happen for lots of reasons and usually happens thousands of times per minute without you knowing. This will take up MB allowance without you ever knowing about it. The information lost must be re sent which of course takes up extra data. This data is not displayed on your counters. Take warning. Get an uncapped plan. O2's fair useage is about 7GB even though it says 3GB. Vodafone allow you to have up to 10GB on their policies though though they actually do unlimited plans which are tuly unlimited (corp) T-mobile and orange stay away from
  12. Still with o2 they are faster more reliable and will treat you well
  13. I have had problems with this company to. Ashbourne were instructed by myself to write to me about my mates debt (with his permission of course) and they continued to write to him and not me even after instructed to do so. They then added their own charges which I thought was amusing. They can add as many charges as they like I have won 8 lawsuits with regards to the consumer rights act 1999 and intend to claim some compensation for the hassle of them not being able to follow instructions. Dont give into these companies stand your ground
  14. You have missed something crucial here. Someone could simply have removed the sticker after it was applied. It does happen. Kids esp love to do it. Although I agree completely if they cant prove it was put onto the windscreen it cant be anything to worry about.
  15. LOL i am so sorry for Hijacking your thread I only just realised. I have never actually used a forum before so apologies to whoever wrote A + L can go to hell. I am amazed how they can charge you £34 even for something as silly as a £5 cheque. One day alone cost £105 just in charges and they didnt seem to care when i couldnt eat or live. I dont see why I should care either. Thanks for all your help
  16. A and L have acknowledged the claim sent me a copy of the country court defense form saying they are going to defend the claim. If it does go to court I dont wanna go there with nothing to say
  17. comfused I really am but you have helped. But I am in the process of sueing the bank and that means I have to prove my case. Im stuck as all I need is something (act) to prove my case. Any ideas?
  18. yes I have started court proceedings I only discovered your forum today. I am taking on A & L for their unfair charges but they are "defending themselves" so I guess I now need to somehow find in law where it states all this unfair comsumer contracts stuff. Sorry to be of bother to you I just find all this very comfusing
  19. comfused I really am but you have helped. But I am in the process of sueing the bank and that means I have to prove my case. Im stuck as all I need is something (act) to prove my case. Any ideas?
  20. does anyone actually know what law states a bank cant profit from their charges? I have been looking but not finding
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