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  1. From what I've read it's a private company that 'issued' the penalty.
  2. I left my car for less than two mins. in B'ham. On arriving back at my car I see a guy taking a photo of the car!! Thought nothing of it as there was nothing on my window screen. I think I got back before they had time to put it on. Today I receive a 'Formal Demand before Court Action'! The letter states that the 'ticket fixed to the above vehicle has not been paid'. I'm livid! There was no ticket attatched in the first place! Is there a template letter on here that I might be able to use? I had a butchers, but thus far have been unable to spot one. Thanks in advance.
  3. Had a chat with the money claims people and they said that I need to contact my local court in order to proceed with the next phase? Is this the case, or should I just hold tight? Thanks for the info. Absolutely cracking site by the way guys; might be a good idea to place the paypal donation icon a bit more prominently though, as I've been on and off for quite some time now without ever noticing it; maybe that's just me being slow though. Keep up the good work guys!
  4. I used the following letter template to reject their offer: "Thank you for your letter dated xx/xx/xx. I respectfully decline your offer of Full and Final settlement and have included the cheque you supplied in respect of that offer. You may not have been aware that I commenced legal action against you for the full amount plus interest and costs on XX/XX/XX and I would ask that you now refer this matter to your legal department for further instruction. I wish to stress that I do not accept your offer as Full and Final settlement and the money transfered to my account should not be viewed as my acceptance. I hereby authorise you to remove this sum accordingly. Alternatively, should you wish to settle my claim in full, then please forward the balance of the claim (£xxxx) without further conditions and I will inform the court that the claim is settled."
  5. I've been battling with Halifax for some months now. Got the usual partial refund - £780 of £1600 - transferred into my account and sent the letter of rejection, stating that 'I do not accept this sum as full and final payment.' They've now filed a defence and I'm wondering whether I shouldn't withdraw the cash deposited? Any help appreciated.
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