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Everything posted by RedVixen

  1. Just a quick question If a mortgage lender is threatening to send a mortgage 'counsellor' round does it come under the same category as any other debt ie the do not darken my door letter should keep them away They did this 18 months ago but when I had a look at the company they are using their website said very little about helping customers and a lot about helping lenders build a case for reposession The morgage isn't mine its my mothers as part of her estate (but I am liable and responsible for it at the moment) until we sell the house and its currently on the worst estimate less than 25% of teh value of the house
  2. **** are Lloyds in house pet solicitors(they have one qualified solicitor(allegedly) based in the same office as Lloyds collection team if I remember rightly) the chances are the letter has not been anywhere near an actual qualified solicitor. This is a standard first letter form **** you will probably get several others saying that you have not been in contact whether you respond or not - I wouldn't panic just yet alot of people on here have had dealing with **** including myself but mine went elsewhere afterwards not all do though
  3. Sorry I misread I though you meant that you were in near Cardiff station ro something - joys of insomnia I don't always seem to rad stuff properly I am sure that short trainride form Cardiff woul dbe accessible for most - although much as Iprefer teh train - the buses tend to be cheaper but I am sure buses go to where you are as well
  4. Cardiff is easy for most I should think - fairly good links in - we have guests viewing - maybe not logged in caggers?
  5. Hopefully new year is plenty of time I will have to save up as well - we nned to find out where is fairly central Isuppose - I am in Newport further back I see a few were torfean way which might make cwnbran or slightly further up the valleys or south a centralish spot - bus fairs need to be taken into account
  6. Just bumping to see if anyone woul dbe up for a pre or post end of year meet up - I am short on cash but keen to talk to toehr caggers fae to face for a change
  7. Probably too soon to talk but they have been chasing a Lloyds account of mine - I ignored them on the grounds that very rarely does anyone other than **** take legal action over Lloyds accounts and the last letter they chaged the language to SUE instead of legal action and nothing for I think four weeks now after getting threats every other week since june - if it goes back to Lloyds I will be chasing them for everything I can think of as they didn't use the magic get out words of 'MIGHT' or 'MAY' which I think may be a breach of the malicious communications act if it goes back to Lloyds as they clearly had no intention of taking the threatened action
  8. Lloyds will probably taske full advantage of the 40 days on the SAR they usually do. If you get everything have a look at your contact record they sometimes show up some 'interesting' things which you can use against them
  9. So basically the banks want to try and brush all PPI claims including those where their staff have lied for financial gain (commission or increased sales figures) under the carpet because yet again they don't want to pay for their unethical treatment of their customers
  10. Ah missed it again - i am currently on the dole again until I cab get another temp job, I have absolutely no spare cash for having any sort of life at the moment but I will try and keep tabs on this for future potential meets
  11. Well well - one attempt at sounding sympathetic - 'we know sometimes people have trouble' And then another letter threatening legal action but htis time they used the words 'we are going to SUE you' because of course using the word sue will scare me more than all there other meaningless threats I'm still waiting
  12. I am interested in this one since citibank sold my mother debt to a DCA 12 months after she died which I think is somewhat suspicious - (the notice of assignent is addressed to the estate of etc) Afterall as I have been told on here in order to show due diligence in dealing with the estate I have to ask for evidence of the debt -ie the original agreement before I agree to release any funds when the estate is finally sold Other one was sold to Worst credit who I emailed a copy of the death certificate and now more recently it has been sold on again to someone else who also knows that they are dealing with a deceased account
  13. Well CSL are no longer prepared to tolerate me not responding to their endless dross apparently and now they say their client is preparing a court case and I have 7 days to stop them placing my case with their solicitor who has already (allegedly since I suspect an expert will tell me the letter was printed on the same printer as CSL's) sent me a letter about 6 weeks ago giving me 7 days to respond I will wait with baited breath
  14. Hi I am in Newport and money/job providing would love to meet up with some CAGGERS. I might be able to do the 28th. Newport is pretty easy for most places I think. If its a daytime thing I can cycle
  15. Well done that was fast for Lloyds did you factor and roll up over payments on each loan. Lloyds did that for mine and added the 8% onto it as well as the straight PPI refunds after it went to the FOS
  16. Hi I would suggest asking one of the mods to move this thread to the PPI section where alot of CAGGERS - myself included have gone up against Lloyds and won on PPI issues Lloyds try to wear you down with bull**** but a few have found that once it gets to teh FOS they roll over - others have taken the court route but you will find alot more information in that section
  17. I think all bank agreements have a line somewhere which mentions sharing data with these organisations and like sheep we sign up. However its ironic that banks claim they help them to make decisions when there are thousands of people (like my mother as it happens) who at some point in their life need credit after reaching their 40s without any and find they can't get any despite clearly being bloody good with their money up until then and then conversely (also her 10 years later) go completely nuts yet banks after checking the CRAs when she is is then in debt managment with several defaults on the credit record but the banks STILL lend more I wonder what would happen if we sent section 10 notices to banks just before say - changing address CRAs are a waste of time as are DCAs - I mean how much rain forest is being destroyed to fule their endless stream of pointless threatograms
  18. Landy I might do that if I had £10 but as the temp work has dried up and I have had to sign on I really don't have £10. If they have bought it then good - it hasn't actually existed for nearly 12 months But as I have discovered with my mother debts they sometimes seem to go back and get sold on again. If they have bought it but haven't told me then surely they are in bigger trouble. CSthingy have had several of my accounts now but have always gone away by now so either they are hanging on becasue it it s much larger account or maybe as you suggest they might have bought it. Although they wouldn't be asking permission form Lloyds to take it to court if that was the case The two pink letters I have had used different wording but offered the same discount If Lloyds have sold on a debt which doesn'rt exist then surely they have defrauded the insurance compny that pays up ecerytime they write a debt off
  19. And now dated 4 days after the pink letter - bearing in mind the pink letter gave me 7 days to accept the discount Another threat of legal action this one stating that they will be asking permission of LLoyds to commence legal action which kind of means that the previous 2 plus the one form their pet solicitor (looking suspiciously like it was printed using the same printer) were a outright lie since they did not use the words 'maybe' or 'might' they said definately and yet now it seems they did not have authority from their client to do so mmmmmmmmmmm...... what to do what to do Apart from OFT and trading standards
  20. Well wouldn't you know it Next line of attack after that scary looking threat of legal action Wait for it Wait for it................................ A second pink one offering a massive discount - and they seem bemused as more and more people don't take them seriously
  21. Hi Landy Lexis If they are trying to explain themselves then they no they are on dodgy ground. I might write a query on teh rent a headed paper things at teh moment I think I have had threats from 7 or 8 solicitors and then accounts have been returned to OCs Well despite CSl supposed to be starting legal action starting if I didn't pay up by 12.00 noon on the second of August (they seem to think being THAT specific was scary) I got another letter threatening the same thing within 7 days different words and they put 'notice of intent' on top of it. I wish they would just get on with it or send it back to Lloyds.
  22. Hi Landy - ggod to see you - i am not online at home so have been quiet but have just discovered the free access at my local library I got a significant discount letter off CCS before they threatened court action so you should et that one first I can't help wondering if some of these DCA are acting without getting permission from some of their clients since its so automated
  23. Hi Mikey The second letter sound like the one I got - I also forgot to take into account the overpayments whcih your second letter talks about. In theory the second letter should represent a larger offer though the fact you got two letter speaks volumes about lloyds continuing incompetance Luckily for me they had closed my current account so I got a cheque Like dx100Uk says post the scanned letter it will help
  24. Ah robbersway haven't bought it its just Lloyds farming it out again - I am waiting til I get something off **** I am long past getting worried about DCA wallpaper I think its time someone talked to the legal ombudsman (unless he has a few teeth as teh financial one) to look into the rent a headed paper racket as the solicitors are allowing their name to be used to intimidate people - sometimes the wrong people - surely breaching the malicious communications act
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